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Come Together: October through NOVEMBER 25, 2012 (extended) ~ Peace in the Middle East

~ September 26 through October 25, 2012 (extended to November 25, 2012)~
Suggested Visualization for intention that PEACE, HARMONY and the SPIRIT OF COOPERATION fill the Middle East, in honor of Michael Jackson:

This visualization is meant for daily focus. It is also how we will begin the next Major Love Prayer! 

How this works ~ For more information, partners and a monthly schedule, please see the the post  Come Together Over Michael Jackson ~ And don't forget to join the October Facebook Event :)
You may wish to bring a sacred feeling to your practice by lighting a candle or burning sage or a favorite incense to purify your meditation space and enhance your quiet mood. It is strictly a matter of personal preference. Sitting in a comfortable chair, take several deep, cleansing breaths, inflating your diaphragm first and then your lungs and filling your inner space with the white or golden light of love. Allowing your mind to be cleared of all thought, expel any negative emotion with your exhalations, emptying your lungs first and then your diaphragm.  You may wish to ask your angels and guides to be present and to guide your spiritual practice.

When you are breathing comfortably, sanctify your inner space by repeating a favorite prayer, mantra or inspirational quote. One of my (Jan's) favorite prayers … and one that we have used with great success in the past … is St. Francis Prayer:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy
O, Divine Master, grant that I may seek
Not so much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it is in dying that we are born unto Eternal Life. Amen.
When your mind is quiet and your breathing feels natural and comfortable, visualize the Middle Eastern part of the world in your mind. You may picture the globe or a map, specific countries and things currently taking place there. Instead of visualizing any negative and painful current events, though, we will instead visualize a beautiful world where PEACE reigns. 

To begin, replay in your mind the end of "Earth Song" on the HIStory Tour, when Michael lowers the soldier's weapon. See his hand gently directing the gun downward, as there is no need for violence. Join him in this action, reaching out to ALL guns as we did in the June 25th intention. Reach out with LOVE to everyone in all countries of the region, from Egypt to Israel, Iran to Syria to Afghanistan. We are all part of this process, gently guiding action from our hearts, connected to all other hearts. We are ONE! Visualize all weapons being lowered in joyful reconciliation. Celebration ensues! It is the end of violence! See officials' hands shaking in agreement, smiling faces and children laughing in joy, families hugging each other as they are reunited in PEACE. See Israel and Iran coming to an understanding in peace as any strikes against each other are now averted. See the civil war in Syria ceasing as freedom and peace takes its place. From this point forward, all nations will find ways to work together in HARMONY. There is no need for war or bloodshed. Pour all the love your heart can hold into this intention. LOVE every person, every child. Send your love throughout the cities and towns and countryside. Send your love to world leaders with the calm blessings of PEACE. Know that this begins NOW. As of NOW the Middle East is filled with PEACE, HARMONY and the SPIRIT OF COOPERATION. Hold this intention for as long as you can, whether it's for a minute or many minutes. FEEL it. KNOW it is not only possible, but REAL and happening NOW. This feeling can expand outward to encompass the world, starting from here...

Know that Michael joins his prayers and intentions to ours and that all of God’s universe joins us in our visualization to create peace. Repeat this visualization, if you wish, to anchor it firmly in your awareness. Feel the joy of that minute of silence and extend that joy and peace outward to blanket the planet. Feel our great love for our beautiful, blue planet and all her inhabitants.  

On the day of Major Love Prayer (the 25th), know that you are joined by thousands of others in every corner of the world. Feel their presence. Feel the love we all share … for each other … for our planet … for our beautiful Earth Angel. Focus that love like a laser beam upon our planet. Visualize joining hands all across the world to blanket the planet in our love.

You may wish to add prayers for friends or loved ones experiencing health or personal problems. Finish your visualization practice with a prayer of thanksgiving for your intention being made manifest in this physical reality. Thank Michael for being near and joining his intention with ours as we heal this violation of our common human spirit. Thank him for bringing us all to Come Together Over Michael Jackson.

