Happy Halloween ... for you kids of all ages who celebrate the day :) Have a safe and spooky night ~ ` `
"Let's Harmonize All Around the World!"
A map showing visitors to this website. Every continent, all nations - that's MJ fans! We are the world! And we can heal the world together.

"Help us. You, you, us, we..."
Michael and the crew of This Is It at the end of 'Earth Song' rehearsal on June 24, 2009, reaching out to the audience, asking us (you and I) to help.

... and now we shall never grow apart
Once We Had A Judgement
by Zenab (c) 2010
Once we had a judgement
More so wrong than right
We couldn't eat bread with our brothers without a fight
We tore at hearts with all our might
For no foolish reason save to convince that we were right
And slowly we pushed out of our lives our very light.
Adamant was our signature
We knew it better than we knew ourselves
For we cared for no other being
And we behaved like Gods without realising that someday our bodies will quit breathing.
We all looked at God in so many ways
We fought ourselves to the grave
To be the conquerors of his love we killed our neighbours
Never knowing that God doesn't preach that either
Insight failed us
We never look around to see that we truly are one family
We stood centuries, side by side, before we decided to grow apart.
Then, once again, they decided to reach to us,
The Lord and his universe too
And take us to the times when love was all we knew
We thought it strange
We tried to disobey by letting our minds take flight
But we were soon to learn that love was the strongest of all the fights.
Love began to take over
Day by day
A little girl gave a soldier a rose to make his heart not go astray
Hope began to take over
Hour by hour
And the prayers of the sick and the healthy alike became louder and louder
It was the beginning of the journey for our eternal souls
It was the beginning for the universe to take us back home.
Pens returned to paper to write songs of truth
And paintings drew themselves with the hand only there to move
We were returning there but had not yet arrived
Our hearts were in the middle of two worlds
Our minds were still not at home
Until we glanced at the moon for the first time since separation filled all we had.
Finally we have reached home
We are one with our Earth
We look at the crimes we used to commit,
The stealing, the murders, the pain, the tears and the cheating
And praise ourselves that we won against it
Day by day
Because we now know we are all people and that is all life has to say
We woke up before it was much too late
We let go off all the wars, poverty, lies and hate
In the very end, we have healed the world
For we let our mouths be quiet and listen to Love's sound
We finally landed our feet on the ground
We are one and now we shall never grow apart.
by Zenab (c) 2010
Once we had a judgement
More so wrong than right
We couldn't eat bread with our brothers without a fight
We tore at hearts with all our might
For no foolish reason save to convince that we were right
And slowly we pushed out of our lives our very light.
Adamant was our signature
We knew it better than we knew ourselves
For we cared for no other being
And we behaved like Gods without realising that someday our bodies will quit breathing.
We all looked at God in so many ways
We fought ourselves to the grave
To be the conquerors of his love we killed our neighbours
Never knowing that God doesn't preach that either
Insight failed us
We never look around to see that we truly are one family
We stood centuries, side by side, before we decided to grow apart.
Then, once again, they decided to reach to us,
The Lord and his universe too
And take us to the times when love was all we knew
We thought it strange
We tried to disobey by letting our minds take flight
But we were soon to learn that love was the strongest of all the fights.
Love began to take over
Day by day
A little girl gave a soldier a rose to make his heart not go astray
Hope began to take over
Hour by hour
And the prayers of the sick and the healthy alike became louder and louder
It was the beginning of the journey for our eternal souls
It was the beginning for the universe to take us back home.
Pens returned to paper to write songs of truth
And paintings drew themselves with the hand only there to move
We were returning there but had not yet arrived
Our hearts were in the middle of two worlds
Our minds were still not at home
Until we glanced at the moon for the first time since separation filled all we had.
Finally we have reached home
We are one with our Earth
We look at the crimes we used to commit,
The stealing, the murders, the pain, the tears and the cheating
And praise ourselves that we won against it
Day by day
Because we now know we are all people and that is all life has to say
We woke up before it was much too late
We let go off all the wars, poverty, lies and hate
In the very end, we have healed the world
For we let our mouths be quiet and listen to Love's sound
We finally landed our feet on the ground
We are one and now we shall never grow apart.
