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Chile Earthquake Prayer and How To Help

Our hearts and thoughts are with the victims of the unimaginably powerful 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile and the surrounding area on Saturday. Many of us joined together on Twitter today to pray for them and also those impacted by the tsunami waves across the Pacific. (We apologize for not getting a message here in time to alert everyone!)

PLEASE JOIN US SUNDAY *and continuing, so join us any day this week AT THE USUAL TIME FOR A WORLDWIDE GROUP PRAYER/MEDITATION to send help, compassion and comfort to all those affected by this tragedy. The time is February 28th at 7pm (19:00) in Santiago and Concepción. In the US 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern and in Europe 22:00 UK/ 23:00 CET. (Time in other locations)

In addition to our love and well wishes, we can help in other important ways. Google has introduced a special page (Google: Support Disaster Relief in Chile) on which you can quickly donate needed funds to Unicef and Direct Relief International and connect with missing loved ones in the quake-hit area. CNN also has a wonderful list of legitimate charities acceptiong donations and other ways in which you can help at CNN Impact Your World. Let us impact our world by never forgetting to spread L.O.V.E. Thanks, everyone.

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Thanks for the Feb 25th Major Love Prayer!


We would like to say again how wonderful it is that we are all coming together for something that's purely for LOVE! And again, just imagine if even half of all Michael Jackson fans joined in this every month. The energy would be off the scale! Then imagine if everyone who just owned Thriller joined in ;) If prayer and directed intent really have an effect, as many studies have shown, just imagine what we could do! It may appear subtle on the physical level at first, but we could be having a huge impact on consciousness, deep down at the soul level. We're doing this for the world, the planet, the children, for each other... and for Michael. And there are so many additional things we can each do, from working to protect our environment and wildlife, volunteering, donating to charity, even just spreading kindness in our daily interactions and remembering those less fortunate in our prayers. Michael's legacy lives on in a beautiful, shining way when we each continue his mission of LOVE. Thanks and L.O.V.E. ~

(originally posted Feb 25th)

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Welcome to the Feb 25th Major Love Prayer

Hello everyone and welcome! We're about to send out a MAJOR LOVE to the world! Can you feel it already?!

We want to say thank you (a huge THANK YOU) to all of you who've told friends and spread the word online. This really is all for LOVE and the more it grows, the more impact we can have. Imagine if even half of all MJ fans joined in this every month. The energy would be off the scale. Then imagine if everyone who just owned Thriller joined in. ;) If prayer and directed intent really have an effect, as many studies have shown, just imagine what we could do! Or rather, visualize and feel what we could do, what we can do, what we are doing. It may appear subtle on the physical level at first, but we are producing an effect and it may have a huge impact on consciousness, deep down where all hearts and souls reside. Perhaps it is no coincidence that at this moment the song "Cry" just began playing on my MP3 player!
"You can change the world,
I can't do it by myself,
It's gonna take somebody's help....
If we all cry at the same time tonight."
Show the world! Cry with me! Change the world. Let us heal the world with L.O.V.E.! LOVE; we need it, our neighbors need it, our leaders need, and perhaps most of all, the Earth and the children of this world need it. So with this international, united prayer of LOVE we put in place one piece of the larger puzzle of changing the world for the better. And it began with our angel, Michael Jackson, sadly gone from this world for 8 months now. But he lives on in beautiful, shining spirit and we honor him with all our hearts as we connect the planet today and continue his mission of LOVE. Bless you, Michael. And bless each one of you. May we pray in all peace. May we heal the world.

P.S. A translation to Lithuanian/Lietuviškai has been added! Thanks Natalja & Rugile!

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Kaip prisijungti: Patarimai kaip dalyvauti Maldoje [Lietuviškai]

Didžiosios Meilės Malda/meditacija. - www.majorloveprayer.org

Kas: Maiklo Džeksono gerbėjai visame pasaulyje bei visi kiti žmonės, kurie trokšta gydyti pasaulį kartu su mumis! Visi yra laukiami!

Kodėl: Įkvėpta Maiklo Džeksono troškimo išgydyti pasaulį, Didžiosios Meilės Malda yra kiekvieną mėnesį vykstantis pasaulinis įvykis, kuris vyksta tuo pačiu laiku visur, kiekvienoje pasaulio šalyje. Mes, visi kartu, jungiamės į vieną, dvasioje, keletui minučių, tam, kad galėtume paskleisti visam pasauliui pozityvią meilės energiją, taiką, ir išgijimą. Taip, kaip Maiklas Džeksonas dainuoja savo dainoje „Another Part Of Me“ "We're sending out a major love!" (mes siunčiame jums Didžiąją Meilę!)

Kada: Kiekvieno mėnesio 25 dienos vidurnaktį (tarp 25 ir 26 dienos Lietuvoje)Prašome pasitikslinti laiką likusį iki Maldos www.majorloveprayer.org (viršuje rasite skaitliuką).(Geriausia būti pasiruošus 5 minutės prieš maldos pradžią.)

Kur: Visur! Jūs galite dalyvauti, nesvarbu kur esate. Ideali vieta yra ta, kurioje galite atsipalaiduoti ir išlikti netrugdomi bent 15 minučių.

