Can you feel it? MAJOR L♥VE!
Thanks and love to everyone who joined together today in spirit to send this love to all the world and for helping spread the word about the prayer. This is a group effort. We are one, united for a common purpose. You can heal the world. I can heal the world. But we can't do it by ourselves. "You're the chosen one! I'm gonna need somebody's help." Thank you! Bless each and every one of you. We can change the world. We'll see each other again on May 25th :)
And thank you, our dear Michael. It's been 10 months today and we still miss you so much. We love you so much. We'll always remember you and we will continue your mission to heal the world with L.O.V.E. Always. This love is real and forever, from the bottom of our hearts.
P.S. If you'd like to share your experience, what it felt like, what you visualized, check out the MLP forum :)
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And thank you, our dear Michael. It's been 10 months today and we still miss you so much. We love you so much. We'll always remember you and we will continue your mission to heal the world with L.O.V.E. Always. This love is real and forever, from the bottom of our hearts.
P.S. If you'd like to share your experience, what it felt like, what you visualized, check out the MLP forum :)
+Follow on Twitter / +Follow on Facebook / +Discuss in Forum / +Team Michael (Unicef)