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Dear Michael, Thank you, every moment...

Dearest Michael,

Thank you so very much for all the beauty you've given the world. Thank you for sharing your talent, for the happiness, the excitement, the magic, the anticipation, the wonder, the mastery, for all that's shiny and sparkly and so splendidly bright. Thank you for the music, the words, the tunes that will never get old. Thank you for singing to us with that beautiful voice. Thank you for the emotion, the elation and all that was such a true revelation. Thank you for the dance, the dance, wow - the dance! Thank you for the energy, the beat, for the movement you channeled from God to your feet. Thank you for the smiles, the laughter, the joy of life that shone in your eyes and went straight to our hearts. Thank you for your daring, your innovation, for keeping the world on its toes with cutting edge inspiration. Thank you for the dreams, the surprises, the fantasy and the hope. Thank you for the adventure and for challenging the status quo.

Thank you for your strength, your courage, for never giving up, even when it seemed the whole world was against you. Thank you for not giving in when you knew you were right, for standing and fighting for truth, without spite. Thank you for your determination and endurance, although we'd have given anything if only it hadn't been needed. Thank you for living from the soul, for your kindness and caring, for trying to make a difference, for letting your light shine and brighten so many lives. Thank you for not being afraid to cry, to show us we could really try to be who we are inside, for making it cool to be God's glow, hold hands and heal the world. Thank you for never letting us forget the children of the world, our future, so desperately in need of love and protection. Thank you for reminding us that we are the children, that innocence will guide us in the right direction. Thank you for always being so gorgeous inside and out that we couldn't help but chase you. Thank you for the hugs, for loving us more, for your patience with we who intensely adore. Thank you for the comfort and gentleness you radiated from within. Thank you for the gift of awakening, to each other and to the heartbeat of the planet. Thank you for all the wonderful things I've forgotten in this moment that I'll think of later and wish I'd added to this list. Thank you for all the years, even the ones in which we shed tears, for in the end it was all for LOVE. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the LOVE. Love is what matters and we understand this so. But for the world to know it... did you really have to go??? My God, we miss you.

Michael, you are so loved. You know that, don't you? You can feel it. We can feel it. And thank you for that as well. The only one who could get us through this first year without you is YOU. Thank you, Michael. We will remember you always, celebrate you always, love you always, stand by you always. We promise. May you be surrounded in love, peace and light for all time. You're forever in our hearts, reminding them to beat with L.O.V.E. Bless you, Michael. And see you again someday, beautiful angel! ~ BGG, June 25, 2010

♥ Michael Jackson 1958 - Eternity

'We Had Him'

Thank you, Maya Angelou. And thank you, thank you, thank you, Michael Jackson.

Tribute Events for Michael Jackson on June 25, 2010

For June 25, ***2010***

originally posted June 3rd, updated as neededLast summer the world lost an icon, a phenomenon, a humanitarian, an "angel walking the planet". As the internet crashed and the breaking news sent shockwaves across the globe, three beautiful children lost the best daddy in the world and a family was left mourning the tragic loss of a brother, son, cousin and uncle, as others mourned a beloved friend. And while thousands moonwalked to Billie Jean in the streets, CDs flew off the shelves in every country, candles were lit and the praises of the true King of Pop, Rock and Soul were once again sung en masse, some of us simply sat weeping, too devastated to move, too shocked to breathe. To Michael Jackson's devoted fans, he was not just an icon or a legend; he was family. He was (or rather, IS and always will be) as close in our hearts as a dear family member, a best friend, a healer, a spiritual teacher for many, our inspiration and our strength. He changed lives and awoke people to the call of love and the mission to heal the world. And we stood by Michael, we defended him, we believed in him and we loved him when so many in the world would rather have seen him crucified. Words cannot express how deeply into the soul love can go or how utterly destroyed one can feel after a day like June 25th. But love, like the soul, goes on ... and what we do with it may be as important for the world as it is for us. So whether you're a 'new' fan, an 'old' fan or just enjoy his music, let us celebrate him with that love, let us bow our heads in respect, let us spread the L.O.V.E. in his honor, let us change the world in loving memory of Michael Jackson. And may we never allow the world to forget this amazing man, his caring, his kindness and the magical gifts of joy and hope he gave us all. Thank you, Michael. We miss you and love you so very much. You are forever in our hearts.
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love michael jackson june 25 2010TRIBUTES and fan gatherings to love and remember Michael and offer support to each other are taking place in cities across the globe on June 25, 2010 or on the weekend. Below is a list of things most could participate in no matter where in the world you are. Please feel free to add a comment if you know of happenings in your city and we will continue to update this post. Update: Also see a new site 625world.com where you can tell the world how you'll mark this day in memory of Michael and/or find other fans to spend it with.

Updates for June 18, 2010

For June 25, ***2010***

Hello and major love to our MJ family ♥ Just a few updates today. First, we'd like you to know that we've teamed up with MJ World Cry, which happens just 30 minutes after Major Love Prayer in many cities worldwide. See the 'Tribute Events' post (on the main page) for more info. Also, we do continue to update the 'Tribute Events' list, the latest addition being the Hollywood Walk of Fame vigil for Michael on the night of June 24th, organized by fans. Many of you in the Los Angeles area who will attend that will also be at Forest Lawn on the afternoon of the 25th. On behalf of fans worldwide, we'd like to ask you to please remember Major Love Prayer at 2pm. It would mean so much for people across the world to know we are also connecting with our fan-mily at such a sad, yet sacred place in this moment. It would really mean so much. Thanks, you guys. (Update: A fan group will be arriving at 2pm at Forest Lawn and will be joining us in the prayer. Thanks & L.O.V.E.)

