It is now only a few short hours until our December 25th prayer begins! If you celebrate Christmas, we hope you're having a wonderful holiday with family and friends and keep in your heart all those who may not be as fortunate. For no matter our nationality, ethnicity or religion, we are all ONE. We share one planet, we are made of the same stuff. Each one of us has laughed, has cried, has hoped and dreamed and is a BEING WORTHY OF LOVE. Michael reminded us of this so often and today, on the six-month anniversary of his passing, many of us are feeling especially vulnerable, but perhaps closer as well. Just remember that you are not alone. We are all here together and as ONE we will continue Michael's legacy by spreading love and peace, by doing what we can to heal the world. Not just for Michael, but for everyone.
At the official prayer start time, please remember that the goal is to all collectively focus on LOVE and then in connecting to each other and letting the love spread through the world. In the moments before the start time and as we are winding down the Major Love Prayer, it is a perfect and powerful opportunity to pray/send your wishes for Michael, for his children and family, for your loved ones and others.
***One such person we hope you will include in your own prayers is a 12-year-old boy named JOSHUA. He lives in Germany and is a huge Michael Jackson fan. On October 28th Joshua was diagnosed with leukemia and is now fighting for his life. (For more information see "There's nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one!"
Thank you all and 'see' you at 22:00 GMT/2pm Los Angeles time! L.O.V.E.!
(----- for more languages, see sidebar --->)
[P.S. If you would like to help by contributing a fluent (not from an online translator website)
translation into your language, please email it to us at admin[at] Thanks.]
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Na Bbilia ... Diz Jesus; que onde dois ou mais se reunirem em meu nome ali estarei.
Creio que ele esteve presente
Entre Nós e permanecera durante uma oração, pois Ele se agrada dessas atitudes
beijos a todos, e parabens mais uma vez, pela boa ideia.
Vamos continuar orando. Oração nunca é demais
Feliz ano novo para todos nós.
Beijos no coração de voces
Bethina São Paulo - Brasil
I'm here with all of you, sending my love <3
When will you be there Michael, when will you talk to us...
Thank you so much for showing me the way.... Love you all
Wait for you Mr.M J Jackson.
Nous voici dans le même vaisseau que toi ! Où ton corps repose ! Où es-tu réellement Michael je voudrais tant le savoir, je voudrais tant que tu puisses être à côté de chacun de nous dans cette peine que nous avons pour toi !
Demain nous allons nous réveiller et nous dire Michael nous a quitté il y a six mois ! Le temps continue néanmoins sa poursuite infernale et toi tu repose pour l'éternité à Glendale !
Je t'aime mon ange !!
We don't need to fight, hurt, bully, cajole or make others know what we know. We just need to feel, express his truth and ours as we understand it - simply and from the heart. As we reach for the Zenith in ourselves - we reach for him, and through that - the best part of ourselves. As we love ourselves enough to be ourselves, we keep alive that which Michael inspired and inspires in us:
He made, he makes us wonder, he danced, so we did too. He sang until we sang louder, and when he smiled - we smiled back.
i offer all here tonight so much love and respect. i wrap arms of protection around katherine, the children and Michael's family. These seeming distances are not far at all, our bond is too strong for that. Our thoughts matter, our feelings matter, our intention matters. And what we do here, together for Michael, and for all of us - we who allowed ourselves to honour our hearts and feel all we have felt since.......
........really matters.
Because this time, instead of falling into the jump, we're rising, reaching - for the love we saved.
And we are millions.
Yeah, Deborah Ffrench, we are millions.
Thank you for spreading the word actively and living love. I came across some sites where I saw your name.
May you be rewarded for that.
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