This prayer begins in:
♥ Could you feel it? ♥
The following is from a message that was posted by 'fan2202' on and is re-posted here with her permission. We want this message to spread!
LET'S MAKE THE 25TH OF EACH MONTH THE WORLD HEALING fan2202 (with additions by BeGodsGlow)
On October 25TH, we had again the great opportunity to continue Michael’s deepest desire to heal the world. I truly believe, with all my heart, that we can make a difference. There is nothing more powerful in this world than people coming together for a better purpose, even if just for a prayer. It is such an uplifting feeling to know that actually we can DO something for this world ..
It is time we get over the differences of color, race, upbringing, and we start looking for that which we all have in common, that capacity to love and care for the others. Giving is part of our healing process…SO LET’S START GIVING..
This is what we do:
- If possible, consider sitting back and relaxing a couple of minutes before the start time, just to calm your mind. Take some deep breaths and let any worries fade away. You may choose to listen to calming or inspiring music that reminds you of why we're joining together for this event.
- We will all "meet" with our hearts and minds at 2pm (14:00) Los Angeles time wherever in the world you are at the moment (If you have javascript enabled, you should see a countdown to prayer time above, at the beginning of this post. Otherwise, to find the time in your country, see: Time and Date World Clock Converter - Nov 25 2pm L.A. or see the post below).
- Light up a candle (if you would like)
- Close your eyes and tune into Michael's love for us..
- Focus on your heart and how this love feels inside..
- Imagine/visualize all the other people who will do this prayer at the same time.
- Imagine/visualize that the love we all feel spreads to the entire planet, going through all living forms, healing us all..
If you're uncomfortable with the word 'prayer', consider this a MEDITATION, an AFFIRMATION, a WISH, an INTENTION, for it is all of these things and more. The original idea is in a post on, but please feel free to post this idea on your MJ message board/forum! If you'd like to reword it or translate it, please do so, in keeping with the spirit of connecting us all in love and giving it to the planet and all who inhabit it. The more of us that participate, the more L.O.V.E. there is between us, Michael (up there in Heaven) and the world. We need to heal the world! +Follow us on Twitter
Feel free to share your prayer experience in the comments section below:
It's the most noble idea i've ever come across. I'll try my level best to be a part of this event on monthly basis.
22:00 GMT in Major Cities Around the World
November 25th
12:00 / noon - Honolulu
13:00 / 1pm - Anchorage
14:00 / 2pm - (PST) Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver
15:00 / 3pm - (MST) Denver, Phoenix, Edmonton
16:00 / 4pm - (CST) Mexico City, Winnipeg, Houston, Chicago, Guatemala
17:00 / 5pm - (EST) New York, Miama, Bogota, Montreal, Lima
18:00 / 6pm - Halifax, Santo Domingo
19:00 / 7pm - Santiago, Buenos Aires
20:00 / 8pm - Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro
22:00 / 10pm - (GMT) London, Reykjavik, Lisbon, Casabalanca
23:00 / 11pm - (CET) Madrid, Paris, Oslo, Prague, Rome, Berlin, Algiers
November 26th
00:00 / midnight - Capetown, Athens, Helsinki, Instanbul, Minsk
01:00 / 1am - Nairobi, Moscow, Kuwait City
02:00 / 2am - Dubai
03:00 / 3am - Karachi, Islamabad (Mumbai 03:30)
05:00 / 5am - Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
06:00 / 6am - Singapore, Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing, Taipei
07:00 / 7am - Seoul, Tokyo
08:00 / 8am - Brisbane
09:00 / 9am - Melbourne, Sydney
10:00 / 10am - Kamchatka, Anadyr
11:00 / 11am - Auckland
Thanks BeGodsGlow..i need this badly :)
May You find that Place Where Time Stands Still
And Peace Reigns Down Like The Snows...
I love your comment, Marta.
Beautiful words.
Thank you to everyone who is joining us for this :) Please spread the word on MJ fan forums, youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc so we can have the biggest impact possible. And remember this is going to EVERY MONTH, so our next prayer after NOV 25 will be CHRISTMAS DAY (Dec 25).
P.S. You don't need to be an MJ fan to join in the prayer/meditation/affirmation/intention. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN US. If your mission is to heal the world with love, then your contribution is greatly appreciated :)
From Twitter - Please Retweet msg below everyone -
Calling all Michael Jackson fans! Join us NOV 25 in a global prayer of LOVE, PEACE & HEALING
I already feel blessed to have been invited...Thank you!