Thank you for the Love (Monday Oct 25th)

See you all again soon :) Our next prayer is November 25th! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, RSS or Friend Connect/OpenID to get updates of new posts and the latest activities. Please keep spreading the word. We love you! Thank you, MJ-fam!
Please check out our latest post, too: http://www.majorloveprayer.org/2010/10/announcing-army-of-love-video-project.html This is an exciting new project that everyone can become involved in with a simple photograph. It's a music video about MJ's 'Army of Love'! :)
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Every act of kindness, Every prayer of love

Posted in comments on oprah.com October 18, 2010 by 'SwiftHearts': -- "I recently heard of this interview airing and decided to get more information about it on Oprah's website. This is when I stumbled across this discussion and decided to share my story. I was diagnosed with a rare form of child bone cancer in 2000 at the age of fifteen. I was to start chemo therapy in August of that year. Not many people know this but Michael opened up Neverland several times each year for anyone to come and enjoy the park. Everything was free. Rides, games, food. A friend of mine who was a regular at Neverland called me one night and told me the park was going to be open for two weeks at the beginning of August that year. I asked my parents if they would take me the week before I was scheduled to start chemo. My doctors all advised against saying they feared I was too weak but I eventually talked my parents in to it. We had to drive what seemed like several miles after we went through the front gates of Neverland to get to where the actual park was with the rides. As we were driving down the winding road something came over me that I can't explain to this day. It was almost a feeling of peace.Thank you so much for sharing this story publicly, Danielle. I hope it's alright that we reposted it here. We originally found it on mjjc.com and mj.com. Please feel free to comment or contact us if you like. Thank you, really. And love to you and your family. ♥
When my family and I stepped out of the car we weren't sure if we should check in with someone or really what to do. A man finally walked over to us and introduced himself and then explained to my parents how everything worked. We signed in with our names and other information and were given matching wrist bands and told we could ride anything we wanted, eat anything we wanted, play any of the games, etc. The man mentioned that on occasion Michael would come outside and say hello to everyone there. My parents thanked the man and within minutes I was at the top of the ferris wheel with my Dad. We rode it three times in a row and then it was on to the swings. We rode the rides for hours before getting in line to get some cotton candy and popcorn. As we sat down at a table with our snacks we noticed a crowd of children running all in one direction. I stood up on the seat of the table we were at but couldn't see anything. Several minutes later the crowd began moving towards us and it was then that I saw Michael. Standing under a huge umbrella and laughing as children were pulling at his arms, legs, and hugging him.
My Mom then grabbed my hand and we made our way over to him. We introduced ourselves and my Mom told him what a wonderful time we were having. She then told him about my cancer and that I would be starting chemo the next week. When she said that Michael put one hand on my head and said, "God Bless you." When he touched me I felt the same feeling of peace and comfort that I did as I had when we drove through the gates of Neverland. He stood there and talked to us for a couple more minutes and then he left. I continued riding rides with my family and the other children but I couldn't stop thinking about meeting him. As we were leaving that night the man who we spoke to when we arrived stopped my dad and handed him a note. The note was from Michael and it was inviting the three of us to have dinner with him. Without hesitation my Dad accepted the invitation and the man then directed us to through another gate which led to the main house. I was surprised once we were in front of the house. I expected it to be this huge mansion but it wasn't. It wasn't small but it certainly wasn't huge. Several people who worked for him greeted us when we pulled up outside. We had dinner with Michael and his children that night and to this day it was the best night of my life. After dinner he asked my parents if it would be ok if he prayed with us and of course they said yes. I had never and still to this day have never heard anyone pray the way he did. At fifteen years old it made me cry.
