Hello everyone! Just a quick note today to verify that the prayer time has not changed this month! It is the same as last month. In the US it occurs on Thursday, Feb 25 at 2pm PST / 3pm MST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST. In Europe this is 22:00 GMT / 23:00 CET and midnight (as Feb 25 turns into Feb 26) in Eastern European countries. For more time zones, please see Prayer Time Zone Chart: February. Hope to "see" you all there and again feel this amazing MAJOR LOVE with you all, for the world. Please continue spreading the word! It's all for L.O.V.E.!
Note: Next month (March) the prayer time will indeed be one hour earlier for many (but not all) countries. The reason for this is the United States moves into Daylight Savings Time in mid-March, while most of the rest of the world doesn't change their clocks until the end of March. This creates a one time discrepency in prayer times that will happen every year (also in October during autumn). Prayer time is back to normal, however, in April!
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