Hi everyone! This coming Saturday, February 25, 2012, is the next worldwide prayer/meditation to send out a major love! This month it's on the weekend, which means even more people can join in than usual, so please help remind your friends, groups and forums! :)
And this month is so very crucial. Crises rage around the world at this moment, from terrible storms to nations on the brink of war. We can make a difference by joining hearts as one and filling the Earth with peace and healing. Our prayers/intentions of LOVE have the opportunity to spread through consciousness and awaken hearts to compassion for our brothers, sisters, children and the Earth. Let us all be together across the world at 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 22:00 GMT / 23:00 CET this weekend (see worldwide time chart). 'See' you on Saturday with much LOVE! ~MLP team♥ Please help MJ fans raise funds for the charity Children's HeartLink! The fundraiser is 10% of the way toward the goal of $2500 as of today. A donation of just $25 will pay for a month's medication for one child. Please give what you can to help precious children around the world ♥
The following video shows some of their help in Hyderabad, India:
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I'll be there! Every month! With L O V E ♥ ♥ ♥
I shall pray for peace, freedom and democracy for Syria, and that the world governments and the UN achieve success in getting rid of the Assad regime.
Thank you so much lovve to everyone who gives the time and their hearts to really pray for our brothers and sisters across the world. L O V E!
i would like to be a part of this special occasion every month! i just want to know the exact timing for India,where i live! what time will it be in India if its 2pm in LA?
Hi Neha Jha, Up in the menu bar you see "Time Chart". Click on it and go to either the next month that it states or to "Monthly Time Charts".
Both will lead you to a chart with different times for different cities in the world. In your case I would select in the upper left corner, sort by *country* and you will see that next month in March, Major Love Prayer will take place at 02:30 a.m. (in the morning) for you on the 26th of March when it's 2 p.m. in Los Angeles on the 25th of March.
sorted by country:
Good luck, and thank you for praying for love. See you next time. Greetings to India. :-)
Hi Neha Jha,
The March 25th prayer in India is early morning on Monday, March 26th for you... 02:30am for the time zone of New Delhi and Mumbai. It's a difficult time to join, I know, but I hope you can somehow! We'd love to join hearts with you every month :) ♥ ♥ ♥
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