After he finished praying I opened my eyes and looked to each of my parents who were in tears as well. Michael was gracious enough to give us a tour of some of the things we weren't able to see earlier in the day. He showed us the arcade and the movie theater. The movie theater at Neverland was not your typical theater. Not only were there seats like a real theater, there were also beds for the children who were too sick to sit up. After showing us around we said goodbye to Michael and thanked him for everything. Imagine my Mother's surprise when she received a call from him several days later! We assumed he had obtained our number from the sign in sheet that we filled out upon arriving at Neverland. He asked her how I was doing and she told him I would begin chemo on Monday. He then gave her a number in which to reach him directly and asked her to please call him and let him know how I was doing around the middle of the week. She agreed. I went that Monday morning to the hospital prepared to begin chemo. When the doctor walked in the room he asked both of my parents to sit down. The three of us feared he was going to say the cancer had spread. They had run blood work and some more scans on me two days prior which is typical prior to beginning treatment.
When the doctor began to speak he looked at my parents and said, "I don't know how to tell you this. I don't know how to explain this but Danielle no longer has cancer. There are no signs of it on any of the scans we just took." My Mom, my Dad, and I sat there and just stared at him and finally my Mom burst in to tears. We left the hospital and the first thing my Mom did when we got home was call Michael. I was embarrassed because she was crying on the phone but then she handed the phone to me to speak to him and it was obvious he had been crying as well. Through the years Michael remained in touch with my family and would call us several times a year on the phone to say hello. He would sometimes send us gifts and cards. I have been cancer free for ten years now. I can't explain what happened when I went to Neverland. It's defies explanation. I want people to know that I am not the only one who visited Neverland very sick only to become well after my visit. There are hundreds, if not thousands of us. Our stories were never made public because Michael didn't want that. He was a wonderful man. I have never met anyone who cared so deeply about not just children but people in general."
We're sending out a major love *Monday* Oct 25th
Hello LOVEley Ones! Monday, October 25th is our next Major Love Prayer to heal the world with L.O.V.E.! You can find instructions in 19 languages (see Guide to the Monthly Prayer) and be sure to check your time zone so you're in synch with all of us around the world (see Time Zone Chart). There is also a live countdown timer at the top of our page so you'll always know when we're about to begin. And you can stay updated with us on Facebook, via Twitter, RSS feed or with Google Friend Connect.
We've had a few basic questions on Facebook this week, so here's a quick overview for the new folks:
The prayer is open for everyone of all faiths and all belief systems. This is why we also refer to it as meditation or intention-sending. Being religious is not a prerequisite to prayer, so if you're not, don't let the word 'prayer' scare you ;). Most of the power comes from our ability to feel the emotion and inner knowing of unconditional love and compassion. That is what we are giving to the world. If you would like to say a prayer yourself as we begin, by all means do so, in whichever way you like. We will then focus on LOVE and feel the love as intensely as we can. It may help you to think for a moment of those you love (family, friends, Michael, spiritual figures, the children of the world who need our assistance) in order to get the feeling going within you. Once you can feel the LOVE, fill your heart and your body with it so that you're glowing with love. Reach out with this feeling to all the others across the planet who are doing the same. Just visualize streams of love energy, like gorgeous beams of light, going out into the world and connecting. We are holding hands with love energy, covering the Earth in a grid of compassion. Once you feel this, visualize this energy expanding until no part of our planet is untouched by this love. The oceans, the forests, all life is within our globe of love. Know that this love is healing the world, opening hearts to compassion and peace and uniting us as one. Stay in this feeling, hold the vision, for a few minutes if you can. The goal is 10 minutes, but some of you may be at work, making that a bit difficult. Just know that even a short prayer of a minute is better than nothing. Anything you can send from your heart will join the mass wave, the major love, and reverberate around the world. Can you feel it?!
