#MajorLovePrayer begins NOW! (2pmPT / 22:00GMT)
Let us focus our hearts in LOVE and PEACE and JOY ~ Hold this feeling, BE in this knowing, FEEL it within and all around you! ~ Now, reach out with that LOVE... visualize it like waves of LOVE energy moving through you and reaching out to the rest of us... Connect across continents, across oceans, all across the planet... HEALING LOVE ... JOY ... PEACE ~ Expand it between us, like light growing brighter, brighter, brighter, sparkling, alive, joyous... FILL THE WORLD... All are LOVED ... All are filled with JOY ... All the world is at PEACE... All are HEALED...
Hold the planet and all its children, all its creatures, all its beings, everything and everyone within this HEALING MAJOR LOVE ♡♡♡
May ALL be blessed.
Thank you! May you and all your loved ones be healed, loved, and find peace and joy this holiday season and into the new year! And may we continue to spread LOVE across the world, one person to the next, in Michael's honor next year ... and always. All our love and good wishes ~ the MLP team ♡♡♡
Next Major Love Prayer:
January 25th!
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Thank you for all you do, BeGodsGlow! Continue this major work, and the prayers for the world. Especially, today, the thought of the creatures of the world, all of whom suffer so much from the effects of humanity's inconsistencies. Michael cared for all creatures, and to carry this on in his honor and memory is also a Major Love. Keep going, and the very best to you with blessings for the Holiday season and in the new year to come.
sharing the l.o.v.e. on Christmas Day from Australia
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