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Happy Birthday, dearest Michael ♥

♥ ♥ ♥ We love you for always, Michael!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

"When he shines, he shines so bright!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGGrJl1L1Ig

Please everyone remember to celebrate Michael with love in your #MessageToMJ tweets today! (See this post for info)

Wow, that was beautiful ♥

THANK YOU to everyone who participated and sent out a MAJOR LOVE today! It was amazing, wasn't it?! If you'd like, you can also share your experiences and thoughts about today here or in the MLP forum (Aug 25, 2010 Prayer). Please keep spreading the L.O.V.E. and spreading the word and we'll see you all again next month for September's prayer (the one year anniversary of the first 'Major Love' prayer, in fact). Now let's get out there and heal the world! ♥

One way to stay positive in the next month...

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Now is the time for Major L.O.V.E.!

Hello to our family worldwide! ♥ Today is the day! At 2pm US Pacific Time time (10pm in the UK - see time chart for your city/country) people across the planet will again unite in spirit to send out a major love! What is a 'major love'? Michael once said, "Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.'' The truth: L.O.V.E.! A love so powerful it can heal hearts and change the world. It's the love that exists at the core of our being. It's where we come from, what unites us and what we strive for at the deepest level, whether we recognize it or not. It's where we know our ONENESS ... as ONE family and ONE Earth with a shared destiny. And NOW is the time to let that love shine and be God's glow!

It seems lately on the news there has been one story after another of someone somewhere attempting to stir up racial or religious tensions, in addition to the very real suffering caused by recent natural (and manmade) disasters. The children of the world need us and they need us NOW. They need us as a global community to reach out and help. And they need us to teach them that no matter where you're from or what you look like, you are part of a diverse, but not separate, family that is linked by love. Love, not hate. Look at all of us here ... a global family of all races, all nationalities, all religions brought together in unity by a common love, to send love. That's something. That's a major something. A major love! So today as we connect our energies in prayer/meditation, let's know that the love we are sending is healing these rifts that humanity sometimes places in its own path. Let it remind people that soul to soul there is truly nothing to fight about. Know that the love is reaching every child in need and awakening the "truth at the heart of all creation" in us ALL. Say to the world, "Wake up! Now is the time for love!" Feel this wave and know it is real, reverberating through our collective consciousness and awakening the world to love, to brotherhood, to peace. Can you feel it?

Can You Feel It (original)

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#MessageToMJ on his Birthday

Attention everyone with Twitter! Michael Jackson' nephew, Taj, has written the following on his blog:

On August 29th, I will be tweeting some of my fondest memories of my uncle Michael. Some tweets will be funny stories, others will be about how he both inspired and changed my life.

I need your help making "#MessageToMJ" a trending topic on Twitter on Aug 29th. Please tweet with your memories of MJ. Also make sure to use the hash(#)symbol followed by MessageToMJ so that we are all on the same page.

Some quick examples.

#MessageToMJ Thank You uncle Michael for always teaching me the importance of humility. I love you.


#MessageToMJ Thank You Michael for Smooth Criminal. It's still one of my favorite songs and videos.

Those are just off the top of my head. Don't forget to Include yours this sunday on Twitter. Together let's show the world how loved my uncle Michael is and will always be.


'Dee Dee's Kid' BlogTaj on Twitter

You got it! :) Thanks for this wonderful idea. ~♥ L.O.V.E.♥~

I know you are all my brothers...

Just a quick message... There was talk about some fans taking issue with one another at the Murray hearing. Hopefully everyone can work out their differences and stick together, with L.O.V.E. ♥ It hurts when family fights, and you know it would just break Michael's heart to have finger-pointing and drama between fan groups. It's such a tough time for us all, but we can still get through it together. We've got to stay together... we're his 'Soldiers of Love', after all! Someone said recently that we can continue loving Michael by also loving each other, as he so often asked us to do, to spread all that beautiful love he gave us to each other and to the world and not let this terrible cirumstance turn it all into a negative. (Of course sometimes that's easier said than done in the heat of the moment, since everyone's just human. If we have love in our hearts, though, it can conquer all.) Teddy Riley said in a recent interview that Michael "wanted to kill the world's hate". That's something we're aiming for too... by making love our weapon against any evil. Hate is for haters, and MJ fans are Michael's Army of L.O.V.E.! No one else is going to do it for us, so it's up to us now... with love. Anyway, hope everyone has hugged and made up. Major love to you all and hope to see you tomorrow for the prayer ♥

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Prayer day is Wednesday!

