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Smile, though your heart is aching...

Stare at the center dot on the picture for 30 seconds to a minute, blink and just look over your shoulders, honey! (Or anywhere else). This is a beautiful afterimage optical illusion, not just because of the smiling face of our beautiful angel that you will see as your eyes move across the room, but because it is truly only an optical illusion. It wonderfully represents a deeper reality: you are truly not alone. When you keep your heart open, you'll find that the one you love has never (not for one moment of your life or theirs) been further away than your own heartbeat, and deeper still. We are all one in spirit, in consciousness. All else is the illusion of separation, "wrought by the magical lens of perception", created by our soul's temporary focus in the physical world. Keep the faith within your heart, for we will never be apart.

[Note: it may help to open to the pic in a browser window with a pale background. Just right click on the image and choose 'view image' or similar. Or save to your hard drive and open in your image viewer program.]

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Anonymous said...

It put a smile on my face wet from tears. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

i don't see anything:(

one of Michael's millions of fans said...

@ Anonymus the Second: You should stare at the tiny red dot in the middle for 30 seconds. Do not focus. And then look somewhere else - it helps if you are blinking a lot. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

tht is really good its gd tosee his face again xx

Unknown said...

made me cry

Anonymous said...

I love it, Michael has the best smile ever xxx

Anonymous said...

after staring at it for thirty seconds,I closed my eyes and saw the smiling image of michael jackson, gave me chills but made me happy. I hope he is at peace.

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