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Happy Valentine's Day 2012!

We love you! Wishing you all a beautiful Valentine's Day, filled with major, major L O V E! :)

♥ As many of you know, a couple of weeks ago we teamed up with friends for a wonderful fundraiser for the international charity ♥ CHILDREN'S HEARTLINK. What a beautiful day, the day dedicated to the heart, to send some love their way! Just $25 will deliver a month’s supply of preventative medication for acquired heart disease to one child. If you'd like to donate this Valentine's Day to help save a child's with heart disease, please just follow this link to the secure donation site http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/mlp/mjfans ... with L O V E! ♥ ♥ ♥

Some featured Valentine's Day reading :)
One in Love: Michael and His Fans (article)
Michael's Army of Love: Video Project together with all of you!
Things I Learned from MJ: Unconditional Love (by Elmira)
Things I Learned from MJ: We Are Love (by Niamh)
Things I Learned from MJ: Say Yes to Your Heart (by Brenda)

Some beautiful Valentine's Day videos of love :)


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