For anyone else in CST, be here at 4pm :o)
New Orleans, LoUiSiAna
memory/minne world carinamittrovic
dance and stretch out a hand of love. no sorrows, let a laughter break through, let the world know that you're not standing still, and just look på.passivetet, indifference, no no, let's go the same in a new world. before the hourglass run out. stop time for a moment, let us take each other's hand, to show that we can and want to live in joy and love for our genration hug
hi all across the eart, I was looking Michael Jackson's film This Is it.ia full movie lounge.
He was more than you can imagine candnes, cheek, he was so wonderful collaboration with his colleagues, dancer singer. He delivered, all from the self. He shows signs with words and deeds, how he Wished they would do and. When He well-told, he said, always the words with all the love.
and he could dance, and more than ever. he tell us about their concern for our world, how to change it, how long we have on us before it's too late, he tells of his concern for how it Devastator rianfourest. he wants us to save the world. His concern for cildren. They movie was to his children. conditions, eye contact and the strength with Which they played and danced. so much love in were wonderful man.Hur he drew his dancers, singers, and he glowed himself. so good. and I wonder how can he be dead. With all the energi.vad handsome he was, without makeup, lipstick, but nice and so beautiful. and his eyes, he dances for the course as if not better now, and there was evidence of dance steps, Start All Over ceilings exercise, so you can not believe he did not finnas.han is the man on eart, and angels on earth. but one thing is a bit besynerlig. He had few elements of the final text, we were a few who stayed, and watched the entire final text ready by the end, a little girl who brings up an earth globb,. Then came the final dance up on the toes as he does in
then we hear him laugh in the world, who throughout the film ends with. With .........??? But he's missed and loved. and messages are clear. we must save the world, rainfoures and our children. love you Michael Jackson
I totally agree with all of you my dear mJ fans, SPECIALLY Ms' CARINA .... I agree with 100%.... This is it is the best movie I've ever seen in my life, and it has a great message for all the people all over the world. I love michael..... even after his ..... AND I don't wanna say death, but I wanna say leaving this earth... he wins..... because he is honest, and warmhearted, and kind, and a great lover, and so and so.... I will never finish from counting his great personality.... let's pray for him and for all the suffered people to spread love as he wanted... I WILL PRAY FOR HIM AND i'll make sure that every-person I know in Dubai knows about this prayer...It's my responsibility... and always Rest in peace michael.... i love you so much..... so much
ahh and i forgot to say sth very imp. since the prayer will start on 25th of Nov. at 2 pm in Los Angeles, Here in dubai, it will be on 26th of Nov. at 2 am, and on 26th will be a special and a holy day before Eid AL Adha the biggest eid for muslims, and next month it will be 25th of Dec which will be on christmas, and later on ...I don't know what this day will match any specific event , so what i what to say is that specific day is very imp. to all people from all religions all over the world, and this day is special and imp. and great.... and may OUR GRAET GOD MAKE OUR DRAEMS COME TRUE ... inshalla
I love you michael Jackson..... I love you so much.... really......from the bottom of my broken heart... I love u so much... and may allah rest you in peace forever and hope to meet you in paradise my love...
Please be careful. Do not look at Michael as a God. Remember God loves Michael and us. So we should focus on God's love for us.
I don't believe anyone here said Michael is God. He's someone who's inspired us. We choose to use that inspiration to do good in the world.
Perhaps I should clarify something. I suppose some of the wording in the original forum post that's copied here is what caused the concern, but rest assured we're not saying MJ is a deity. However, he was/is a great uniter, bringing people together from all over the world of all different races, ethnicities and religions. And he has left us with Heal the World, Earth Song, We Are the World and so much other beautiful music and speeches that continually remind us that we can make a change and that it's up to us to take care of each other and the planet. He was a kind human being who spoke of love, forgiveness and caring (and also had a deep belief in God, btw) and that's what we're trying to do; to carry on his legacy by doing our part to heal the world. This monthly "prayer" is one way in which we might make a change. We do this in his honor as fans, yes, but also because it's the right thing to do. Inspiration is the perfect word. Hope that makes more sense.
We've started a Circle of Love for Michael at under the "Help Each Other in these difficult times" thread. under "For the Spiritually Minded". We do this everyday. and we are looking forward to joining with everyone around the world to Pray for Michael's intention of Healing the World! God Bless you Michael and your precious children!
i love you Michael forever. i miss you so much so're our real king
Ok, I'm really getting excited now. Just eight hours to go :)
MJ! I can't make up my mind about what I shud do this time? Should I or should i alone rather?Can you please give me a signal?But you know that I will be there...
