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A map showing visitors to this website. Every continent, all nations - that's MJ fans! We are the world! And we can heal the world together.
Michael and the crew of This Is It at the end of 'Earth Song' rehearsal on June 24, 2009, reaching out to the audience, asking us (you and I) to help.
♥ Please join us to SEND OUT A MAJOR LOVE next on November 25th at 2pm PT / 22:00 GMT! http://www.MajorLovePrayer.org ♥♥ MICHAEL'S LEGACY OF LOVE ♥ will shine brilliantly into the future, lighting a pathway to healing and inspiring generations to come. The deepest honor we can bestow is to create a world that recognizes and celebrates his genius and reflects his joy, his compassion and his beautiful dreams of unity, where we take our neighbor's hand and work together to create a planet where all children are loved, protected, cared for and encouraged to follow their dreams. The most glorious thing we can give him is to remember "it's all for love" ... not as words, but as the TRUTH; the place in our hearts where we know that we are love. You are building that monument of love when you donate or volunteer, when you pray, when you work to educate people about the truth so that Michael is seen for who is really is. It is his name uncovered on Gardner St School and shining on future children's hospitals that we will make! It is when we act just a bit kinder, when we remember to play and laugh, when feel joy as his voice caresses our souls and when we witness the seeds of his inspiration sprouting on every continent, all around the world ... and it is the seeds that WE are planting right now in his honor. WE have the power to give Michael the most amazing justice, beyond this month, year, decade or century. WE have the power create real change, to carry Michael's LOVE forward in our hearts, words and actions, for the world, for generations to come, all inspired by one beautiful man. So let us plant our seeds wisely. And with L.O.V.E. ♥