Thanks to Jan from WithAChildsHeart'sBlog for this beautiful visualization. For more information on this intention project, please see Come Together Over Michael Jackson.  Thank you and much love!

Today! Sept 25 ~ We're Sending Out a Major Love ~ 3rd Anniversary of first MLP

It's September 25, 2012 ... 
We're Sending Out a Major Love all across the world! 

At the top of the hour, 2pm Pacific Time (see global time chart) we will begin by breathing deeply and focusing our awareness in peace. Wherever you are, let the worries of the day fall away for some moments and just be. We begin today with the Come Together Over MJ Group Intention Campaign focus that all children in the world receive an education. All children, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or economic situation are entitled to a full education. State this and know it. How wonderful this feels to know! Do you feel your heart filling with LOVE?! Take that love and visualize in your mind children on every continent smiling, learning, reading, expanding their minds and achieving their dreams. They have the power to achieve whatever they dream and they are doing it in this moment, from here and into the future. Imagine the beautiful smiles, and the smile Michael would be beaming to know this is true! Hold this intention for some moments. Visualize as much as you can and know it is so.

Next, when you are ready, realize that other fans, united by LOVE, are doing the same as you right now. We have come together all across the world, like little lights on the globe, glowing with love, our hearts beating in unity. Reach your hands out to each other. We can connect with LOVE. All across the globe we are forming a grid of LOVE. Try to imagine this in your mind. Feel it. We are doing this for LOVE, for the planet, for the children and for Michael. Go ahead and smile! Now that we are connected, the energy expands, expands, a glowing light that encompasses the world with the spirit of peace, brotherhood and unity! All are cared for! We are sending out a MAJOR LOVE! Let that love touch all hearts and HEAL this world and awaken the hearts of humanity to truth of LOVE!

Hold this feeling as long as you wish. Expand it. Feel it. Be in it. Thank you, Lovely Ones. Thank each other in your hearts. Thank Michael and all spiritual beings you feel are with us (if this is what you believe). We are part of a legacy of love, and with the utmost gratitude we thank you and LOVE you. Please join us again next month and always on the 25th. May you be blessed.

Anniversary of Major Love Prayer
Three years ago today ~ on September 25, 2009 ~ a group of our fellow MJ fans began a tradition in honor of Michael Jackson. At that time it had been a mere three months since what for many of us was the worst day of our lives. As a community, as a family, we were reeling in pain, seeking answers to questions we thought we'd never ask, turning to each other for comfort and understanding in our darkest hours. We had always been united in our LOVE for and with Michael, but now we needed this unity more than ever before, as in the depth of despair we realized that we are truly ONE IN LOVE. As the world began to awaken to some of the truth of who Michael really is, we were also consumed by the need to do something. We could not let this LOVE be for nothing. We could not stand aside and sink into the abyss when our hearts had been so enlivened, inspired, nurtured by and nested in compassion with our beautiful teacher. We could not stand back and let him once again be misunderstood. It is a testament to this oneness in LOVE and to the depth of his spirit and influence that so many have taken it upon themselves to continue his work. His work is that of genius, innovation, awe, joy, dreams, magic, respect, humanitarianism, dedication, charity and a thousand words failing me at the moment ... all words contained in LOVE. For Michael everything came from LOVE, with LOVE, and was for LOVE. And it is in respect of his legacy, to honor him, to carry forward that love and his life's mission to HEAL THE WORLD and its children that people came together in 2009 to "send out a major love" ... a monthly prayer/meditation that came to be called "Major Love Prayer". A monthly event of GLOBAL LOVE that crosses all borders and has no barriers, for love has no such limitations. We thank those fans who began MLP and we thank every single one of you who have have kept Michael in your hearts and wish to make his dreams come true, as we share in them with all the world. Let this continue always. For the planet, for our children, for Michael. Let us BE a major love. (~ BeGodsGlow, Sept 25, 2012)

Reminder: Tuesday is Sept 25th Major Love Prayer

We're sending out a major love! This coming Tuesday, September 25th! Please join in love with fans around the world, in honor of Michael, to fill the planet and the hearts of humanity with the energy of focused positive intention. This will be the 3rd anniversary of the first 'Major Love Prayer' :) Everyone is welcome, all beliefs, all nations ... let's harmonize all around the world at exactly 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK / 23:00 CET ... see the TIME CHART link to the left or in the drop down menu for the time in your location.