Traduccion es español seria muy bueno para seguir transmitiendo el mensaje.
I will join the world today in prayer not only in Michael's memory, but also to thank God for Michael and for bringing us together all over the world. Funny as I type this, Will you be there just came up on itunes!
For the people in the states, have a blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow with your loved ones and hold them close.
Kim from Texas
Hi, I'm from Russia. I will pray tonight for Michael with all of you, I feel like I'm a PART of something HUGE and STRONG.
My prayers will be to God in the name of Jesus Christ (whom Michael believed in and served, not to a vague spirit being) to turn our hearts towards helping others just as Michael did. To give us the opportunity and and means to be able to reach out to those in need.
As we pray to Heal the World, I'm reminded of the video for CRY, hands held around the world.
You can change the world (I can't do it by myself)
You can touch the sky (Gonna take somebody's help)
You're the chosen one (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
If we all cry at the same time tonight
Change the world.
> My prayers will be to God in the name of
> Jesus Christ (whom Michael believed in and
> served, not to a vague spirit being)
That's wonderful, thank you :) Since they are people of all different religions and beliefs participating, that wasn't specified in the post. I hope that everyone will do it in their own way, either religious, non-denominational or even just with the idea of conscious energy ... whatever you feel and believe in. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your beautiful action very much!
We are hear to change the world...With LOVE
we'll love you Michael!
I must say first that I consider this the most beautiful idea I have ever heard! I must say second that I consider Michael Jackson my kindred spirit and soul mate. I must say third that I missed a chance to meet him and that was the worlds biggest mistake. Last of all, I must say that when I see his face I feel like he is family or something like that. His words, thoughts and feelings parallel that of my own and I am sooooo glad he said them. Lastly, I want to add that we ALL NEED TO PRAY FOR JUSTICE IN HIS CASE since it does not seem like he should be gone, not to me.
PrincessRosa01 Twitter
بیتا from iran
dear michael, you are in my heart forever.
برای خودم متاسفم که در شناخت ذات سپندینه ات
کوتاهی کردم.فقط کلیپ هاتو نگاه میکردم و از
اهنگ های بی نظیر و استعداد فوق بشریت لذت میبردم
می دونم حرفهامو میشنوی.تو مردم رو دوست داشتی
برای مردم دنیا میخوندی میرقصیدی همه رو شادمی کردی
خوش به حالت چقدر خداتو رو دوست داره فکر کن بین
همه ی بنده هاش تو رو انتخاب کرد که پادشاه دل
ادم ها بشی.مایکل همه جا حرف از توست .بابا تو
دیگه اخرشی چند شب پیش دوباره جایزه بردی. وقتی
اسمتوخوندن خیلی جات خالی بود.هیچ کس نمیتونه جای
تو رو پر کنه.امشب خیلی ها باهات حرف میزنن.هر کی
به زبون خودش.خوش به حال اون کسی که امشب میری
به خوابش. مایکل منو ببخش. مایکل پیش خدا حال کن
خداتوروخیلی قبول داره.چون تو اولین انسانی هستی
که تونستی قدرت وعظمت وصف ناپذیرشو نشون بدی
i miss you so much.
rest in peace ...
I love you all. Thank you for taking Michael's message and using it to create such a wonderful movement.
You're all in my heart <3
Dear my old beautiful friend Michael,
thx 4 all the beautiful memories u gave us,thx 4 being with us,thx 4 gathering us from all over the world with ur luv.
we luv u so much,we miss u so much.
may Allah be with u always Mike,coz u were such a 4giving ,luving,caring,peaceful & great heart human being.
i cant hold my tears & am not regret 2 each tear drop goes 4 u dear.
luv u more & more each passing day.
Thank you all! These were one of the most blessing minutes i've ever had in my life. I felt the connection between everyone who was praying with me. Just like a family. This is incredible! This love is just simply larger than anything else in life. And thank you, Michael for bringing this love into my life. You gave a reason to live, an aim to fight for. You couln't have done more for me. I love you with the deepest respect and love i just can offer.
I Turned off the lights tv etc. lite a candle played Another Part of Me & Cry and prayed to the world..
thank you...wonderful- may gratitude & sharing in Michael's love endure.