Kaip: Ši Malda/Meditacija/Teigimas sutraukia žmones iš viso pasaulio, todėl siūlomos instrukcijos nėra privalomos, bei nėra specifinės jokiai religijai. Jūs galite dalyvauti nesvarbu kokią religiją išpažįstate, ir galite melstis/medituoti taip, kaip jūs norite.

Pasiruošimas (prieš penkias ar daugiau minučių prieš Maldą, jei tai įmanoma)
  • Atsisėskite patogioje padėtyje, ir atsipalaiduokite, išsivaduokite nuo blogų minčių. Kvėpuokite ramiai ir giliai. Galite klausyti atpalaiduojančios arba įkvepiančios muzikos (tokios kaip Heal The World, We Are The World ir panašiai) galite kalbėti specialią maldą, ar mantrą, melstis už Maiklą, jo šeimą, ar kitus žmones, uždegti žvakę ir panašiai. Pradėkite galvoti, koks yra mūsų bendras tikslas (paskleisti meilę, taiką, ir išgijimą visam pasauliui).
Malda prasideda
  • Užmerkite akis, ir susikoncentruokite į MEILĘ. Į meilės dovanojimo ir meilės gavimo jausmą. Pajuskite meilę sau, savo šeimai, savo draugams, Maiklui, Žemei, Dievui/Visatai/Kūrėjui (priklausomai nuo jūsų tikėjimo). Pajuskite šią meilę savo širdimi.
  • Įsivaizduokite tūkstančius kitų žmonių, esančių visame pasaulyje, kurie jaučiasi lygiai taip pat, šiuo momentu.
  • Leiskite, šiam meilės jausmui didėti ir sujungti jus su kiekvienu žmogumi, kuris dalyvauja Maldoje (galbūt įskaitant ir Maiklą, jei jūs galite tuo patikėti). Dabar jūs esate dalis milžiniško meilės tinklo, kuris jungia visą pasaulį.
  • Ši Meilė dabar plinta visoje planetoje. Įsivaizduokite ją, kuo toliau tuo didesnę, švelniai apimančią visą Žemę, visas gyvybės formas, gydančią gyvūnus, miškus, orą, vandenynus, žmones.. Viską. Mes esame ramybėje. Mes išgyjame. Mes esame Meilė. Mes esame viena.
  • Likite su šiuo jausmu minutę ar dvi, tol, kol jausitės jaukiai. Jei norite, galite tai tęsti dar kelias minutes. Kai būsite pasiruošęs atmerkti akis, padėkokite visiems už šį patyrimą. Savo sieloje ir širdyje pasakykite „ačiū“ Maldos dalyviams, Dievui/Visatai/Kūrėjui ir Maiklui, už meilę ir įkvėpimą, kuris mus šiandien sujungė. Palinkėkite visiems sėkmės. Dabar atsimerkite, giliai įkvėpkite, ir žinokite, kad esate saugus ir susikaupęs. Jūs esate stiprus, išgijęs ir mylimas.
Ačiū jums ir susitiksime kito mėnesio 25 dienos vidurnaktį!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Didžiosios Meilės Malda – tai kiekvieną mėnesį vykstantis pasaulinis įvykis, kuris suburia visus dalyvaujančius žmones kiekvienoje pasaulio šalyje, tuo pačiu tiksliu laiku. Įkvėpti Maiklo Džeksono troškimo išgydyti pasaulį pradedant jo gerbėjais, mes siekiame, kad pasaulis pasikeistų.... Su meilės pagalba. Mes tikime, kad malda (ar meditacija, tiesiog susikaupimas ir panašiai) yra galinga jėga. Mes galime išgydyti pasaulį su M.E.I.L.E. kai esame kartu kaip vienas. Taigi prašome, prisijunkite prie mūsų lygiai vidurnaktį tarp 25 ir 26 kiekvieno mėnesio dienos (Los Angeles laiku 25 diena 2 pm) ir padėkite mums siųsti Didžiąją Meilę!

prayer michael jackson 25th[Anglų] ... ♥ Thank you very much Rugile, for this translation to Lithuanian! ♥ ... added Feb 25, 2010

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Romanian, Arabic and Polish translations added

Just one day left before the February prayer! Please keep spreading the word :) It's all for L.O.V.E. And here's some good news: the prayer instructions now exist in 11 different languages! Links to all translations can be found in the top menu "How to Join" and also in the column to the right (scroll halfway down the page). The newest translations added are:

♥ Romanian/Română | ♥ Polish/Polski | ♥ Arabic العربية |

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Instrukcja Miesiąc Modlitwa [Polski]


KTO: Fani Michaela Jacksona z całego świata plus każdy kto chce uleczyć świat razem z nami. Każdy jest mile widziany!

CO: Zainspirowana pragnieniem Michaela Jacksona by uleczyć świat, Modlitwa Wielkiej Miłości jest comiesięcznym globalnym wydarzeniem, mającym miejsce o tej samej porze na całym świecie, w każdym kraju na Ziemi. My wszyscy łączymy się razem w duchu na kilka chwil aby szerzyć pozytywną energię miłości, pokoju i uleczenia dla wszystkich. Tak jak MJ śpiewa w "Another Part Of Me", We're sending out a major love.."(Przesyłamy wielką miłość..)

