Hello, Lovely Ones! On Tuesday, January 25th at 2pm PST / 10pm GMT (time chart) we are uniting across the world to send out a major love!
As we join hearts worldwide, let us all focus on the MESSAGE. Our message is of healing and love. That's our mission together each 25th (and every day). Let any anger, sadness or frustration just drop away from your mind and heart. Let differences of opinion or belief fade from your mind as we focus on our common goal of spreading love to all the world. We can make a difference and we are making a difference. Reach deep into your soul, to that place in your heart that is love, where we know that we are all connected. Feel this and know it and allow it to grow and spread across the globe, to everything and everyone. "In this bliss we cannot feel fear or dread, we stop existing and start living." We have the power to bring our dreams into reality. To join us in this prayer/meditation there is no experience required, no prerequisite of any particular belief system... just a desire to heal the world and bring the awareness of oneness back. We are from all continents, all nations, all races, all religions and ways of living, joining together as ONE to give the GIFT OF LOVE. We are Michael's legacy of L.O.V.E., a living Monument of Love, working to create a brighter future for the planet and all our children. "Let's harmonize all around the world!" ♥
As we prepare for this month's Major Love Prayer, there are a couple of things we'd like to add. First, our friend Irina (aka ModulationAlert) has made a beautiful and moving video for everyone, with her song "Sparks of Silence". Please have a look and a listen! Lyrics are in the video description on youtube. Thank you so much! :)Also, Seven over at mjj-777 recently posted a link to a magnificent blog post by Howard Bloom on 'The Happiest Medium'. This is something everyone should read!
"Michael was the closest I’ve ever come to a secular angel. A secular saint. " - Howard Bloom
"Those journalists and experts do not know Michael Jackson. But if you love him, there’s a good chance that you do. " - Howard Bloom
"He worked with every cell in his body to give the gift of that amazement, that astonishment to his fellow human beings. Needing the adulation of crowds WAS Michael’s connection to others, his most profound connection, far more profound than family and friends (though those are indispensable), and far more healing." - Howard Bloom
Beautiful. The entire post is a work of art. (Quotes are from the full article, which you can read at: http://thehappiestmedium.com/2010/06/one-year-later-remembering-michael-by-howard-bloom) Thank you, Howard Bloom! Thank you, our dear Michael. We love you always and forever. The most! And thank you all, MJfam! L.O.V.E.:)
♥ ♥ ♥ Let's harmonize all around the world! ♥ ♥ ♥ ~ ` `
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Such a great post and I love the video. The song is touching and the video is great, i will need to read the lyrics later, but I loved it so much that I posted the blog and video in the positive websites thread at MJJC. I hope we will have a powerful, uplifting love-spreading MLP today.
Thank you for the video. Everything in honor to Michael is a good thing. :-)
Wishing you all big waves of L.O.V.E. today.
See you all in prayer, people.
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