Please help spread the word! ~ In 24 hours WE'RE SENDING OUT A MAJOR LOVE! ♥♥♥ Tomorrow is the 55th monthly #MajorLovePrayer to HEAL THE WORLD in honor of Michael Jackson! ♥ Please join us wherever you are on Tuesday, March 25th @ exactly 2:00pm PDT (21:00 GMT - please check the time chart carefully because your prayer time may be *1 hour early* this month if you're outside the United States! See♥
It's very easy to join this global event ~ simply focus on LOVE, on LOVING, on WHO YOU LOVE, and hold that feeling in your heart. Reach out with that LOVE to the rest of us who are doing the same at this moment all across the planet. We're all with you! Feel this connection, person to person, nation to nation, creating a connected grid around the world. Now imagine/visualize this LOVE growing, expanding, brighter and brighter, bigger and bigger as is GROWS BETWEEN US. This isn't just LOVE, it's MAJOR LOVE! ♥ See and feel this MAJOR LOVE touching all creation... everything, everyone,with their hearts GLOWING, the oceans, animals, forests, people... ALL ARE ILLUMINATED IN JOYFUL, HEALING LOVE ENERGY! Send them your LOVE and well wishes. See Earth in loving PEACE. Know we are ONE. Know we are ONE IN LOVE with all creation. ♥ Let this fill you with gratitude... for everything, for everyone, for each other, for Michael, for our family and friends... THANK THEM with LOVE... May this energy HEAL THE WORLD one heart at a time, NOW, today, for WE ARE ONE... ♥♥♥
Thank you SO much, #MJFam! We LOVE you! Let us remember our unity always and treat each other with love and respect as we continue Michael's legacy of LOVE. We'll see you all again next month on April 25th (prayer time should be back to normal for everyone, but please check April's time chart beforehand). Love and blessings, and all our gratitude ~ the MLP Team
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Thankyou dear friends....with the L.O.V.E.
Please pray for my friend, Sheila, who has lymphadema and needs compression bandages. No one is coming to her house to do this for her, and she just had cancer surgery. If there is caring in the world, please pray that her home health nursing care would expand and improve to encompass her needs and that she be surrounded in a circle of love and know that she is not alone. Please pray to heal the world......
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