KIEDY: 25 dnia każdego miesiąca, dokładnie o godz. 2 po południu (14:00) czasu Los Angeles. Proszę sprawdź http://www.majorloveprayer.org aby zobaczyć odliczanie czasu do modlitwy i znaleźć właściwy czas dla Twojej lokalizacji.( Najlepiej jest być gotowym na około pięć minut przed rozpoczęciem modlitwy).

GDZIE: Wszędzie! Możesz uczestniczyć bez względu na to gdzie się znajdujesz.Idealne miejsce to takie, w którym możesz się zrelaksować i nikt Ci nie będzie przeszkadzał przez około piętnaście minut.

JAK: Ta modlitwa/medytacja/afirmacja tyczy się uczestników z całego świata więc podane poniżej instrukcje nie są specyficzne dla żadnej konkretnej religii ani duchowych praktyk. Czuj się swobodnie w dostosowaniu detali zgodnie z własną wiarą i życzeniami.

Przygotowanie (5 lub więcej minut przed modlitwą jesli to możliwe)
  • Usiądź w wygodnej pozycji i zrelaksuj umysł. Oddychaj spokojnie i głęboko. Pozwól odpłynąć wszelkim stresom. Możesz wybrać słuchanie relaksującej i inspirującej muzyki ( takiej jak Heal The World, We Are The World itp.) odmawianie specjalnej modlitwy lub mantry, modlić się za Michaela jego rodzinę i innych, zapalić swieczkę itp. Zacznij myśleć o tym jaka jest nasza wspólna intencja (żeby szerzyć miłość, pokój i uzdrowienie na cały świat).
Zaczyna się modliwa
  • Zamknij oczy i skup się na MIŁOŚCI; na uczuciu dawania i otrzymywania miłości. Czuj milość do siebie samego, rodziny, przyjaciół, Michaela, Ziemi, Boga/Wszechświata/Stworzyciela (stosownie do twoich wierzeń) i tak dalej.Poczuj tą miłość w swoim sercu.
  • Wyobraź sobie tysiące innych ludzi, którzy robią dokładnie to samo w tym momencie.
  • Pozwól temu uczuciu miłości rozrosnąć się i połączyć Cię z każdym innym uczestnikiem (możliwe włącznie z Michaelem, jeśli potrafisz w to wierzyć). Jesteś teraz częścią ogromnej sieci miłości wokół całego świata.
  • Ta miłość teraz rozszerza się wokół całej planety. Wobraź ją sobie wciąż rosnącą i delikatnie otaczającą całą Ziemię, przenikającą wszystkie żywe formy,uzdrawiającą zwierzęta, lasy, powietrze, oceany, ludzi, wszystko. Jesteśmy spokojni. Jesteśmy uleczeni. Jesteśmy miłością. Jesteśmy jednością.
  • Pozostań z tym uczuciem przez minutę lub dwie, tak długo jak czujesz się komfortowo. Możesz kontynuować przez kilka minut jeśli chcesz. Kiedy jesteś gotowy aby znów otworzyć oczy, bądź pewien żeby podziękować wszystkim za te uzdrawiające starania. W swoim umyśle i sercu powiedz "dziękuję" swoim kolegom fanom, uczestnikom, Bogu/Wszechświatowi/Stworzycielowi i Michaelowi za miłość i inspirację, która zebrała nas dzisiaj razem. Życz wszystkim pomyślności. Teraz otwórz oczy, weź głęboki oddech i wiedz, że jesteś bezpieczny i w harmonii z samym sobą. Jesteś silny, zdrowy i kochany.
Dziękujemy Ci i spotkamy się znów 25-ego w następnym miesiącu!

prayer michael jackson 25th[English/Angielski] . . . ♥ Dziękuję bardzo to Kasia from Poland for this translation to Polish! ♥ . . . added Feb 24, 2010

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February Prayer Time is the same as last month

Hello everyone! Just a quick note today to verify that the prayer time has not changed this month! It is the same as last month. In the US it occurs on Thursday, Feb 25 at 2pm PST / 3pm MST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST. In Europe this is 22:00 GMT / 23:00 CET and midnight (as Feb 25 turns into Feb 26) in Eastern European countries. For more time zones, please see Prayer Time Zone Chart: February. Hope to "see" you all there and again feel this amazing MAJOR LOVE with you all, for the world. Please continue spreading the word! It's all for L.O.V.E.!

Note: Next month (March) the prayer time will indeed be one hour earlier for many (but not all) countries. The reason for this is the United States moves into Daylight Savings Time in mid-March, while most of the rest of the world doesn't change their clocks until the end of March. This creates a one time discrepency in prayer times that will happen every year (also in October during autumn). Prayer time is back to normal, however, in April!

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[Arabic] [دليل الدعاء الشهري [العربية

دعاء الحب الأكبر - www.majorloveprayer.org
من؟ : جميع محبي مايكل جاكسون حول العالم، وأي شخص يتمنى تضميد جراح العالم. الكل مدعو للمشاركة.
ماذا؟ : بإلهام من رغبة مايكل جاكسون في مداواة العالم، دعاء الحب الأكبر هو حدث شهري عالمي يتم في نفس التوقيت حول العالم، في كل بلاد الأرض، حيث نجتمع سويا بشكل روحاني للحظات قليلة نقوم خلالها ببث الطاقة الايجابية للحب والسلام كما تغنى مايكل جاكسون في أنزور بارت أوف مي (جزء آخر مني)، "نحن نبث حباً عظيماً!"
متى؟ : في الخامس والعشرين من كل شهر في تمام الساعة الثانية مساءا بتوقيت لوس انجلوس. يرجى مراجعة موقعنا على الانترنت www.majorloveprayer.org لمتابعة العد التنازلي لبدء الدعاء ومعرفة التوقيت الصحيح في بلدك. (يفضل الاستعداد مبكرا بخمس دقائق قبل ميعاد البدء.)