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We've had a few basic questions on Facebook this week, so here's a quick overview for the new folks:
The prayer is open for everyone of all faiths and all belief systems. This is why we also refer to it as meditation or intention-sending. Being religious is not a prerequisite to prayer, so if you're not, don't let the word 'prayer' scare you ;). Most of the power comes from our ability to feel the emotion and inner knowing of unconditional love and compassion. That is what we are giving to the world. If you would like to say a prayer yourself as we begin, by all means do so, in whichever way you like. We will then focus on LOVE and feel the love as intensely as we can. It may help you to think for a moment of those you love (family, friends, Michael, spiritual figures, the children of the world who need our assistance) in order to get the feeling going within you. Once you can feel the LOVE, fill your heart and your body with it so that you're glowing with love. Reach out with this feeling to all the others across the planet who are doing the same. Just visualize streams of love energy, like gorgeous beams of light, going out into the world and connecting. We are holding hands with love energy, covering the Earth in a grid of compassion. Once you feel this, visualize this energy expanding until no part of our planet is untouched by this love. The oceans, the forests, all life is within our globe of love. Know that this love is healing the world, opening hearts to compassion and peace and uniting us as one. Stay in this feeling, hold the vision, for a few minutes if you can. The goal is 10 minutes, but some of you may be at work, making that a bit difficult. Just know that even a short prayer of a minute is better than nothing. Anything you can send from your heart will join the mass wave, the major love, and reverberate around the world. Can you feel it?!
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'Global Oneness Day' is Oct 24, 2010
The Global Oneness Day website has many suggestions and ideas for celebrating the event on Sunday, such as prayers and meditations or the ringing of bells at 11:11 (or other convenient time), lighting a candle for unity, practicing kindness, drum circles, placing signs declaring oneness in car windows or carrying them outdoors, planting a tree, or doing anything that is meaningful in this regard to you or your family.
Since regular participants of Major Love Prayer are well prepared to pray for and with oneness, it would be so wonderful if we could join in on this at 11:11 in our own time zones! Thousands of others across the world will be doing so throughout the day, so join in whenever you'd like! Then on Monday the 25th we will continue this vibe when we send out a major love as ONE! ♥
"The time has come. It is now I see and feel that calling once again to be part of a music that will not just connect, but make all feel ONE, one in joy, one in pain, one in love, one in service and in consciousness."
- Michael Jackson, 2009
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No mere mortal can resist! (Thrill the World this weekend)
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Making Way for Miracles

(Read to the end for a special new meditation exercise :)
A little miracle happened yesterday. Michael Jackson’s name reappeared on Gardner Elementary school in Hollywood. Having his name covered on the auditorium after being falsely accused of unspeakable acts against children must have hurt Michael deeply. That wrong has now made right by a Principal and Superintendent who were courageous in a move that was bold. Congratulations to everyone who lobbied for this symbolic humanitarian act. And major congratulations to those with open hearts—those whose hearts opened and those who opened them. There is nothing so powerful as a grounded “no” said with an open heart. “No” to an injustice from a heartspace that’s open makes miracles.
If Michael was here what would he say? I think he would be grateful. I think he would humbly thank those whose hearts had opened and those who were instrumental in opening them. And I think he would forgive. Because that forgiving would be so very Michael.
Those people who worked for that simple justice are to be commended not just for their accomplishment but for how they went about it—with diplomacy. It is diplomacy that is so sadly lacking in the world and it is diplomacy that is so badly needed. At the same time these miracle workers were firm and resolute, they were respectful, informative, kind and diplomatic. They made friends with those who could have been made the enemy.
Gardner Elementary school and the world aware of it just witnessed the deconstruction of an unkindness, a demilitarization of something that might have become militant, the decommissioning of a weapon that harmed. Gardner School, its leadership and faculty are to be commended. What a marvelous demonstration of willingness to do the right thing and reconsider a hardened cerebral attitude and replace it with a softened and willing heart. What a beautiful demonstration of generosity for the world. We see and appreciate your courage and your respect for humanness and humanity.
