Lovely Ones, Please continue to join us with your heart and soul *DAILY* (see time charts below) as we come together in unity with #PowerPrayer4MJ on Twitter and groups on Facebook during this trying time. Our aim is to protect Michael's legacy and loved ones with a shield of Love, Light and Truth! And please know that, like Major Love Prayer on the 25th, this is worldwide, multi-belief and absolutely EVERYONE is welcome!
It is confirmed that Wade Robson's hearings will take place in the SAME COURTHOUSE as the AEG trial, starting TOMORROW. The hearings are this Thursday 6/6/13 (creditor's claim) and next Thursday 6/13/13 (civil filings). Our prayers/intentions are vitally important in both these situations!
Please, please...let's be sure we focus on keeping the LIGHT in this building, touching every room (courtrooms, judges' chambers, meeting rooms - everywhere!) and everyone's heart who enters... bringing through TRUTH and real justice for the higher good! Any lies will be clearly seen through, as only LOVE and TRUTH can exist within this brilliant white LIGHT. We pray that Michael's legacy, his name, his art, his reputation is PROTECTED from all negativity and that his genius, work and message of LOVE shine on through the ages! We wish everyone well and pray that God/Source agrees with what we ask for with all our hearts. We only ask out of LOVE. May the highest good prevail. Thank you so much!
Monday through Saturday
9am PT - noon ET - 5pm UK - 18:00 CET
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More important now than ever... I hope we can truly focus everyone's energies on putting light into this building and all the people who will be in it deliberating on these serious matters. May the Light illuminate the truth and dissolve all negativity. For Michael's sake, for his children, his legacy and his fans, i.e. all of us who love and cherish him.
Yes, exactly. Thanks <3
For those who don't know...
Judge Beckloff did not rule today on whether or not Wade Robson can file the late creditor's claim against the estate. The judge decided that it first needs to be determined if certain portions of the claim should be sealed or unsealed if filed. So it drags on ... next hearing on this issue is, unbelievably... June 25th.
Portions of Jackson Abuse Claims May be Unsealed (AP article)
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