We would like to say again how wonderful it is that we are all coming together for something that's purely for LOVE! And again, just imagine if even half of all Michael Jackson fans joined in this every month. The energy would be off the scale! Then imagine if everyone who just owned Thriller joined in ;) If prayer and directed intent really have an effect, as many studies have shown, just imagine what we could do! It may appear subtle on the physical level at first, but we could be having a huge impact on consciousness, deep down at the soul level. We're doing this for the world, the planet, the children, for each other... and for Michael. And there are so many additional things we can each do, from working to protect our environment and wildlife, volunteering, donating to charity, even just spreading kindness in our daily interactions and remembering those less fortunate in our prayers. Michael's legacy lives on in a beautiful, shining way when we each continue his mission of LOVE. Thanks and L.O.V.E. ~
(originally posted Feb 25th)
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Thank you. I really felt it this time. I felt a rush of was really amazing. It felt like I was sending out waves of love to everyone and everything. What a feeling!!!!!!
Kim (USA)
same here.. the wave of love just CAME into us.. it was everywhere.. a wave of love & joy & peace.. and a sort of KNOWING that we can change the world..
I really felt it also, going out and coming in to my soul, like a release in to vast oneness... Awesome! The effect of Michaels essence on humankind is prismatic & profound beyond measure.
I really wish we would change it to once a week though (like Saturday or Sunday at 2:00)instead of just once a month. That way it would grow even stronger plus if someone misses it on the 25th they wouldn't have to wait a whole month to do it again. Just a thought...
With Peace & Love 4 MJ,
^ Hi :) Just letting you guys know that there is a sub-forum on the MLP forum called "MJ Prayer Circle" and everyone is more than welcome to start a mini-MLP, even for specific issues if desired, or another type of weekly prayer or meditation. ~L.O.V.E.~
I loved February's prayer. My girlfriend wrote this beautiful worship song, and that is what I did. I played her song, and I worshipped. It is a little different that anything I have done before, because Michael's pictures are everywhere. It is God who I thank for letting Michael be here with us. Whatever the problem is God can solve it. God is love...and love conquers all things. Thanks for the Major Love Prayer, It is beautiful
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