Our dear MJ-family, We have gathered some information below about June 25th ... people you can join with in remembrance, some ways to express what you feel. Please leave a comment if you'd like to add something more. We know that anything suggested will pale in comparison to what each of our hearts could express for Michael. Like you, we are also still heartbroken, still trying to grasp this reality, asking why, learning to heal. Nearly two years have passed, and some days it almost feels long ago and yet a moment later the pain is as if it were yesterday. The month of June has not been made easy to bear. We want you to know, though, that whether you choose to gather with others this year or stay home by yourself... you are not alone. We are all with you, in your town, in your country, wishing the same wishes, praying the same prayers, crying the same tears. Know that the ones we lose are never lost, for they're closer to us now than our very breath, in our hearts, in our souls - one in love. And as we walk the path of healing and wholeness together, we are one. Always. We love you. We love you forever, Michael.
♥ Major Love Prayer - At 2pm Los Angeles time on June 25, 2011, all around the world we will be joining as one, sending out a major love in deepest honor and respect of our dear angel, Michael Jackson. Our special June 25th global prayer will be done in the spirit of gratitude and appreciation, as our united hearts embrace Michael, his family, each other and the world in healing love. Please join us wherever you are at 2pm PT/5pm ET/23:00 CET (Time Zone Chart)
♥ World Cry 2011 - World Cry is again taking place in cities around the world at 2:30pm Los Angeles time and raising funds for the charity 'The Elephant Sanctuary'. To see if you can join them in a location near you, please check their main website MJ World Cry. If you're in the UK, also see World Cry London.
♥ Charity - Another thing many are doing in memory of Michael is to make a charitable donation. Some suggestions are Make-A-Wish Foundation or other major charity, or to help fan-created charity projects like A Million Trees for Michael, Heal the World for Children or 2300 Make A Pact's 'Dresses from Neverland' drive.
♥ One Rose for Michael - Last year 3,000 beautiful roses were delivered to Forest Lawn and lined the steps and patio of Holly Terrace on the 25th. If you would like to contribute to this year's roses, please see the Facebook page 'Donation for One Rose for Michael'.
♥ Sunflowers for Michael - Every week large bouquets of sunflowers from this group are delivered. On June 25th there will be many, many beautiful flowers once again. Sandy can also take your cards and messages to Forest Lawn. Please see the Sunflowers for Michael Facebook group for more information.
♥ Flag Assembly at Forest Lawn 10am - "L.A. World Flag Day & Assembly at Forest Lawn on 6/25 at 10am for a Minute of Silence in MJ's Honor...This June 25th, in and around LA, all groups and supporters of Michael Jackson from around the world are invited to carry their nation's flag to show world unity and support for Michael's legacy all day long. Forest Lawn will be the gathering place to observe a minute of silence at 10am for Michael." More details: http://tl.gd/avhpcuhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
♥ Celebration at Gardner St School - "Join us June 25th from noon to 4pm at Gardner Street Elementary School for a special event, "A Celebration of M.J.J.'s Life", with William Wagener, Tom Mesereau, Majestik Magnificent, Geraldine Hughes, Larry Nimmer and others. See link MJJ Forever Innocent Foundation" (source: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/b1v54s)
♥ München memorial monument, etc - Fans will likely gather in places like the HIStory statue in Best, Netherlands and also at the monument in front of the Bayerisher Hof hotel in Munich, Germany to remember Michael. They have been petitioning the city of Munich for a permanent monument. For more information on them, please the Denkmal für Michael Jackson Facebook group or website
♥ “Earth Song – Inside Michael Jackson’s Magnum Opus” - On June 25th, a special section (up to 35 pages?) from Joseph Vogel's upcoming book "Man in the Music" on how "Earth Song" came into being will be released digitally. Please check out the sneak preview at the link above for more information.
Please see comments for more or to add something, like a charity concert event, etc. Thank you.
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If anyone reading this can share information about gaathering of fans in Barcelona, Spain, I am forever grateful. WIll be visiting there and can not imagine living through 25th June without sharing my feelings with people who know and love Michael :'''''(((((
I love you all, I love you Michael.
LA World Flag Day & Assembly at Forest Lawn on 6/25 at 10am for a Minute of Silence in MJ's Honor...This June 25th, in and around LA, all groups and supporters of Michael Jackson from around the world are invited to carry their nation's flag to show world unity and support for Michael's legacy all day long. Forest Lawn will be the gathering place to observe a minute of silence at 10am for Michael. (message from a Facebook group)
ghost the mj writes nusic a 10 years go
On Saturday 11th June 2011, @MJAllForLove said: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/b1v54s
for the major love prayer, a visualization tool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_urxI9L5Ak&feature=player_embedded
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