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Important update! Action regarding Discovery Channel

Wonderful news! Update Dec 31!!! Discovery cancels Michael Jackson autopsy TV show (Reuters)

This has already been posted about on the forum and Facebook, but in case you don't know yet... Please read the message below for details about the scheduled mock autopsy television program set to air throughout Europe in January. [Also see from today: Jackson Estate Demands Cancellation of Autopsy Show] There is a worldwide joint effort by websites, forums and the estate to stop this program from going forward. If you are in agreement... please, we NEED YOU to help with this right away! Read the message below about steps to take TODAY. Please translate and alert fan sites in your own language if necessary. The program is set to air in two weeks on Discovery Channel in the UK, Spain, France, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. It will air on DMAX in Germany and on Real Time in Italy.
No doubt you are aware that Discovery Communications intend to air a succession of programs that re-enact a mock autopsy of Michael Jackson, using a synthetic cadaver and a doctor who will perfom the mock autopsy. Scheduled to hit UK screens and a host of other countries throughout Europe, from January 13th through to the 16th, many people within the fanbase -- and elsewhere -- are naturally appalled by this prospect.

Advertised as a dramatic re-enactment of Michael's autopsy, recently released promo grabs of the imagery Discovery plans to use, reveal the obviously sensationalist intention behind the making of these shows. All members of this site are now asked to express their clear opposition to these programs. We are not deluding ourselves. These programs may indeed air, but to do nothing shames us as Fans -- and as people.

Everyone is now asked to do three simple things:

1: Express Your disgust in emails, calls and letters.

In the US, UK, and other countries around the world, people are writing, emailing and calling Discovery as often as they can ( preferably daily). How do you to do that? Details here: : http://tl.gd/7p3i3h

We need thousands of people, the like of whch has never been seen, to call the numbers contained within the above link. We are advising fans to prepare a written statement before they call so that they can express themselves clearly to the operator they reach -- or the recorded message they are directed to.People can then leave that message at Discovery's Viewer Relations phone line in the US, the customer service department in the UK, and the phone-line of Lucy Radciffe --- the senior assistant to Nicolas Bonard -- head of Discovery UK. That link also contains the email addresses of key Discovery executives and the email address of Dr Hunter who will be 'performing' the mock autopsy.

2: Block Discovery from their Cable viewing selection - and make sure Discovery know they have done so.

By calling their cable providers and requesting that the Discovery channel is removed or blocked from their TV line-up, and/or blocking Dscovery by using the parental controls feature on their Cable or Dish set-up ---and making sure Discovery know they have done this -- fans can easily but effectively put their protest to Discovery -- into action.

The most important point is this: -- that by making that call to their cable provider and asking that a log be made of their request for the removal of the Discovery Channel from their package, or informing their provider that they have blocked Discovery from their channel selection -- you will send a loud and clear protest to Discovery.

Simply blocking Discovery does not send a digital or automatic signal to them. It is when fans actually call their cable providers, then call Discovery, and send an email to Discovery's on-site complaints link -- that Discovery are immediately alerted that there is a serious problem -- and one that won't go away.

Details on how to block and inform Discovery are at this link: http://t.co/GOXyhLN

3: Help build a 'Discovery Protest Package.'

All fans area asked to send a copy of the emails they send to Discovery executives ( you can simply cc all of them in one email - see http://tl.gd/7p3i3h) and bcc (send a copy to) mjj@innocent.com . We are asking for this so that those emails can be added to a phsyical package that will be fedexed to Discovery in early January 2011.

Thank you everyone for your help. We all know why we are doing this -- and whatever happens -- Not trying wasn't an option.

P.S. Here's the Petition Against Discovery Show (but don't let that be a substitute for writing and calling - it's not a substitute for those very important actions!). Also, here's the December 27th blogradio show on this topic by Rev Catherine Gross (A Place in Your Heart): Urgent Call for Action (blogradio) -- Another news item, from LA Times Blog (you can view full scanned letter): An outraged Michael Jackson estate urges Discovery Channel to cancel broadcast

This topic is on our forum at:

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Prayer is TODAY ♥ 2pm PST!

Updated: THANK YOU for such a lovely and powerful prayer, everyone! And Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates this holiday!

The December 25th worldwide prayer of HEALING and LOVE is today! Please read our important post about this month's prayer (Healing the World with Love) if you haven't already. And don't forget, you can discuss your experiences and thoughts about the prayer or other topics on our forum :)

Today's prayer is at the usual time, 2pm PST. There is a live countdown timer on this website (just beneath the main graphic toward the top of the page) and you can verify the time in your location on the time chart at timeanddate.com. Prayer instructions in 19 languages can be found here. We hope to meet you all very soon in spirit, to heal the world with love and create peace on Earth and inside each of our hearts. Love to all of you! ♥

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Healing the World with Love (MLP is TODAY, the 25th!)

Tomorrow is the 25th and as always we will be uniting across the globe to send out a major love! (2pm PST / 5pm EST / 22:00 GMT - Time Zone Chart). In many parts of the world people will be celebrating Christmas, which makes this prayer extra special for those who are.

The ultimate goal of Major Love Prayer is HEALING through love, and this 25th we'd like to really emphasize that. The love we're sending together is meant to really do something. It's energy and it's real. Many of you have said that this prayer has been very dear to you over the past 15 months since it began, helping you in your own healing process from grief. It has done this for the rest of us as well. Tremendously. It is not just transforming each of us, though. When we connect as one to send LOVE we are amplifying this energy within us, through us, between us, in the world and beyond the world. We are HEALING on multiple levels.