Just a reminder that next Wednesday, August 25th we're sending out a major love across the planet at the same time as one! The world is certainly in great need of healing, peace and an enormous wave of L.O.V.E.! (Join/RSVP to the Aug 25th MLP Facebook Event) And please everyone keep Pakistan and ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD in your prayers today, not just on the 25th. (Please check out the excellent blog post over on 'It's all for L.O.V.E.': "Are we blind to the fact that our children are raging against the indifference, crying out against the abandonment, or thundering against the neglect?" You can also find a list of charities and ways to help around the world on CNN Impact)

MJ's Birthday?

Michael Jackson's birthday is the Sunday after our next prayer. What are you planning to do with L.O.V.E. for Michael on the 29th?

We've had many responses to this question on Facebook. Some people are baking cakes and having celebrations of his life with friends and family at home, while some are volunteering for Heal the World for Children's festivals, gathering at parties and monuments in places like Munich and Cologne, going to 2300 Jackson St in Gary, Indiana or even to Disneyland to watch Captain EO. Many are attending Spike Lee's special MJ Birthday Party in NYC. Feel free to share your plans in the comments below! :)

Update: As per Michael's nephew, Taj, please tweet #MessageToMichael and show some love on Twitter this Sunday! See #MessageToMJ for his Birthday for more info!

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New translations, festivals & uncovering MJ's name

Hello everyone... Lightworkers, LOVEworkers, MJfam! ♥

We are now just a couple of weeks away from the next Major Love Prayer (August 25th), when we'll heal the world with L.O.V.E. in a major wave of consciousness-raising and heart-healing ONEness! :) And we're pleased to announce that there are now translations of the prayer instructions to 17 additional languages! The newest additions are Serbian (Srpski) and Norwegian (Norsk) - major thanks to Jasna and Lene! And a huge thank you to ALL of you who who have contributed, who keep spreading the word and reminding your forums and Facebook friends, who are here each month to change the world. It's all for love, and that is something we will never forget. So again, thank you. This is a global community project of LOVE, PEACE and HEALING, to create a world with no fear.

We'd also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the charity Heal the World for Children will be holding children's festivals around the world on August 29th, Michael Jackson's birthday. To find out more and see how you can help (volunteering, donations, etc), please visit their website or see this post. Festivals will be held in Los Angeles, New York City, Mexico City, London, Paris, Milan, and Bucharest.

Another thing we'd like to mention is the continuing effort by people around the world to uncover Michael's name on the auditorium at the Gardner Street Elementary School in L.A. If you are unfamiliar with this issue, in 1989 the school's auditorium was officially dedicated and named after Michael Jackson, who attended 6th grade there (see video). Shortly after news broke of the allegations in 2003, his name was covered up on the building and it remained that way, despite Michael being found 100% NOT GUILTY in the trial. To this day an innocent man's name remains hidden like a criminal's, all due to charges that were later proven false in a court of law. It's hard to comprehend the message this is sending to children who attend this school and to the mj auditorium greencommunity at large. If you're ever accused of a crime, society will be ashamed of you even if you're exonerated? That the justice system in the United States is not to be trusted? Here is an article about this from The LA Independent. If you'd like to help rightfully uncover MJ's name, there is extensive information on what you can do on the 'The Gardner St. School Issue Campaign' page on Facebook and the Uncover Michael Jackson's Name website. (By the way, there are many wonderful websites dedicated to clearing Michael's name, vindicating him with the truth and seeking justice. Just see the links tab in the menu at the top of the page.)

Thanks and L.O.V.E. See you all on Wednesday, August 25th! (time chart)

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Veiledning til månedlig bønn (norsk oversettelse)

Major Love Prayer/Meditation - www.majorloveprayer.org

HVEM: Michael Jackson Fans rundt om i verden og andre som ønsker å helbrede jorden sammen med oss. Alle er velkomne!

HVA: Major Love Prayer er inspirert av Michael Jacksons ønske om å helbrede verden og er en månedlig tilbakevendende begivenhet som foregår på samme tid jorden rundt i alle verdens land. Vi forbindes spirituelt en liten stund for å spre en positiv energi av kjærlighet, fred og helbredelse til alle. Som Michael Jackson synger i sangen ”Another Part of Me” ”We’re sending out a major love” (”Vi sender ut en stor kjærlighet”)

NÅR: Den 25. i hver måned presis kl. 14.00 Los Angeles tid. Du kan gå inn på www.majorloveprayer.org for å se nedtellings-uret til bønnen og finne den rette tiden i ditt land. (Det er best å være klar ca. fem minutter før bønnen begynner).

HVOR: Hvor som helst!! Du kan delta uansett hvor du er. Det ideelle stedet er et sted hvor du kan slappe av og være uforstyrret i ca. femten minutter.

HVORDAN: Denne bønn/meditasjon/bekreftelse involverer deltagere verden over, så de foreslåtte instrukser herunder er ikke religions-spesifikke eller kjennetegnende for en spesiell åndelig praksis. Du må gjerne tilpasse detaljene slik at de stemmer med din egen overbevisning og egne ønsker.

