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Please join us daily during the trial...

We are stronger than war,for we are for PEACE.We are stronger than lies,for we are for TRUTH.We are stronger than revenge,for we are for JUSTICE.We are stronger than name-calling,for we are not bullies.We are stronger than hate,for we are for LOVE.~ A Call for Love during trialDear MJ-family, September 25th's Major Love Prayer and visualization was so powerful and it was an honor to join you all in filling the courthouse with light! If you can, please join us and other groups between 7:30am to 8:30 am Pacific Time daily starting on Tuesday September 27th (time chart - or if this does not work, whenever your schedule permits) for a group prayer vigil, joining together all of our collective...

Thank you, and please remember LOVE

Thank you all so very much joining us today for Major Love Prayer! This was such an important prayer, for even more reasons than usual, plus it was the 2-year anniversary of the first time we sent out a major love as a group in September 2009.Remember that this same visualization we used today can be used at any time over the next weeks.This site will have more updates in the days and weeks that follow (such as for the Sunflower Stand for Justice for Michael on Tuesday morning! 100 sunflowers will be handed out at the courthouse so that fans may stand in peace as one united force. Be there at 7:30 am in the courtyard to join!). For now, please know that YOU are SO important... your voice, your...

A Call for Love during the Murray trial

UNITE in PRAYER, UNITY & SOLIDARITYThe 'CALL FOR LOVE'SUNFLOWER STAND/JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL: Sept. 27, 2011 8:00 a.m. PST- in the front courtyard, wheresunflowers will be distributed -C.S. Foltz Criminal Justice Center210 West Temple StreetLos Angeles, California 90012Lottery for tickets to obtain a seat insidethe court room is at 7:30a.m. PST.Only 6 seats are available.more info: mjbliss.blogspot.com Dear fellow MJ fans, we are combining our voice with a great many others in the MJ community for a worldwide CALL FOR LOVE during the difficult times that lie ahead, and we'd love if you would join hearts with us in this. As you know, this coming Tuesday (September 27th) the trial of Conrad...

Man Behind the Myth & Open Letter to the Media

Dear MJ-family, there are two important things we need to bring your attention to this week:1) The first is a very important Open Letter On Behalf of Michael Jackson Fans to the Mainstream Media. If you're on Facebook, please see this event link with information, otherwise you can read the letter on the 'And Justice for Some blog' and on the petition site. Please, please remember to sign the petition/letter. It's easy and only takes a couple of minutes to make a difference. USA Today and CBS News have recently changed news stories to "Jackson" (from the name I won't type here) when asked by FANS LIKE YOU & ME. Change comes, but only when we make the effort. We can have a voice. Please take...

"Let's heal the world together"

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥"Let's heal the world together.This is my dream. Love, Michael Jackson" ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Everyone, please join together this month on the 25th for a simultaneous worldwide prayer/visualization of healing. We're sending out a major love all across the planet and we're asking you to join us every 25th to increase the level of global harmony by bringing LOVE back into the world, one heart at a time. Let us take action, both in deed and in spirit! Thank you and much love!♥ Get updates from Major Love Prayer with:Facebook | Twitter | Email | RSS | Google Friend Connect | Fo...

Child of innocence, I miss your sunny days...

"Child of innocence, messenger of joyYou've touched my heart without a ployMy soul is ablaze with a flagrant fireTo change this world is my deepest desire." ~ Michael Jackson, from "Child of Innocence" Thank you, Michael. ♥ It is the 3rd of September (2011, but this is a story that is relevant in any year on this day). What I have written is sad and I'm sorry for that. I really don't want to make others sad, but I couldn't stop the words. Two years ago my family and I sat before the television, framed photos of Michael surrounded by reverently placed flowers and lighted candles, a white rose laid out for our beloved. When the live feed from Forest Lawn was cut, we turned to a special DVD...
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