Thank you all so very, very much, and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates today. Blessing and peace to each and every one of you who've kept this prayer going and make it possible each month. Only together can we send out a MAJOR love like this! Much LOVE and gratitude, dear friends and family ... from the entire MLP team. See you all again next month for our first prayer of 2012! Let's honor Michael and the world's children and keep this LOVE alive for always, ever growing. ♥ ♥ ♥
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Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.
God Bless Michael Jackson.
God Bless and keep him forever.
The world is a better place because he was in it.
Michael lived the true spirit of Christmas - joyful and selfless giving - all year through, not just one day of the year. God bless you Michael, the planet misses you, but I know you are still working to heal the world, but you're doing it now from a much higher plane of existence.
Thank you Cassie and Kerry, for continuing to be part of Major Love Prayer. Together we're helping to give that love, from multiple dimensions :) ♥ ♥ ♥
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