أين؟ : في أي مكان! يمكنك المشاركة مهما كان موقعك. المكان المثالي هو أينما تشعر بالراحة، بحيث يمكنك البقاء بعيدا عن الإزعاج لمدة خمسة عشر دقيقة تقريبا.

كيف؟ : الارشادات المقترحة يمكن للجميع اتباعها، فهي لا ترتبط بدين أو معتقد محدد. خذوا حريتكم في تعديل أي تفاصيل بما يتناسب مع رغباتكم ومعتقداتكم.

التحضير (خمس دقائق أو أكثر قبل الدعاء، إن أمكن)
يرجى الجلوس في وضع مريح حتى يمكنك الاسترخاء. قم بتمرينات التنفس العميق في هدوء إلى أن يفارقك أي احساس بالتوتر أو الشد العصبي. يمكنك الاستماع إلى الموسيقى الهادئة (مثل هيل ذا ورلد أو وي آر ذا ورلد، ... إلخ). قم بترديد دعائك الخاص أو ممارسة التأمل. ادع لمايكل، لعائلته، وللآخرين، أضئ شمعة، ... إلخ. ولتفكر في نوايانا المشتركة (نشر الحب والسلام ومداواة الجراح حول العالم).

بدء الدعاء
* أغمض عيناك وقم بالتركيز في قيم المحبة والعطاء واستقبال الحب. اشعر بالحب تجاه ذاتك، تجاه عائلتك، تجاه اصدقائك، تجاه مايكل، تجاه كوكب الأرض، تجاه الله\ الخالق\ الكون (بما يتوافق مع عقيدتك) وهكذا. فلتشعر بهذا الحب بداخل قلبك.
* تخيل الآلاف حول العالم وهم يقومون بنفس الشيء في نفس اللحظة.

* دع مشاعر الحب تتدفق وتصلك بكل هؤلاء الذين يشاركون في هذا الحدث (بما فيهم مايكل، إن كنت تستطيع تخيل ذلك). فأنت الآن جزء من نسيج هائل من المحبة يلف بقاع العالم.
* والآن بينما يغمر هذا الحب كوكبنا بأكمله، فتتخيله وهو يفيض ليحتوي الأرض برفق وينفذ إلى كل الكائنات الحية ليشفي الحيوانات والغابات والهواء والمحيطات والبشر ...كل شيء. نحن في سلام. نحن نتعافي. نحن الحب. نحن كيان واحد.
* فلتبقى مع ذلك الاحساس لدقيقة أو اثنتين، كما يتأتى لك. يمكنك قضاء وقت أطول إن أردت. إفتح عيناك حينما تشعر أنك مستعد لذلك، واحرص على التعبير عن الامتنان لكل من ساهموا في هذا الجهد الروحاني. فلتقل "شكراً" بقلبك وعقلك لرفاقك من محبي مايكل وكل المشاركين الآخرين، قلها لله\ للخالق\ للكون ولمايكل الذي جمعنا اليوم بما منحه لنا من حب وإلهام. ثم تمنى الخير للجميع. والآن إفتح عينيك، خذ نفساً عميقاً واعلم أنك في أمان وسلام مع ذاتك، وأنك الآن تحظى بالقوة والعافية والحب.
شكرا لكم، وإلى لقاء في الخامس والعشرين من الشهر القادم!

prayer michael jackson 25thIn English ... ♥ Thank you very much, Nagla in Egypt, for this translation to Arabic! ♥ ... added on Feb 23, 2010
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Ghid pentru rugăciune şi meditaţie lunar [Română]

Major Love Prayer/Meditation - www.majorloveprayer.org

CINE: Toţi cei care îl iubesc pe Michael Jackson, precum şi toţi cei care au aceasta dorinţa de a transforma lumea în care trăim într-o lume mai bună. Oricine este binevenit.

CE: Inspirată de dorinţa lui Michael Jackson de a transforma lumea în care trăim, această rugăciune MAJOR LOVE este un eveniment mondial lunar care are loc in acelasi timp, peste tot in lume. Toţi participanţii se reunesc in suflet si in inimă pentru a transmite aceasta energie pozitivă pentru pace, dragoste şi încetarea suferinţei in lume. Asa cum Michael spunea în melodia sa Another Part of Me, nu facem decit sa transmitem o dragoste majora ("We're sending out a major love!")

CIND: Pe 25 ale fiecarei luni, la ora 14:00 ora Los Angelesului. Pentru a identifica ora exacta pentru tara-oraşul in care va aflati la momentul evenimentului puteţi verifica contoarul aceste pagini http://www.majorloveprayer.org. (Vă recomandăm sa fiţi gata cu cel puţin 5 minute înaintea începerii rugăciunii).

UNDE: Oriunde vă aflaţi . Locul ideal este acela în care puteti fi relaxat şi puteţi avea 15 minute fără să fiţi deranjat.

