♥ ♥ ♥ IN LESS THAN A WEEK, ON AUGUST 25th WE'RE SENDING OUT A MAJOR LOVE, to spread love throughout the minds and hearts of humanity and heal the planet with the power of intention/prayer. We hope you'll be with us all at 2pm PT (10pm UK) as thousands join hearts worldwide to increase positive energy & raise vibrations with a giant wave of LOVE! Please share this on Facebook and Twitter and help us spread the word! Thank you all so much :) ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ The One Rose for Michael Facebook group is raising funds for UNICEF for Michael's birthday. Your $2 donation, sent in Michael's name, pays for a child's vaccination against tetanus, measles and polio.
♥ Heal the World for Children is again holding festivals in cities around the world for Michael's birthday (August 29). A $20 donation will also enter you into a drawing for an autograph Michael signed in 2009. Please see their FB page for details.
♥ Michael Jackson Birthday Charity is a fan group that is organizing for everyone to donate to Orphan's Lifeline of Hope International on August 29th in honor of Michael.
♥ And please donate what you can (see post and links) to help the children of Somalia today!
♥ Get updates from Major Love Prayer with:
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Also, if you are in GERMANY, please check out "SPENDENAKTION - HEAL THE CHILDREN" Facebook initiative http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.259172154095526.77184.120971801248896, donations to charity for Michael' birthday, organized by the Munich/München Denkmal Memorial group.
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