If anyone is in need of a simple one-page prayer guide for June 25th, personally or to lead a group, we have created downloadable PDF files for this purpose. There are three versions available, for time zones in: North America / Europe / other locations. To make it easier to print, PDF versions are also now available for all language translations of the standard prayer instructions (at the bottom of each translation - just look for the PDF symbol and link).

And now a BIG HUG and THANK YOU to all you lovely ones who voted for this site on the Faxo 'Best Forum, Msg Board or Blog' contest. Major Love Prayer won! The contest ended on June 17th, MLP having received 4003 votes (4+0+0+3 = 7, another nice sign.) Thank you all so much for valuing this page and its message. It's all about Michael's message of L.O.V.E. and keeping us together in unity. And we will all be needing each other so much in the coming week, as we have this whole time, so let's treat each other and those around us as Michael would want... with respect and love. Together we will make it through even this. We'll end this update now with a quote from Teddy Riley in the new issue of Vibe, talking about working with Michael in the past two years: "He was looking for a project to not just 'Heal the World'. He wanted to KILL THE WORLD'S HATE. That was his plan."
God bless you, Michael. It is now our plan, too ♥

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Hur du deltar: vägledning till den månatliga bönen (svensk översättning)

Major Love Prayer/Meditation - www.majorloveprayer.org

: Michael Jacksons fans runt om i världen och alla andra som vill vara med och rädda världen med oss. Alla är välkomna!

VAD: Major Love Prayer är inspirerat av Michael Jacksons önskan om att rädda världen. Vid samma tidpunkt, varje månad, sker Major Love Prayer i alla länder runt om på hela Jorden. Vi förenas genom meditation under några minuter för att sprida positiv energi av kärlek, fred och läkning till oss alla. Det är som Michael Jackson sjunger i Another Part Of Me ”We´re sending out a major love!”

NÄR: Varje månad den 25 exakt 14:00 Los Angeles tid. Du kan titta på www.majorloveprayer.org (time zone chart) för att se nedräkningen och att finna den korrekta tidpunkten för din vistelse. (Det är bäst om du är färdig cirka fem minuter innan meditationen börjar).

VAR: Var som helst! Du kan delta oberoende av vad du befinner dig. Det ideala stället är där du kan slappna och vara ostörd under cirka 15 minuter.

HUR: Denna bön/meditation/bekräftelse involverar deltagare runt hela världen, vilket innebär att de föreslagna instruktionerna nedan inte är religionsspecifika eller hör ihop med någon annan livsåskådning. Om du vill förändra detaljerna för att passa din tro eller önskan bättre, känn friheten att göra så.

Förberedelser (fem minuter innan meditationen börjar)
  • Sätt dig ner och slappna av. Andas djupt och lugnt. Låt all stress försvinna. Du kan välja att lyssna till musik som hjälper dig att slappna av eller inspirerar dig (till exempel Heal The World, We Are The World etc), be en speciell bön eller upprepa ett mantra, be för Michael, hans familj eller andra, tänd ett ljus mm. Börja tänka på vad våra intentioner är – vi ska sprida kärlek, fred och läkning runt hela världen.
Bönen börjar
  • Stäng dina ögon och fokusera på KÄRLEK; på känslan av att ge och få kärlek. Känn kärleken för dig själv, för din familj, för dina vänner, för Michael, för Jorden, med Gud/universum/skaparen (allt enligt din egen tro) och så vidare. Känn kärleken i ditt hjärta.
  • Föreställ dig att tusentals andra, runt hela jorden, gör exakt samma i precis denna stund.
  • Låt denna känsla av kärlek utvidgas med glädje och sammankoppla dig med alla andra som deltar (även Michael om du tror på det). Du är nu med i ett världsomspännande nätverk av kärlek.
  • Kärleken sprider sig nu runt hela planeten. Föreställ dig att den sprider sig vidare och omfamnar hela Jorden, går igenom allt levande, läker djuren, skogen, luften, världshaven, människorna, allting. Vi känner fred. Vi är läkta. Vi är älskade. Vi är ett.
  • Behåll känslan i en minut eller två eller så länge som det känns bekvämt. När du är redo att öppna dina ögon igen, kom då ihåg att tacka alla för denna läkande kraft. I själ och hjärta tackar du alla andra fans och deltagare, Gud/universum/skaparen och Michael, för den kärlek och inspiration som förde oss tillsammans i dag. Önska det bästa för alla. Öppna nu dina ögon och ta ett djupt andetag och var övertygad om att du är i säkerhet och är dig själv. Du är stark, frisk och älskad.
Tusen tack, vi möts igen den 25:e nästa månad!

prayer michael jackson 25th[English] . . . ♥ Thank you very much, Christel, for this Swedish translation! ♥ . . . added 6/2010

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