Until next time, I hope everyone takes the opportunity to share, in love.
We need to continue taking action to stand up for the true integrity of Michael. Spread the awareness of factual bio info. and his genuine humanitarian efforts.
Michael has been a great power of example; now it's up to us to give him the respect that long overdue and enlighten his spirit. cawobeth
Michael I miss you so much! I'm sure you are with us tonight, you feel our love... and I like to think you're smiling :)
Michael your smile will be forever in my heart! You are not alone...I love you, we love you!
Thank you Michael!
Deborha (from Italy)
I thank God for allowing me to know MJ by His Spirit...I am blessed to have this opportunity to joing many people all over the world as we stop and offer up our prayers as one to spread our love near and abroad. I thank MJ for always letting us know in word and deed how much he loved us all. When he helped another person he also was helping us ALL...Much Love...MJB/MJJFriend
Thank you allah for making us know such a great person like michael.... it was a great prayer. I pray it alone with my own way, but I felt that my soul was connected to michael and to all the people all the world who gathered to pray for such a wonderful reason. and i felt Michael's presence with me when i was praying alone to allah. i felt he was very happy to know that we are doing this and as some of you explained i saw his beautiful smile too. May allah bless him and rest him in peace.... i STILL shocked THAT HE IS GONE AND THIS IS REALLY REALLY HURTNG ME REALLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.
I was very satisfied to know that my sprits was connected to all of you people. you are all such a great people and its a great idea. MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU ALL and bless the one who did this great idea that will really make michael very happy.
and thank u for all for what've u said cuz i really really had the same feeling about mj the way u explained guyz... that means we are really connected in souls and we had the same great feeling for michael.
I love you michael jackson very much. very very so much.... AND i love you all.
Thank you very much.
Ms Hala, I felt exactly the same. When you said "May Allah bless you all"... that's just what I said at the end of the prayer... God, please bless everyone who participated in this. Yes, we're all one big family. Thank you again to everyone who was there. See you all next month too :)
Was it always meant to be this way? That we would only understand something brilliant, something beautiful, had sat at our table, walked with us to school, danced with us when no-one else would, been there all the time - when it no longer was. Into the space he occupied, into the vacuum, somehow has flowed all the love in the world.
Michael has changed my life, he is the point of light in my heart. I prayed for peace, love and healing - and that the truth of his integrity and innocence would be known and understood by all on the planet - in our lifetime. I will honour, respect and love him and forever.
Thank you for doing this. I missed it today; however, I will make every effort to participate on a monthly basis going forward. I think this is a wonderful idea and will keep us close with Michael spirit. Peace and Love.
My daddy died today, on November 25th
Wow, he’s gone, and I was his child, the first...
I’m taken aback, so confused, with a candle in my hand
Lighting it at the same time with so many all over the world
Lighting it for you, your new journey, my dear dear dad,
And also for one other, to me so so special
In memory of you both, feeling blessed, and ever so sad,
With love, daddy… and Michael Jackson
I’m numb, grasping for a nuance of hope
For the life you gave me, and all the love
Even though I still can’t comprehend it all
I’m simply trying to hold on, on, and on......
Behind the veil you both are now, gone…
I feel stranded, left behind, without, alone…
Michael didn’t know about you, dad
And you didn’t know who Michael Jackson was
Yet, you two connected in my heart
‘Cause you knew how to love and do your best!!!
When I penciled in my candle time with Michael and you all the other day, I had no idea I would light the candle for my father the same day. It hasn’t sunk in yet that I have no daddy no more, but I wanted to write this poem for my dad, Michael, you all... and for myself.
I’m learning how to love so big that it transcends all sorrow, and I want to contribute this to the world. My dad wasn’t perfect; Michael’s dad kicked him in his groin... I too am not perfect, but I know now that I have can try to be my best... My love to all of you and may we pick ourselves up, after our losses, to heal the world... because if we don’t, who will?