Forberedelse (5 minutter eller mer før bønnen, hvis det er mulig)
  • Sett deg i en behagelig stilling og slapp av . Trekk pusten dypt og rolig. La all stress forsvinne. Du kan velge å lytte til avslappende eller inspirerende musikk (f.eks. Heal The World, We are the World o.s.v.), be en spesiell bønn eller et mantra, be for Michael, hans familie eller andre, tenn et stearinlys o.s.v. Tenk så på hva vår felles hensikt er – å spre kjærlighet, fred og helbredelse verden over.
Bønnen begynner
  • Lukk øynene og fokusér på KJÆRLIGHET; på følelsen av å gi og få kjærlighet. Føl kjærlighet for deg selv, for din familie, for dine venner, for Michael, for jorden, for Gud/Universet/Skaperen (alt etter din egen tro) og så videre. Føl denne kjærligheten i ditt hjerte.
  • Forestill deg de tusenvis av andre verden rundt som gjør det samme på nøyaktig samme tid.
  • La denne følelsen av kjærlighet gledesfylt utvide seg og forbinde seg til alle de andre som tar del i dette (kanskje også Michael, hvis du kan tro på det!). Du er nå en del av et gigantisk nett av verdensomspennende kjærlighet.
  • Denne kjærligheten sprer seg nå ut over hele kloden. Forestill deg at den fortsetter å spre seg, at den omfavner Jorden og går gjennom alt levende, helbreder dyrene, skogene, luften, havene, menneskene, alt. Vi føler fred. Vi er helbredet. Vi er kjærlighet. Vi er ett!
  • Bli i denne følelsen i et par minutter, så lenge du synes det er det behagelig. Du kan fortsette dette i noen minutter, hvis du ønsker det. Før du åpner øynene igjen, så husk å takke alle for denne helbredende innsatsen. Med sinnet og hjertet si ”Takk” til andre fans og deltagere, til Gud/Universet/Skaperen og til Michael for den kjærlighet og inspirasjon som har ført oss sammen i dag. Ønsk alle godt. Åpne øynene, trekk pusten dypt og vær bevisst på at du er i sikkerhet og hviler i deg selv. Du er sterk, rask og elsket.
Tusen takk, og vi sees igjen d. 25. i neste måned!

prayer michael jackson 25th[English] . . . ♥ Thank you very much to Lene from Norway for this translation! ♥ . . . added Aug 8, 2010

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Popis Vremena Molitve po Vremenskim Zonama

Popis Vremena Molitve po Vremenskim Zonama
[View in English]

Major Love Prayer (Najveća Molitva Ljubavi) počinje u 14:00 sati po Los Angeleskom vremenu svakog 25-og u mjesecu. Dok mjeseci prolaze različite zemlje ulaze i izlaze iz ljetnog/zimskog računanja vremena, točno vrijeme molitve može se promijeniti tamo gdje živiš -- posebno u ožujku ili listopadu. Molimo provjeriti točno vrijeme molitve svaki mjesec!

Popis Vremena Molitve po Vremenskim Zonama za Glavne Gradove Svijeta u :
(25. svakog mjeseca u 14:00 sati po Los Angeleskom vremenu – preuzeto sa timeanddate.com)

prayer michael jackson 25th...* znači da vrijeme početka molitve može biti promijenjeno zbog ljetnog/zimskog računanja vremena. Popis zemalja i datuma promjena računanja vremena: Daylight Saving Time Around the World

(Thank you, Karmen, for this translation :)

Kako da se pridružite: Vodič kroz Mesečnu Molitvu [Srpski]

Globalna Molitva Ljubavi/Meditacija – www.majorloveprayer.org

KO: Fanovi Majkla Džeksona širom sveta i svako ko želi da isceljuje svet sa nama. Svako je dobrodošao!

ŠTA: Isnpirisana željom Majkla Džeksona da isceli svet, Globalna Molitva Ljubavi je mesečni globalni dogadjaj, koji se dešava u isto vreme svuda, širom sveta, u svakoj zemlji na Planeti. Svi se povezujemo jedni sa drugima u duhu na par trenutaka, da bismo širili pozitivnu energiju ljubavi, mira i isceljenja na sve. Kao što MJ peva u Another Part of Me, ’ We’re sending out a major love!’

KADA: Svakog 25-og u mesecu, tačno u 2:00pm (14:00) po Los Angeles vremenu. Molimo da proverite www.majorloveprayer.org (Popis Vremena Molitve po Vremenskim Zonama) da vidite raspored vremena i pronadjete tačno vreme molitve na mestu gde se nalazite. (Najbolje je da budete spremni oko pet minuta pre nego što molitva počinje.)

