Hello, lovely Army of Love! We'd like to share with you this wonderful, beautiful new video, about the powers of LOVE and ONENESS and some awesome ways to connect for Major Love Prayer (or any prayer) with chanting, rhythm and music. "There's an ocean of love all around us, all the time. We just have to tune into it..." So let's jam! ♥
Major L.O.V.E. and thanks to our friend 'TuneinToBliss'!!!! :)))
From Youtube video description: When thousands of people across the world send out love at the same time , Others will resonate to our vibration Thats why a global prayer/Chant/intension is necessary to heal the world. At 2PM Los Angeles Time ( Check your timezone here http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock... ) a houndred thousand people from 64 countries are already joining in to the MAJOR LOVE PRAYER ,http://www.majorloveprayer.org . This number has to rise everyday ! This global prayer was started by MJ fans in purpose to heal the world , you don't necessary have to be a fan of Michael Jackson to join , if you are a spiritual or religious person or just a loving and kind individual I strongly advise you join us too. You can feel the effect yourself when you start chanting or jammin' along. There are lots of positive (prayer) songs in my playlist , pick one & pick up ! have a nice jam !
L.O.V.E. = Living One Vibrational Energy !!!!!!"
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