CUM: La aceasta rugaciune – meditaţie participă persoane din toată lumea. Instrucţiunile oferite mai jos nu sunt specifice nici unei religii anume. Puteţi oricînd adapta aceasta metodă potrivit propriilor dvstră credinţe.

Pregătire (cel puţin 5 minute înainte de începerea evenimentului.)
  • Aşezaţi-vă intr-o poziţie comfortabilă şi încercaţi să vă relaxaţi. Mai cu seamă eliberaţi mintea de preocuparile ei secundare. Inchideti ochii pentru cîteva momente şi respiraţi calm şi profund. În felul acesta eliberaţi-vă de stress. Pentru aceasta puteţi asculta o muzică relaxantă sau care vă inspiră, precum Heal the World, We Are the World, etc. de asemenea puteţi face o rugaciune specială, sau sa spuneţi o mantra specială, sa vă rugaţi pentru Michael şi pentru copiii săi, sau pur şi simplu să aprindeţi o lumînare. Incă înainte de a începe meditaţia, începeţi deja să vă gîndiţi şi să mentalizaţi intenţia acestei rugăciuni colective aceea de a răspîndi dragoste, pace şi vindecare în toata lumea.
Meditaţia propriu-zisă
  • Inchideţi ochii şi încercaţi să simţiţi în inimă DRAGOSTE. Concentraţi-vă mai ales pe sentimentul de a da şi de a primi DRAGOSTE. Încercaţi să simţiţi dragostea de sine, dragostea pentru cei dragi, pentru familie, pentru prieteni, pentru Michael, pentru Planeta noastra, pentru Univers /Dumnezeu/Creator (sau orice alta noţiune care va conectează cu această energie superioară)
  • Vizualizaţi mii de oameni de pretutindeni care fac exact acelaşi lucru in acelaşi timp cu dvstră.
  • Lăsaţi acest sentiment de dragoste pe care îl simţiţi in inimă să se lărgeasca si să vă conecteze cu toţi cei ce iau parte la eveniment, INCLUSIV CU MICHAEL, (dacă bineînţeles credeţi că acest lucru este posibil). Acum aţi devenit o parte din această reţea de dragoste ce acopera tot globul.
  • Această dragoste acum se intinde peste toata planeta. Continuaţi să răspindiţi această energie imaginînd cum ea acoperă si protejează intreaga planetă, trecînd prin toate formele de viaţă vindecînd pădurile, animalele, aerul, oceanurile şi mările, oamenii, etc. In acest moment suntem în pace. Suntem vindecaţi. Suntem Dragoste. Am devenit cu toţii UNUL SINGUR.
  • Încercaţi să păstraţi aceasta senzaţie pentru cîteva minute, sau atît timp cît simţiţi nevoia. Cînd sunteţi gata sa deschideţi ochii, mulţumiţi tuturor celor ce au participat pentru intenţia lor de a vindeca lumea. Spune-ţi mulţumesc în minte tuturor participanţilor, lui Dumnezeu, sau Creatorului, lui Michael pentru inspiraţia pe care ne-a dat-o prin muzica sa. Doriţi numai bine tuturor. Acum puteţi deschide ochii, respiraţi profund şi simţiţi-vă în securitate. Vă simţiţi puternic, sănătos şi iubit.
Mulţumim pentru participare şi ne vedem cu toţii din nou luna viitoare pe 25!!!

prayer michael jackson 25th[în limba engleză] ... ♥ Mulţumesc to Suzana for this translation to Romanian! ♥ ... added Feb 21, 2010

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New Dutch and Portuguese translations

Great news! Instructions for the monthly Major Love Prayer have now been translated by wonderful members of the Michael Jackson fan community to seven different languages! Previously we were able to add solid translations to German/Deutsch, French/Français, Spanish/Español, Danish/Dansk and Russian/Русский. This week there are two new languages: Dutch/Nederlands and Portuguese/Português! Thank you all sooooooo very much!!! Your work enables many more people throughout the world to not only find this site (by having something in their native language show up in search results), but also to understand at least the 'Guide to Monthly Prayer' in a clear fashion. Online translator websites like Google and Babelfish are helpful, but still not as good as real, live people :)

Note: If you would like to help us with a translation of the Guide to Monthly Prayer, we just ask for a couple of things. First, please have a good, fluent understanding of English and the language to be translated to, so potentially confusing mistakes are kept to a minimum. Second, please email or contact us via Twitter or Facebook first to be sure there's not already someone working on that language. We wouldn't want you to go through all the effort for nothing! A few in-demand languages right now are Japanese (日本語), Chinese (中文), Italian (Italiano)✔ (Italian added!), Romanian (Română) ✔ (Romanian added!), Polish (Polski) ✔ (Polish added!), Arabic (العربية ) ✔ (Arabic added!) , and Farsiفارسی✔ (Persian added!) , but all are welcome. We're all needed to heal the world with L.O.V.E.!