If you have read any books by the likes of Gregg Braden or Bruce Lipton, studies by Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona, or in particular 'The Field' and 'The Intention Experiment' by Lynne McTaggart, you already know about some of the cutting edge research into consciousness. There is somehow a very real connection from one mind and heart to the next. So much is happening between us and the rest of the universe from one nanosecond to the next, and we are usually unaware of this in a normal waking state. Nonetheless, it is measurable. One thing long-espoused in mystical, especially Eastern, spiritual teachings is that we are all ONE, yet perceive ourselves as separate in this dimension. ("You and I were never separate. It's just an illusion, wrought by the magical lens of perception.") Scientific experiments are seemingly confirming this, or are on that track, at least. Quantum physics is trying to unravel this type of mystery, as it shows up in discoveries like the observer effect or in quantum entanglement, the instantaneous connection between two particles at any distance, faster than light and with no as-yet-known method of information transfer. That's not fantasy, but quite provable. How it works and how or if it applies to the macro-cosmic world is not yet understood. In fact, there are so many things we don't yet understand about this physical existence. One thing we should we all know, though, is that some things are true whether we believe in them (yet) or not.

One of these mysterious forces is prayer or focused intention, with or without a religious component. We'll hopefully talk a bit more about this topic in the future, but to be brief for the moment, many well-executed studies have shown there is an effect. Oftentimes the effect appears to be small, such as with a recent group intention experiment that affected the pH of water. Results like this are only observations in the material world, however, via experiments designed to have a direct and immediate physical effect. If a few thousands minds that are focused on turning water into wine can create even a tiny change in water pH for the duration of the 10-minute focus time, that's really significant. Physical matter doesn't generally change before our eyes in an instant, or we'd be living in Harry Potter world and outdoing Hollywood with our magic wands.

What if we do have magic wands in the realm of consciousness, though? How many times have you heard that your thoughts affect your reality? What exactly can we affect with our thoughts? And perhaps more powerfully, with our focused emotion? If thousands of minds can connect to the bliss and peace of LOVE, grow it and expand it through the plane of consciousness and feeling and out to the rest of the world, how would we even measure this? What study could prove it? All disease and war may not miraculously disappear by morning (although let's not dismisss from the realm of possibility ;), but could that love change these things over time by infusing the actions we and others take with just a little bit more kindness? Could this love be healing us all from the inside out, on another level first, trickling down into our 'reality' as the outer world rearranges itself to reflect the inner? As above, so below? Mind over matter? Heal the mind, heal the heart, heal the world?

To some that may sound like magical thinking, but magic and miracles are a part of the Christmas spirit, so let's take it to the max this 25th! Let's connect with JOY. Let's try to let go of any sorrow or anger for a moment, think of something or someone that makes us smile (!) and then send that out as a MAJOR LOVE that desires nothing more than to HEAL. When we visualize holding hands across the planet, if it's within your beliefs maybe you can even see not just us here in flesh, but all those you love who have passed and who have the same goal. Maybe you believe in angels. If so, do they join us? Is Michael with us? We are all connected by love, they as well! This love we are sending is HEALING to ALL; emotionally, mentally, physically. It is joyous and filled with light and all touched by it are radiant with this light. Love only seeks to give. It is going through you, through me, through every child, every adult, every animal, the water, the air, every blade of grass and grain of sand on a distant beach and beyond. It simply IS. And we are part of it, timeless, without borders, in peace. We are all ONE.

Let's heal the world and create peace on Earth. Thank you and bless each one of you! It's only together that this prayer can happen. And thank you, Michael. So, so much. You are forever and always in our hearts. We love you more. Happy holidays, everyone! ♥ ♥ ♥

(Thanks, xXUniqueDiamondXx, for compiling some of Michael's beautiful Christmas messages in this video.)

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Next MLP is coming up! December 25th!

Just a quick reminder that the next Major Love Prayer is December 25th at 2pm Pacific time. You can check for the time in your location on the Time Zone Chart and if you're new, check out the Guide to the Monthly Prayer (available in 19 languages). Hope to join you all this month to send a major love to the children of the world and to heal our fan community and the world with love! ♥

P.S. Spread some L-O-V-E and share the Army of Love video on your forum or website :)

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'Army of Love' marching around the world! (& German translation)

So many beautiful comments here and on YouTube, you guys! And thanks to a friend, we now have the lyrics to 'Army of Love' translated to Deutsch. Below is the video again and the lyrics in both English and German. Major thanks to all of our fellow soldiers of L.O.V.E.! Please feel free to embed the video on your own sites or forums -- let's spread the love around the world, to as many people as possible! (If there's a way to link back here so more people find the monthly prayer, that would be wonderful as well. :wink: - Next MLP is December 25.) ♥ ♥ ♥

The "Army of Love" music video premiered on November 25th in this post: Michael Jackson's ARMY OF LOVE

In November 2010 Michael Jackson fans all around the world contributed photos and artwork as 'soldiers of love' for this special short film, featuring the beautiful song "Army of Love" by Amy Grace. This is our global MJ-family. May we always be united. May we always remember the L.O.V.E. and learn to be God's glow, healing the world and spreading the message of love and peace for our families, our neighbors, for Michael and for the planet. We're sending out a major love! And this is our message to you: LOVE!

And you can now download a slightly different updated version of the song 'Army of Love' from Amy Grace's website :) mp3 download page

[Note: If you do not see the embedded lyrics above, please try this link instead.]

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