Yes, people are human. People often act in haste without considering the long term consequences of their actions and how they speak to the future. Sometimes those who act from the desire to prevent harm may actually and unintentionally create more. The people who covered up Michael’s name did it because they thought they were protecting the children at Gardner Elementary School. We would all agree that a person who truly commits crimes against children should not have their name on a school building where children gather, are housed and are supposed to be nurtured and safe. The sentiment behind that act of obscuring Michael’s name is understandable. It’s very human.
Unfortunately though, it violated some important principles. It interfered with the assumption of innocence inherent in the law and insulted the U.S. Constitution that insures innocence until guilt is proven, due process and equal treatment under the law. An accusation is not guilt although our culture treats some crimes it deems unforgivable and those accused as guilty immediately upon accusation. That is understandable and that is human. But it is wrong. I wonder if there is a way we can repair that broken part of the system? Actually, it’s not the system, it’s a people thing.
Furthermore, an acquittal means “not guilty.” The eyes of the law are not always the eyes of everyone. And eyes can play tricks on people; so can perception. So why is it so hard to change perception? Especially when there is enough evidence to show that the accusations in Michael’s case were motivated by attempted extortion?

Many were angry about it. Some still are. Most were sad. Many considered it a slap in the face to a man who embodied only love and generosity. Many have been unforgiving of those who covered Michael’s name and kept it covered. And some will insist that the uncovering is not enough—they will want a pound of flesh. Yet isn’t that the same thing they did to Michael? I know we have asked ourselves how many chunks of flesh can be excised in a living being before he or she starts to die from bleeding? How long can anyone survive the theft of so many pieces? How long can a being withstand that pummeling and not die from the inside-out? We all have asked those questions And I know most of us never want to ask it again.
There is an invisible cost to all this judging and angst and longing and demanding the punishment that exacts that pound of flesh. There is an energy that surrounds every incident, every circumstance and every event in reality. Each occurrence is like a little mini-universe. It has a center issue that is an attractor field and everything that orbits that central issue has charge. (I mean that in the sense of getting charged up about something.) And those charges create a field- negative or positive- just like electrical charges create a field and magnetic charges create a magnetic field & so on.
Great news! MJ's name uncovered on school auditorium!

If you are unfamiliar with the history of this, here's a brief summary: In October of 1989 the Gardner Street School, where Michael once attended sixth grade, officially named and dedicated their auditorium to him in a ceremony Michael personally attended to accept the honor:
And thus it was the Michael Jackson Auditorium for many years. That is, until 2003, when the allegations against him were made and the strange decision was made to cover up his name on the building (just based on accusations, in a country where one is supposedly "innocent until proven guilty"). Even after Michael was acquitted entirely of ALL charges in 2005 it remained covered. It was a sad statement, sending a terrible message to the children and the community ... i.e., if you are ever accused, even if you are found innocent, your name will carry shame? It made no sense.
And then (finally!) came today: October 15, 2010! This uncovering of MJ's name is the culmination of a worldwide effort by our MJ fan family, such as those behind the campaign (God bless you, Jennifer, Karla, Ariel, Blessy, Melissa, Michelle, Nathalie, Sahar and Rev Catherine Gross), and every single person who promoted and/or participated in the effort. THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your patience, your perserverance, your belief and your love and respect for Michael and his family. Thank you Taj, thank you Jodi Gomes, thank you Katherine!!! (Read this post on mjj-777 for more info on how this came about! Thank you, Seven!) And thank you even to those fans who didn't know about this campaign in time or who hadn't yet contributed, but wanted to ... for you also love Michael and have faith in the truth, and the truth will prevail! It's up to all of us to take these steps to clear Michael's name in the eyes of a misinformed public. This is one first step, but a hugely important one! I can feel Michael smiling right now, can't you?! :) And a big THANKS as well to the current staff at Gardner St School and the school board who finally listened and did the right thing.
Welcome back, Michael Jackson Auditorium! We love you, Michael!!!!!!!! This is just the beginning! ♥ ♥ ♥
"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable
faith in their mission can alter the course of history." - Gandhi
If you were waiting for a sign...
... this is it! Now is the time. It's up to us. L.O.V.E. is our message.
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