To know there are millions like me joined in one united prayer made me feel like his life had enormous meaning to this planet.His star shines brightly enough for all to feel its brillliance in their hearts throughout the world.Since his passing every flower and every tree reminds me of him and how he loved the beauty in this world.We were truly blessed to have him in this lifetime.At least we have his flickering image to remind us of what we have lost.Look what he has left behind,the ability to ignite magic in everyones heart and that is an amazing gift to us ,from that little boy from Gary Indiana.Christmas will be infinately special for all time ,for we will be praying to heal the world,to heal ourselves,and grow ever closer to the human beings that he wished us to be.In his passing I was changed forever,a newer more fearless and proud person exists today because i reignited a part of me that had been dormant.And now that lid has been lifted i will never close it ,my heart has been opened.Michael lives in my heart and will forevermore be a king among men and an everlasting wonderful spirit guiding us all with his magic.Our Angel keep us safe.Michael thank you.L.O.V.E
c'etait une experience incroyable ...
i felt the love the good the bright side of the world & what it should be i'm sure that we can change & heal the world i feel like i'm a new person & i like what i see in the merror so thank you Michael i will love & respect you forever may Allah bless him . i'm sure he's smiling proud of us & i really believe in us.
thank you all
From Sri Lanka. The memory of Michael will live forever. We thank God for sending him to give us the message of love and peace. Prayers were said at 3.00 a.m. on the 26th. Thanks for starting this major love prayer. It helps to bring his fans together.
Waiting Is the Hardest Thing But I'll Wait Till You Come And Raise Me From The Ground And Take Me There ,I Can See You MoonWalking In Heaven ,I Can See You Smiling And Wraping Your Wings Around The Children There,Now You Are Spreading More Love And Peace In Heaven Like How You Did In This World,Tell Me MICHAEL,I Really Need To Know That You Don't Have To Sing Escape And Scream Any More .You Know Even Now I Can't Stop Loving You And I Feel More And More Love Every Minute And You've Never Been Out Of My Thoughts ,I Have Really No Doubt That You Hear Me So I Want To Ask You To Give Me The Chance To See Your Beautiful Smile For Real,
You Know MICHAEL ,I Do Love You With All My Heart And All My soul
I am honored to be a part of this PRAYER group. And I am glad it's my first on Christmas Day. What a wonderful idea and what a generous thought to continue Michael Jackson's legacy !
Thank you so much!
God Bless you all for joining us in this most wonderful adventure of creating the healing of our world.....Begun by Michael's love and heart, continued by the millions who love and honor him. He was a king among all who are here. Someday, I pray that all will see just how lovely Michael was.
On November 25th I forgot it was world prayer time, but it happened I was out walking and visualising anyway, all the hearts in the world aglow with love for Michael, as lights glowing across the globe. It was very heart warming and beautiful. then I came in, went to youtube, where moments earlier a friend has sent an email reminding me of this event. It said ; a moment of silnce for Michael" I stopped in wonder, closed my eyes and felt my world turn to silence. Then a wonderful thing happened; love poured over me, through me, and i was in an endless ocean of bliss, transcending all thought and emotion.
THANK YOU everyone here for the most powerful spiritual experience of prayer. Thank you Michael for bringing us all together, and thank you God for bringing us Michael.
I can't wait to be with you all Dec.25th :) Peace and joy to you all
dear BeGodsGlow, I'm very glad that u had the same feeling...... it has been 6 months and i can't get over his death. i cry everyday for losing him.... and i can't laugh and move out with my friends... i feel very tired and sorry for his lose.... I love him very much and i'm locking myself in to my room watching his speeches and interviews... his voice's echo is all over my room and it make me cry..... cry vry hard... i feel lost and i'm too lost in him.... i love u mike very much and i can't forget what happened. i pray for u everyday and i will pray for him forever.... may allah bless 7abeby michael.....
dear mirrorimagecoach, I feel very sorry for ur dad and i know what it means to lose someone who u really love and care about, and it happened and we've all tried it..... we lost Our dear michael....and u know how much this is paining when i say that..... but ur lose is bigger you lost two great men that r very close to ur heart.... but all i can say be strong and take it my dear... just accept it and keep praying for those great people.. MAY ALLAH ALWAYS BE WITH UR FATHER AND WITH OUR LOVER MICHAEL... :(
I didn't find out about this until yesterday. Even that was pure luck. Obviously I couldn't participate in November's prayer (my own word choice), but I'll do my very best to participate this month. BTW, anyone who is interested in working to vindicate Michael's legacy, not as a pop star, but just as a good man, please visit my Facebook group; VindicateMJNow. Thanks.
Merry Christmas MICHAEL,I'm sure YOU are celebrationg the Christmas in heaven now,,YOU know how much i miss YOU,I cry everyday,I need you so much,I want to be close to YOU,I can't stop crying,why did YOU leave this world very soon?????I miss YOU ,I miss YOU ****MICHAEL***
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