Dear Michael, LOVE is indeed your message and we promise to keep spreading the LOVE. You have always reminded us that LOVE is the most important thing, that LOVE is the answer, to LOVE each other, to tell the person next to us that we LOVE them. And Michael, we LOVE you more... most and forevermore. Your LOVE is magical and we THANK YOU and love you with all our hearts. With MAJOR L.O.V.E. now and always ♥ ♥ ♥
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All is said, Amen.
What the world needs now, is love, sweet love.
No not just for some, but for everyone.
Thankyou Michael for never waivering from this mission. Your life was all about love and everything you did and said showed us how very important it is for us to make love the motivation and focus in all that we do.
Your message is not lost on us and we hope and pray to continue your legacy of love through our actions and words to make this world a better place.
We L.O.V.E. you and thats for all time.
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