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Announcement : 'Major Love Day' set for June 25, 2010

For June 25, ***2010***

Please see new post for all updated info:
Events for Michael Jackson June 25, 2010
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**UPDATE: MJ World Cry (http://www.mjworldcry.com) occurs just 30 minutes after Major Love Prayer on June 25th, therefore the events will nicely fit together in participating cities. We will announce more about this closer to June :)

June 25th is unfortunately certain to be a very sad day for so many people across the planet. It will also be a day when many of us will be taking part in large or even smaller local MJ-related events, from flash mobs or prayer vigils, tribute concerts, MJ World Cry, events in Los Angeles, London, Paris, Tokyo...all over the world... to remember, love and honor our greatly missed and forever beloved Michael Jackson...

Major Love Prayer will take place on June 25th as it does every month, at 2pm Los Angeles time, followed 30 minutes later by MJ World Cry at 2:30pm Los Angeles time (see http://www.mjworldcry.com for more details). However, we are also declaring that the entire day June 25th be a DAY OF MAJOR LOVE in honor of Michael and his humanitarian efforts (extending into June 26th in many time zones). With so many events going on it may be difficult for everyone to join in prayer at the usual time, therefore we are asking for you to please include Major Love Prayer in your day's events at whatever time your schedule permits! For example, if your fan club has planned a gathering at 9pm in your town square for a candlelight vigil, you can add Major Love Prayer to your evening's events whenever it is convenient for your group. This is part of the acknowlegement of Michael's lifelong desire to heal the world and his wish that his fans continue spreading love. We are his Soldiers of Love, his Army of L.O.V.E. and we will fill this day with not only the mass prayer at 2pm, but a series of smaller rolling prayers held by groups of fans across the world. We will continue to heal the world with LOVE, even during times of sadness.

When we get closer to June we will provide a short and concise prayer guide for event organizers or anyone else who wants to include Major Love Prayer in their day on June 25th. At least one week before we will publish a list of all known prayer events here on the main website. (And remember... You don't have to be the one in charge or a leader to ask everyone to join together for this! You can recruit a small group of friends, print flyers asking others to join, make posters, etc.)


You can report events that are not involving a special Major Love Prayer under forum topic Events on June 25th.

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Guia para a Oração Mensal [Português]

Oração / Meditação do Grande Amor - www.majorloveprayer.org

: Fãs de Michael Jackson ao redor do mundo, além de qualquer pessoa que quiser curar o mundo com a gente! Todos são bem vindos!

O QUE: Inspirado no desejo de Michael Jackson de curar o mundo, a Major Love Prayer (Oração do Maior Amor) é um evento global mensal, que é realizado ao mesmo tempo em todo o mundo, em cada país da Terra. Todos nos unimos em espírito por alguns momentos para espalhar a energia positiva do amor, paz e cura para todos. Como MJ canta em "Another Part Of Me", "we're sending out a major love!" (Estamos enviando um grande amor).

QUANDO: Todos os meses, no dia 25 exatamente às 14:00, horário de Los Angeles. Por favor, verifique em www.majorloveprayer.org o temporizador e a hora correta em sua localidade. (O melhor é estar preparado cerca de cinco minutos antes do começo da oração.)

ONDE: Em qualquer lugar! Você pode participar, não importa onde esteja. O lugar ideal é onde você possa relaxar e não ser perturbado por cerca de quinze minutos.

COMO: Esta oração/meditação/afirmação envolve participantes de todo o mundo, então as instruções sugeridas abaixo não são específicas para nenhuma religião ou prática espiritual. Sinta-se livre para ajustar os detalhes de acordo com suas próprias crenças e desejos.

Preparação (5 ou mais minutos antes da oração, se possível)
  • Sente-se numa posição confortável e relaxe sua mente. Respire calma e profundamente. Deixe qualquer estresse desaparecer. Você pode optar por ouvir uma música relaxante ou inspiradora (como Heal The World, We Are The World, etc.), fazer uma oração ou mantra especial, ore por Michael, sua família ou outros, acenda uma vela, etc. Comece a pensar em nossa intenção coletiva (espalhar o amor, a paz e a cura através do mundo).
Começo da oração
  • Feche os olhos e se foque no AMOR; no sentimento de dar e receber amor. Sinta amor por você mesmo, por sua família, por seus amigos, por Michael, pela Terra, por Deus/Universo/Criador (de acordo com suas crenças) e assim por diante. Sinta esse amor no seu coração.
  • Visualize as milhares de outras pessoas ao redor do mundo que estão fazendo exatamente a mesma coisa neste momento.
  • Deixe esse sentimento de amor e alegria expandir e conectá-lo com todos os que participam (incluindo possivelmente o Michael, se você puder acreditar nisso). Você é agora parte de uma imensa rede de amor em todo o mundo.
  • Este amor agora se espalha por todo o planeta. Visualize-o se expandindo e delicadamente englobando a Terra, passando por todas as formas de vida, curando os animais, as florestas, o ar, os oceanos, as pessoas, tudo. Estamos em paz. Fomos curados. Somos amor. Somos um.
  • Continue com esse sentimento por um minuto ou dois, desde que você se sinta confortável. Você pode continuar por mais alguns minutos, se quiser. Quando estiver pronto para abrir os olhos novamente, não se esqueça de agradecer a todos por este esforço de cura. Em sua mente e coração, diga "obrigado" aos fãs e colegas participantes, a Deus/Universo/Criador e a Michael pelo amor e inspiração que nos reuniram hoje. Deseje o bem a todos. Agora abra os olhos, respire fundo e saiba que você está seguro e centralizado dentro de si. Você é forte, saudável e amado.
Obrigado e nos encontramos de novo no dia 25 do mês que vem!

prayer michael jackson 25th[em Inglês] . . . ♥ Muito obrigado, CaarlaRose, for this translation to Portuguese! (português do Brasil) ♥ . . . added Feb 18, 2010

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Gids voor maandelijks gebed/meditatie [Nederlands]

Major Love Prayer/Meditation - www.majorloveprayer.org

WIE: Michael Jackson fans over de hele wereld en iedereen die droomt de wereld te verbeteren met ons! Iedereen is welkom!

