This SATURDAY we're sending out a MAJOR LOVE! ♥♥♥ Please join us all around the world on APRIL 25 for this month's #MajorLovePrayer. We'll be uniting in honor of Michael Jackson, to heal the world with positive energy at exactly 2:00pm PDT / 3:00pm MDT / 4:00pm CDT / 5:00pm EDT / 21:00 GMT* / 22:00 BST / 23:00 CEST.
Global time chart:
*WHO?* Absolutely EVERYONE! All faiths and beliefs are welcome to join us! You don't even have to be an MJ fan to take part... although we hope that you are. ;)
*WHAT?* Every month on the 25th we've come together in global spiritual unity - on the same day, at the same time - to "send out a major love" in honor of MJ. Our intention is simply to fill the world with LOVE. It is our hope and belief that if a large group of people connect their hearts with enough LOVE and then envision that LOVE embracing and flowing through all the world, we can have an effect on the underlying consciousness of humanity and the planet. Our wish is for this LOVE to touch all hearts and for it to be amplified and readily available to everyone and everything in need... for healing, hope, inspiration, peace and positive change from within. ♥ If you need instructions in more languages, please see our website at (menu > how to participate)
1) Relax, breathe deeply and focus yourself in LOVE. (If you need help with this, try thinking first of WHO you love and how much you love them. Hint: thinking of Michael helps! ;) Just let your heart fill with JOY, GRATITUDE and LOVE. Breathe LOVE. Be LOVE. It's okay if it takes a couple of minutes to get there. No rush. Keep breathing LOVE...
2) When you're ready, visualize/feel us all reaching out with that love and CONNECTING across the world with the same purpose, in this same moment. It will be as if we are holding hands across oceans and continents, creating a GLOBAL GRID OF LOVE. We are ONE!
3) Sending out a MAJOR LOVE! Now project that LOVE out across the planet. Visualize/feel/imagine it like waves of light energy expanding outward from your heart, or like glowing heart-shaped confetti that flows through you and out into the world. Envision these waves of love growing in power and then expanding, expanding until the whole planet is glowing in it! Together we declare to all: "WE LOVE YOU MORE!" - with the faith that this LOVE touches every heart on a deep, unseen level, where it will HEAL, comfort and inspire positive change! You may visualize particular 'trouble spots' in the world and send them LOVE, hold them, asking them to remember the truth inside. We wish healing, peace and joy for EVERYONE, for EVERY CHILD and ALL in need, for all animals, oceans, forests and all of planet Earth. Stay in this for as long as you can keep the focus... for several minutes, ideally...
4) When you are ready, slowly 'come back' by focusing on your breathing and the feeling of the chair, bed or floor beneath you. 'Let go' of the prayer now, allowing the love to be out there in the world for all who need it. Connect once again with the ground/floor beneath you, take a happy breath, open your eyes and smile. You are strong, healthy and ONE IN LOVE. ♥
THANK YOU! Wishing you love, peace and healing, dear ones! May we be united in our mission of LOVE, as it transcends all boundaries! Thank you all SO much for ALL the beautiful and wonderful things you continue to do for Michael's legacy, no matter how big or small. It's all ONE, and it's all for LOVE. See you again next month on May 25th. :)
Love and blessings,
~ the MLP team
May we all send LOVE to Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and Nepal as well today.
and Ukraine, Libya, Palestine and Yemen....; all in need of LOVE.
Yes, I was also drawn specifically to those areas today. Lots of LOVE sent there and all over the world. Amen. ♥♥♥
May we be given the strength and the vision to continue Michael's mission of love as one global family, working together in peace and cooperation, changing the world with higher guidance based in RESPECT and LOVE. Amen, Namaste and Blessings to you all!
THANK YOU for being here today and always, for sharing tweets or posts, for joining the prayer, and for all you do for Michael's legacy with the spirit of love and healing. See you again next month on May 25th for the 69th MLP!
Much LOVE,
|BGG of the MLP team
Thoughts for Nepal and all the planet....healing with love and prayer.
Thankyou and God bless you
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