GDE: Svuda! Možete učestvovati bez obzira gde ste. Idealno mesto je ono na kome možete da se opustite i budete na miru oko petnaest minuta.

KAKO: Ova molitva/meditacija/potvrdjivanje uključuje učesnike iz celog sveta, pa dole navedena predložena uputstva nisu specifična ni za jednu religiju ili duhovnu praksu. Budite slobodni da prilagodite detalje u skladu sa sopstvenim verovanjima i željama.

Priprema (5 ili više minuta pre molitve, ako je moguće)
  • Sedite u udobnu pozu i opustite Vaš um. Dišite mirno i duboko. Pustite da svaki stres samo otpadne sa Vas. Možete izabrati da slušate opuštajuću ili inspirišuću muziku (kao npr. Heal the World, We Are the World itd.), da kažete specijalnu molitvu ili mantru, da se molite za Majkla, njegovu porodicu ili druge, da upalite sveću, itd. Počnite da mislite o našem zajedničkom cilju (da širimo ljubav, mir i isceljenje kroz Svet).
Molitva počinje
  • Zatvorite oči i usredsredite se na LJUBAV; na osećaj davanja i primanja ljubavi. Osećajte da razmenjujete ljubav sa sobom, sa svojom porodicom, sa Majklom, sa Zemljom, sa Bogom/Univerzumom/Tvorcem (prema Vašim verovanjima) i tako dalje. Osetite ovu ljubav u svom srcu.
  • Vizueliztujte hiljade drugih širom Sveta koji čine upravo isto to, baš u ovom trenutku.
  • Dopustite da se ovo osećanje ljubavi radosno proširi i poveže Vas sa svima drugima koji učestvuju (možda uključujući i Majkla, ako možete da verujete u to). Vi ste sada deo ogromne mreže ljubavi koja se prostire po celom Svetu.
  • Ova ljubav se sada dalje širi i zahvata celu Planetu. Vizualizujte je kako se dalje razvija i nežno obavija Zemlju, prolazeći kroz sve oblike života, isceljujući životinje, šume, vazduh, okeane, ljude, sve. Mi smo u miru. Mi smo isceljeni. Mi smo ljubav. Mi smo jedno.
  • Ostanite sa ovim osećanjem minut ili dva, sve dok Vam je to ugodno. Možete produžiti sa ovim još nekoliko minuta, ako želite. Kada budete spremni da ponovo otvorite oči, obavezno zahvalite svima na ovom isceljujućem naporu. U svom umu i srcu, recite ’hvala’ Vašim saputnicima, fanovima i učesnicima, Bogu/Univerzumu/Tvorcu i Majklu, za ljubav i inspiraciju koji su nas danas spojili. Poželite dobro svima. Sada otvorite oči, udahnite duboko i znajte da ste sigurni i centrirani u sebi. Jaki ste, zdravi i voljeni.
Hvala Vam i srešćemo se ponovo 25-og dana sledećeg meseca!

prayer michael jackson 25th[
English] [Hrvatski] . . . . ♥ Major thanks to Jasna for this translation to Serbian! ♥ . . . added August 4, 2010

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Children's Festivals in Memory of MJ on Aug 29

Last August 29th, on what would have been Michael Jackson's 51st birthday, the fan-founded charity 'Heal The World For Children' held a special festival for kids in remembrance of Michael in Los Angeles. This year, fans' efforts to bring smiles to the faces of needy and underpriveleged kids have expanded globally to include planned Children's Festivals in L.A., New York City, Mexico City, London, Paris, Milan, and Bucharest on August 29, 2010 (and more cities may be added - if you're interested in contributing in any way, please contact them). This charity is also involved in yearly events for Earth Day (April 22) and hospital visits for International Children's Day (November 20). Below is a message from them about the upcoming festivals, originally posted on mjjc.com (updates in thread).
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Heal The World For Children is a charitable organization founded by Michael Jackson fans from around the world. Inspired by the love and compassion Michael Jackson has shown to humanity and especially to children throughout his life, they have made a commitment to continue his work and celebrate childhood.

Last year there was a Children's Festival held in Los Angeles, which was very fun and brought a smile to a lot of children! See pics here.

Please help to make this year a wonderful event for the children and a beautiful tribute to Michael's legacy by making a contribution! Every penny will go towards the events! If you want, you can also help with spreading this flyer, or post this on your Facebook / Twitter etc.

You can visit the website for more info and see how you can help. Thank you very much!

Update: Please join the Walk-A-Thon in Los Angeles on August 1st to raise funds for the Children's Festivals. You can RSVP on Facebook for this event
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Our note: 'Heal The World For Children' is not associated in any way with the 'Heal the World Foundation'.

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