WAT: Het Major Love Prayer (Groot Liefdes Gebed/Meditatie) is een maandelijks, wereldwijd evenement geinspireerd door Michael Jackson's verlangen om te wereld te verbeteren. Het neemt iedere maand op dezelfde tijd, wereldwijd in ieder land op deze aardbol plaats. We komen allemaal voor geestelijk en mentaal een moment samen om de positieve energie te verspreiden van liefde, vrede en heling. Zoals MJ zingt in Another Part of Me, "We're sending out a major love!"

WANNEER: Iedere 25e van de maand om exact 2:00pm (14:00), Los Angeles tijd. Je kunt op www.majorloveprayer.org het aftellen volgen en de juiste tijd vinden voor je locatie. (Het is het beste om 5 minuten voordat het begint jezelf klaar te maken.)

WAAR: Overal! Het maakt niet uit waar je je bevindt, je kunt altijd meedoen. De ideale locatie is daar waar je je rustig en ongestoord voor ongeveer vijftien minuten kan focussen.

HOE: Dit gebed (ook wel meditatie genoemd) omvat deelnemers over de hele wereld, dus de onderstaande suggesties zijn niet specifiek van belang voor enige religie of spirituele uitoefening. Voel je vrij om het te gebruiken naar jouw eigen geloof of wensen.

Voorbereiding (5 of meer minuten voordat het begint, daar mogelijk)
  • Ga in een comfortable positie zitten en probeer jezelf te kalmeren. Adem rustig en diep. Laat de stress van je afglijden. Je kunt kiezen om naar rustige of inspirerende muziek te luisteren (zoals Heal The World, We Are The World, etc.), een speciaal gebed of mantra te zeggen, te bidden voor Michael, zijn familie of anderen, een kaars aan te steken, etc. Begin met nadenken over wat jouw intentie is (verspreiden van liefde, vrede of heling over de wereld enzovoort).
Gebed/meditatie begint
  • Sluit je ogen en focus op liefde; op het gevoel van geven en nemen van liefde. Voel de liefde voor jezelf, voor je familie, voor je vrienden, voor Michael, voor deze wereld, voor God/het universum/de creatie (ligt aan jouw geloven) enzovoort. Voel deze liefde in je hart.
  • Visualiseer duizenden anderen rondom de wereld die exact het zelfde aan het doen zijn op dit moment.
  • Laat dit gevoel van liefde verspreiden en maak de connectie naar iedereen die deelneemt (mogelijk ook Michael, als jij dit wil geloven). Je bent nu deel van een web van liefde over de hele wereld.
  • Deze liefde verspreidt zich nu over de hele wereld. Visualiseer het verder uitbreiden en voel de compassie met de aarde, in alle levende vormen, heling van dieren, de bossen, de lucht, de oceanen, de mensen, alles. We zijn in vrede. We zijn geheeld. We zijn geliefd. We zijn een.
  • Blijf dit gevoel voor een minuut of twee vasthouden, of hoe lang jij je er comfortabel bij voelt. Als je klaar bent om je ogen weer te openen, wees dan zeker dat je iedereen bedankt voor zijn of haar kracht. Zeg ‘bedankt’ in je hoofd en hart aan alle fans en deelnemers, aan God/het universum/de creatie (ligt aan jouw geloven) en aan Michael voor de liefde en inspiratie die ons vandaag samen bracht. Wens iedereen het beste. Open nu je ogen, haal diep adem en weet dat je veilig bent bij jezelf. Je bent sterk, gezond en geliefd.
Bedankt en we zien elkaar volgende maand weer op de 25e!

prayer michael jackson 25th[in English]
. . . ♥ Thank you so much, Bianca in the Netherlands, for this translation to Dutch! . . . added Feb 17, 2010

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We Are The World... So Let's Start Giving

Twenty-five years after the original recording, Michael Jackson's beautiful song (co-written by Lionel Ritchie) is once again alive for the world and helping those in need! If you missed the video premiere of 'WE ARE THE WORLD 25 FOR HAITI', you can watch it below (via youtube) or at the official site WeAreTheWorldFoundation.org. The charity song can be downloaded from iTunes, in the US you can text "WORLD" to 50555 to donate $10 (standard SMS or data rates apply) or you make a direct donation to the We Are The World Foundation by visiting the website link above.

