Hello, lovely MJ-family ♥ Our next global Major Love Prayer is this Thursday the 25th at 2pm Los Angeles Time (see March time chart -- 21:00 GMT / 22:00 CET this month). Please keep spreading the word, and if you could remind people on your forums and Facebook pages that would also be wonderful. We don't want anyone to forget and miss out. And as you know, the more hearts joined in love, the more love there is to give to the world. And this is all for love, love, love. Our collective goal is to change the world, to bring in light and positive energy, to bathe the planet and each one of us with healing energy ♥ (See the instructions for participating in prayer/meditation/intention).
Also this week are special Twitter events begun by other fan groups on March 23rd and 25th (see more info about #Justice4MJ). You can join thousands and keep MJ 'trending' with unity. So, it's a busy week for our fan community!
Please let us all work together as a family to achieve our common goals and continue Michael's legacy. Enough with the bickering and negativity. It's not a competition. Our struggle is the same. We're on the same side. We may not all agree on what to do, why or when to do it, but there's one thing in our hearts that transcends all of this and that is LOVE!!!! We love Michael and he loves us. Do we love each other? Yes. Please never forget that. Love, kindness, healing the world. This is our mission. This is our message. Michael was forever trying to remind us of this. He wanted his fans (us!) to get that message and to help him make it reality. He fought for this message all his life. It's up to us (us!), his fans, the ones who have always professed to believe in this message, to at least try to live up to it and to be an example to the world. We're not perfect, of course. We're all humans... a global family. We are all at different places and stages in our lives, but love, forgiveness and unity can't be questionable values, can they? We're united because of Michael Jackson. Who are we then and what do we stand for? That's right: L.O.V.E. And I love you guys and I hope this is something we can continue to share for a lifetime. For the world... and for Michael. "Show the world!"We're sending out a MAJOR LOVE!
Every month on the 25th at 2pm L.A. time
Everyone is invited.
It's all for love.
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You're totally right! Uniting, caring and loving should be number one in our minds and hearts!
There isn't supposed to be dividing...we are one and we need to keep being one. Hope each and every one of us will sooner or later realize this.
Keep the love alive. :)
I'm really concerned. I wonder what's happened?
Right now we have to stick together! There may be different opinions or point of views but we surely agree in ONE point: WE truly LOVE MICHAEL!
Michael needs us - maybe more than ever in these times of trouble (there are some bad things going on against Michael - again!) ... and we need each other, too!
Do you remember? "It's all for love, L-O-V-E." Michael Jackson
Let's come together again
... with L.O.V.E.!
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