Please help us spread the word by sharing these posts and info. The whole fan community could be joining us, but we need your help to remind your dear friends and family :) There is nothing to buy, nowhere to travel to, nothing to give but LOVE. Thank you so much, and many blessings <3  http://www.majorloveprayer.org

Come Together: Aug 26 to Sept 25, 2012 ~ All Children & Young People Receive an Education

~ Aug 26 through September 25, 2012 ~
Suggested Visualization for intention all children and young people will receive a full education regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or economic situation September 25th and beyond, in honor of Michael Jackson:

This visualization is meant for daily focus. It is also how we will begin the next Major Love Prayer! 

How this works ~ For more information, partners and a monthly schedule, please see the the post  Come Together Over Michael Jackson 

And don't forget to join the August Facebook Event :)

You may wish to bring a sacred feeling to your practice by lighting a candle or burning sage or a favorite incense to purify your meditation space and enhance your quiet mood. It is strictly a matter of personal preference. Sitting in a comfortable chair, take several deep, cleansing breaths, inflating your diaphragm first and then your lungs and filling your inner space with the white or golden light of love. Allowing your mind to be cleared of all thought, expel any negative emotion with your exhalations, emptying your lungs first and then your diaphragm.  You may wish to ask your angels and guides to be present and to guide your spiritual practice.

When you are breathing comfortably, sanctify your inner space by repeating a favorite prayer, mantra or inspirational quote. One of my (Jan's) favorite prayers … and one that we have used with great success in the past … is St. Francis Prayer:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy
O, Divine Master, grant that I may seek
Not so much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it is in dying that we are born unto Eternal Life. Amen.
When your mind is quiet and your breathing feels natural and comfortable, visualize the millions of children and young people all across the world, on every continent, no matter what their race, ethnicity, gender or economic situation, having full access to education from early childhood through universities. See small kids learning the very basic of how to read from stacks of books. See them SMILING and HAPPY, with the joy of  reading! See children of all races and all ages in classrooms, being taught by good teachers. They are learning about art, science, music, history and all about the earth and how to care for it and each other. They continue learning and all who desire it will be able to attend a university. They are so knowledgeable now! They are going to use this knowledge to better their lives and those of their families and future generations. By having access to an education they are going to CHANGE THE WORLD!

Pour all the love your heart can hold into the intention that all children are being educated right now, from now into the future. No matter what their race, ethnicity, gender or economic situation, they can go to school!

Know that Michael joins his prayers and intentions to ours and that all of God’s universe joins us in our visualization to create peace. Repeat this visualization, if you wish, to anchor it firmly in your awareness. Feel the joy of that minute of silence and extend that joy and peace outward to blanket the planet. Feel our great love for our beautiful, blue planet and all her inhabitants.  

On the day of Major Love Prayer (the 25th), know that you are joined by thousands of others in every corner of the world. Feel their presence. Feel the love we all share … for each other … for our planet … for our beautiful Earth Angel. Focus that love like a laser beam upon our planet. Visualize joining hands all across the world to blanket the planet in our love.

You may wish to add prayers for friends or loved ones experiencing health or personal problems.

Finish your visualization practice with a prayer of thanksgiving for your intention being made manifest in this physical reality. Thank Michael for being near and joining his intention with ours as we heal this violation of our common human spirit. Thank him for bringing us all to Come Together Over Michael Jackson.

Thanks to Jan from WithAChildsHeart'sBlog for this beautiful visualization. For more information on this intention project, please see Come Together Over Michael Jackson here on MLP, or visit the "Come Together Over Michael Jackson" Facebook event.  Thank you and much love!

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