Michael Jackson, Personal Love Tutor

Michael Jackson, Personal Love Tutor (a msg to fellow fans)
(c) Feb 4, 2010 BeGodsGlow / majorloveprayer.org

Are we growing? Are we evolving? If not now, when will we begin?

michael jackson major love prayerWhen I was younger I used to long for some grand spiritual teacher to appear, to show me the way, to guide me to the secrets of the universe. "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." I must have read this line at least a hundred times in mystical literature. While I didn't quit my job to live an ascetic existence in a faraway land, a sincere seeker I was. Yet where was my teacher, my guru? Perhaps I should have been satisfied where so many have, in the wisdom of history and perennial teachers like Jesus or Buddha. And while I respected them greatly (!) and took what words I could to heart, maybe it was the disquietude of youth that still needed an extra someone I could relate to in the here and now. Not one to follow easily or join a cult ;) I felt a bit left out in the cold, although still hopeful.

As the years went by it became clearer that some of us must've chosen to go it alone in this life. No special teacher appeared. Well, as we all do I learned many lessons (from the tiniest to the painfully or gloriously grand!) from friends and fellow travelers, but via no great guru. Perhaps there simply wasn't one for me.

One thing learned, though, is that we really are all the same in the end. We're all made of the same stuff. "The blood inside of me is inside of you!" We're all strolling down the same seemingly endless road to God. And if this is a giant cosmic classroom, there must be grade/class levels. And as such, a 10th grader is no more special or important than a 2nd grader; they've just learned more. The older student hasn't reached perfection. They don't know all the answers. And eventually the 2nd grader will know as much. This view eliminates both worship and inferiority, and it allows for mentoring, for tutelage. The kid up one grade/class might still be struggling with calculus, but he's pretty darned good at algebra. Wonderful! You've got yourself a new math tutor.

And so it was the other day, when working on a problem far more confounding than any quadratic equation, that I came face to face (so to speak) with my secret, unrecognized teacher. The dilemma was an age-old one: how do we love in the face of pain, when anger tears us up over someone stolen from this life, gone too soon? How do we love when we feel our hearts scream for vengeance? How do we not hate when our society even expects such reaction, when we shake with resentment and demand justice? How can we as fans face the tragic loss of our beloved Michael and live through the filing of charges and probable trial of Dr Murray... "with love"? My heart was crying out to find an answer for us, to hold us together, to not let division, conspiracy, hoax theories and infighting divide and conquer us. Us. Michael's Soldiers of Love. Where is my long-lost guru now when I need him, I thought?! And there, as eloquently as the universe could show me, there he was, staring back at me from a photo on my bookshelf ... these two big, beautiful eyes that have always gone straight to my soul and accompanied me from childhood, through dark times and light, always with me. It was Michael Jackson -- my imperfect, still-evolving personal LOVE tutor.

All these years he's been there, telling me that if I want to make the world a better place, I should look at myself and make that change. He begged me to see that WE are the world, no matter if you're black or white. Let's start giving! He asked me, "Can you feel it?", because the whole world is coming together now! He told me that we are here to change the world, that you're just another part of me (we're all one!), that our message is within the MAJOR LOVE that we should be sending out to each other! He wanted to show me that we can "be God's glow" and heal the world, because "there's nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one!" And amidst the cries of "what about us?!" he lamented a world in which he "used to dream", but now doesn't know where we are. Yes, sometimes it seems we've drifted far. And on that awful June 25th, we certainly all cried at the same time that night. Michael couldn't do it alone. It's going to take somebody else... thousands, maybe millions of somebody elses. Me! You! All of us!

And that was his message in This Is It. "It's all for love. L.O.V.E." Do we care?! Do we give a damn?!

Love doesn't compromise. Love doesn't wait until it's convenient to teach you its lessons. "Love won't wait" until we finish simmering with hatred and bitterness and try to regroup and find ourselves again. We're a family, MJ fans. We've always been and more than ever before we must remain one in this difficult time. Our precious teacher is gone from the physical world and now we must turn to each other. If we can't treat each other with love, where does that leave the world? It's time to come together, stand strong and declare in one voice that it's LOVE we represent! Not hate! LOVE. That's the message. That's the truth. If not now, then when will we begin?

Grammy Awards & Michael Jackson's message of LOVE

heal the worldEarth Song was beautiful. Thank you Michael for your caring heart and your perseverance for the planet and humanity. And thank you Celine, Usher, Smokey, Jennifer and Carrie. Below is a quote from an article about the Grammys:
" Michael Jackson's eldest children spread a simple – yet powerful – message at Sunday's Grammy Awards while accepting their late father's Lifetime Achievement Award midway through the live telecast.

"Through all his songs, [our father's] message was simple: love," Prince Michael, 12, said on stage at the Staples Center, surrounded by his cousins and sister Paris, 11. "We will continue to spread his message and help the world."

In an emotional moment during a performance-heavy telecast, the late King of Pop's children thanked fans for their support after Jackson's death on June 25. "We are proud to accept this award on behalf of our father," Prince Michael said. "We'd like to thank God for watching over us for these past seven months and our grandma and grandpa for their love and support. We would also like to thank the fans; our father loved you so much because you were always there for him."
-- Full article: Michael Jackson's Kids Spread His Message of Love "
Thank you Prince and Paris Jackson for your strength and touching words when accepting the award tonight on behalf of your father. You did so well and we're sure he is very proud of you, smiling with you every moment. May God bless you both and also your brother. You are all in our prayers. We will forever love your father with all our hearts, and please know that this extends to you as well. It must be very odd to have so many strangers say they care about you, but we fans are an extended family all over the world (our 'MJFam') and you three are always welcome if ever you should need us. L.O.V.E. and blessings.

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