Thank you, lovely ones, for another beautiful global prayer of pure LOVE. May it stretch around the world and touch every heart, every soul, awakening the planet to oneness. We wish you all much strength and hope as the trial continues. Please remember to keep LOVE in your hearts as we all try our best to choose actions from the soul and not out of hatred or revenge. The special courthouse visualization (just a shortened form of what we did tonight) can be done daily, and in fact we ask that everyone please keep this light alive and glowing. (You can follow us on Facebook for reminders and updates). Justice will be done and truth will be seen and heard, for darkness cannot stand in the face of LIGHT ... not as the ripples of love spread outward through time and space. Blessings to all of you, love and hope. ♥
By Your Grace, beautiful Michael [Jai Gurudev by Krishna Das] -- Michael Beautiful Love blog
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Lord have mercy, what a beautifully done video. How can I not cry onc again? Tears it seems have become my constant friend.
Thank you, God for all the love and creativity that loving Michael Jackson brings out of us. He is the instrument, we are the song.
Some many times when I watch footage of Michael, listen to Michael, to see incredible expressions of love from fans for Michael, I am left "Speechless". This video is just... stunning. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will be sure to share the love.
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