Great news! New translations of the 'how to participate' Guide to Monthly Prayer have been added, which brings the total number of available languages to 14! Major thanks and L.O.V.E. to Michi and Elnaz for their time and effort in translating to Italian/Italiano and Persian/فارسی ! MJ fans are just the best, really ♥! According to Wikipedia, these two languages are officially spoken in all of or at least parts of the following nations: Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Vatican City, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Somalia, Eritrea, Greece, Iraq, Oman and Bahrain (as well as in smaller communities across the world). Think how many millions more can find and join with us all now on March 25th and into the future :) Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to Major Love Prayer with translations, participation here, on Twitter, Facebook or the forum and for helping to spread the word to so many MJ forums and online groups. Love, healing and peace to you all ♥
"Love is the most important thing in the world. / It's all for love. L-O-V-E." -Michael Jackson
P.S. If you would like to help us spread the word, above is a new banner for forum signatures and webpages :)
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