Just a quick message... There was talk about some fans taking issue with one another at the Murray hearing. Hopefully everyone can work out their differences and stick together, with L.O.V.E. ♥ It hurts when family fights, and you know it would just break Michael's heart to have finger-pointing and drama between fan groups. It's such a tough time for us all, but we can still get through it together. We've got to stay together... we're his 'Soldiers of Love', after all! Someone said recently that we can continue loving Michael by also loving each other, as he so often asked us to do, to spread all that beautiful love he gave us to each other and to the world and not let this terrible cirumstance turn it all into a negative. (Of course sometimes that's easier said than done in the heat of the moment, since everyone's just human. If we have love in our hearts, though, it can conquer all.) Teddy Riley said in a recent interview that Michael "wanted to kill the world's hate". That's something we're aiming for too... by making love our weapon against any evil. Hate is for haters, and MJ fans are Michael's Army of L.O.V.E.! No one else is going to do it for us, so it's up to us now... with love. Anyway, hope everyone has hugged and made up. Major love to you all and hope to see you tomorrow for the prayer ♥
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MSG FROM MAJESTIC, taken from MJJC board Aug 23rd:
"Hello Fans, this is Majestik Magnificent. I want to speak to you all on certain issues and things I have been hearing. First let me start by saying the announcement you have heard about Mr and Mrs Jackson divorcing is as absolute LIE they are very much together. The press love to try to DIVIDE and CONQUER, please do not fall into their trap or let them and try to divide you from unity. In saying that the next thing I want to talk about is the letter I sent out four months ago, I still hear that there is division amongst you. This is not good I asked you back then to please be in UNITY and TOGETHERNESS as Michael Jackson would want you to do! Some of you did not listen I truely believe that all of you have LOVE for Michae.l If this is true that means you knew his HEART his SPIRIT the LOVE he had for YOU and how he would want YOU all to be together. Please not only keep Michael's legacy alive but his SPIRIT, HONESTY and LOVE he had for YOU. When you fight amongst yourselves that is not in the SPIRIT of Michael. The press love for you all to be divide and fight, show negativity so they can say "Look at Michael Jackson fans they can't even get along" Please do not get caught up in that trap!! Carry Michael's SPIRIT in YOU and if YOU TRULY do this it will be about the LOVE for each other. Lastly, please continue to fight for JUSTICE FOR Michael and be his VOICE for JUSTICE and do this in UNITY + LOVE.I thank you, Majestik Magnificent. Please send the link to this letter to all you friends, groups members, Thank you: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?sav...560798338Thank you Majestik. I hope fans will understand from now on. United we stand. Divided we fall ! "
God Bless everyone who took part in the Major Lover Prayer. We will always be Michael's soldiers of LOVE! We Love You More Michael.
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