Today is the day! Please see our main page for prayer/visualization info and global time charts. Thank you, LOVE and 'see' you very soon <3 <3 <3
Visualization for sending out a major love:
Worldwide Time Zone Chart Nov 25, 2011:
Major Love Prayer has become a ritual that always brings me peace. I can almost feel the hands touching me and hear the hearts beating to the rythm of love. It feels like Michael, full of love and compassion. When I close my eyes, the tears naturally fall. Loving tears that are dispatched to wash my pain away, if only for awhile.
Thank you for this place of peace. Thank you for the premise of hope. Prayer tinged with love is the only sure thing that will bring us closer to the resolution we seek in making the world a better, more perfect place. Michael knew it always. Now so too do we.
God Bless you for Major Love Prayer.
As I always quote because I truly believe, blessed are the peacemakers for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
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