It's September 25, 2012 ...
We're Sending Out a Major Love all across the world!
At the top of the hour, 2pm Pacific Time (see global time chart) we will begin by breathing deeply and focusing our awareness in peace. Wherever you are, let the worries of the day fall away for some moments and just be. We begin today with the Come Together Over MJ Group Intention Campaign focus that all children in the world receive an education. All children, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or economic situation are entitled to a full education. State this and know it. How wonderful this feels to know! Do you feel your heart filling with LOVE?! Take that love and visualize in your mind children on every continent smiling, learning, reading, expanding their minds and achieving their dreams. They have the power to achieve whatever they dream and they are doing it in this moment, from here and into the future. Imagine the beautiful smiles, and the smile Michael would be beaming to know this is true! Hold this intention for some moments. Visualize as much as you can and know it is so.
Next, when you are ready, realize that other fans, united by LOVE, are doing the same as you right now. We have come together all across the world, like little lights on the globe, glowing with love, our hearts beating in unity. Reach your hands out to each other. We can connect with LOVE. All across the globe we are forming a grid of LOVE. Try to imagine this in your mind. Feel it. We are doing this for LOVE, for the planet, for the children and for Michael. Go ahead and smile! Now that we are connected, the energy expands, expands, a glowing light that encompasses the world with the spirit of peace, brotherhood and unity! All are cared for! We are sending out a MAJOR LOVE! Let that love touch all hearts and HEAL this world and awaken the hearts of humanity to truth of LOVE!
Hold this feeling as long as you wish. Expand it. Feel it. Be in it. Thank you, Lovely Ones. Thank each other in your hearts. Thank Michael and all spiritual beings you feel are with us (if this is what you believe). We are part of a legacy of love, and with the utmost gratitude we thank you and LOVE you. Please join us again next month and always on the 25th. May you be blessed.
Anniversary of Major Love Prayer
Three years ago today ~ on September 25, 2009 ~ a group of our fellow MJ fans began a tradition in honor of Michael Jackson. At that time it had been a mere three months since what for many of us was the worst day of our lives. As a community, as a family, we were reeling in pain, seeking answers to questions we thought we'd never ask, turning to each other for comfort and understanding in our darkest hours. We had always been united in our LOVE for and with Michael, but now we needed this unity more than ever before, as in the depth of despair we realized that we are truly ONE IN LOVE. As the world began to awaken to some of the truth of who Michael really is, we were also consumed by the need to do something. We could not let this LOVE be for nothing. We could not stand aside and sink into the abyss when our hearts had been so enlivened, inspired, nurtured by and nested in compassion with our beautiful teacher. We could not stand back and let him once again be misunderstood. It is a testament to this oneness in LOVE and to the depth of his spirit and influence that so many have taken it upon themselves to continue his work. His work is that of genius, innovation, awe, joy, dreams, magic, respect, humanitarianism, dedication, charity and a thousand words failing me at the moment ... all words contained in LOVE. For Michael everything came from LOVE, with LOVE, and was for LOVE. And it is in respect of his legacy, to honor him, to carry forward that love and his life's mission to HEAL THE WORLD and its children that people came together in 2009 to "send out a major love" ... a monthly prayer/meditation that came to be called "Major Love Prayer". A monthly event of GLOBAL LOVE that crosses all borders and has no barriers, for love has no such limitations. We thank those fans who began MLP and we thank every single one of you who have have kept Michael in your hearts and wish to make his dreams come true, as we share in them with all the world. Let this continue always. For the planet, for our children, for Michael. Let us BE a major love. (~ BeGodsGlow, Sept 25, 2012)
Happy 3rd anniversary Major Love Prayer. We are all as one in love, just the way Michael said we could be. We proved to the masses what Michael Jackson consistently told us, to simply love, is the only universal tool needed to heal and bring about peace. We listened. We heard. We conquered. Thank you, Michael. Thank you Major Love Prayer. Thank you, God.
I am here again with my candle lit for Michael Jackson. I fervently pray for the people of Syria, particularly the children, in their fight for freedom, equality and democracy; something that I am sure Michael would agree with. I wish US President Obama success at the UN meeting with world leaders, to solve this worsening situation. May Michael's spirit be amongst them to guide them.
Thank you MLP et happy 3rd Birthday from France ♥
Happy 3rd anniversary Major Love Prayer from Costa Rica!!!!!. I'm praying for Michael, for the children of the world and for the people all over the world. I'm praying for the peace in the world, and for the fans all over the world.
“There is something about Michael Jackson that nobody can explain. Something that beyond the explanations.
What is all about? Do you have the answers?”
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