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Thank you for a wonderful December 25th

Thank you ALL so much for participating in this month's prayer event! It's truly amazing and a beautiful testament to Michael Jackson's influence that so many people across the planet are coming together like this to make a change. And each time we pray/meditate together we get better at it through experience and there are more and more of us! (We had so many new folks join us this time! Hello to you all!) Please continue to spread the word!

If you missed the December prayer, please don't feel bad. You can add to the energy yourself with prayer or meditation at any time.

Now it may seem like a long time until January 25th, but it will be here before we know it. From now until our next prayer/meditation it's a great time to bring the focus of healing the world down to the practical level. Ask yourself what daily activities you can do to make a change in your life, your community, in the world. Michael said this year during rehearsals,"We have to bring LOVE back into the world." Now it's up to us to follow through, not just with energy, but also with action.

Lastly, we recognize that especially Christmas Day this year hasn't been easy for most MJ fans, but please remember that you are never alone. There are millions of us, in every country of the world and we are always here for each other. Someone else understands. Remember... we are Michael's 'Army of L.O.V.E.', yesterday, today, in 2010 and far beyond. As it's still Christmas in some parts of the world, here are two clips from Christmas messages from 2002 and 2008(?). We also wish Michael's family all the best this holiday season. You're in our hearts and prayers as well.

Thank you, Michael. We love you more. Always. And we won't give up the dream to heal the world.

Update - Share your prayer experiences in the new Major Love Prayer FORUM!
Dec 25, 2009 Prayer Experiences (Forum Topic)


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Welcome to the Dec 25th event, everyone!

It is now only a few short hours until our December 25th prayer begins! If you celebrate Christmas, we hope you're having a wonderful holiday with family and friends and keep in your heart all those who may not be as fortunate. For no matter our nationality, ethnicity or religion, we are all ONE. We share one planet, we are made of the same stuff. Each one of us has laughed, has cried, has hoped and dreamed and is a BEING WORTHY OF LOVE. Michael reminded us of this so often and today, on the six-month anniversary of his passing, many of us are feeling especially vulnerable, but perhaps closer as well. Just remember that you are not alone. We are all here together and as ONE we will continue Michael's legacy by spreading love and peace, by doing what we can to heal the world. Not just for Michael, but for everyone.

At the official prayer start time, please remember that the goal is to all collectively focus on LOVE and then in connecting to each other and letting the love spread through the world. In the moments before the start time and as we are winding down the Major Love Prayer, it is a perfect and powerful opportunity to pray/send your wishes for Michael, for his children and family, for your loved ones and others.

***One such person we hope you will include in your own prayers is a 12-year-old boy named JOSHUA. He lives in Germany and is a huge Michael Jackson fan. On October 28th Joshua was diagnosed with leukemia and is now fighting for his life. (For more information see michaeljacksontributeportrait.com). "There's nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one!"

Thank you all and 'see' you at 22:00 GMT/2pm Los Angeles time! L.O.V.E.!

(----- for more languages, see sidebar --->)

[P.S. If you would like to help by contributing a fluent (not from an online translator website)
translation into your language, please email it to us at admin[at]majorloveprayer.org. Thanks.
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Guide de la prière mensuelle [Français]

la Prière "Major Love" www.majorloveprayer.org

QUI: Les fans de Michael Jackson de partout dans le monde, ainsi que toute personne qui désire guérir le monde avec nous! Tout le monde est bienvenu!

QUOI: Inspirée par le désir de Michael Jackson pour guérir le monde, la Prière " Major Love " est un événement mondial mensuel, qui aura lieu au même moment partout dans le monde, dans tous les pays du globe. Nous nous rencontrons tous dans l'esprit et dans le cœur pendant quelques instants pour répandre l'énergie positive de l'amour, de la paix et de la guérison à toute forme de vie. Comme MJ chante dans sa chanson " You're just another part of me " : " Nous envoyons un amour profond " ("We're sending out a major love")

QUAND: le 25 de chaque mois, à 2:00 pm (14:00) l'heure de Los Angeles. Pour savoir l'heure exacte dans votre pays, s'il vous plaît vérifier www.majorloveprayer.org qui affiche le compte à rebours de l'évènement (il est préférable d'être prêt environ cinq minutes avant l'heure de début de la prière)

LIEU: Partout! Vous pouvez y participer, peu importe où vous êtes. La situation idéale est celle dans laquelle vous pouvez prendre environ 15 minutes pour vous détendre et suivre les instructions de cette prière. Sinon, peu importe où vous êtes, envoyez mentalement vos meilleures pensées et vœux à l'humanité pendant quelques instants.

COMMENT: Cette prière / méditation / affirmation s'applique à tous les participants du monde, les instructions proposées ci-dessous ne sont pas reliées à une religion ou une pratique spirituelle quelconque.. N'hésitez pas à ajuster les détails en fonction de vos propres croyances et souhaits, tout en gardant l'idée centrale de l'amour et de la guérison de la planète et de l'humanité.

Préparation (5 minutes ou plus avant la prière, si possible)
  • Asseyez-vous dans une position confortable et détendez-vous. Respirez calmement et profondément. Vous pouvez choisir d'écouter de la musique relaxante ou inspirante (comme Heal the World, We Are the World, etc), dites une prière spéciale ou un mantra, priez pour Michael, pour sa famille ou pour les autres, allumez une bougie, etc. Commencez à réfléchir sur l'idée que notre intention collective est à répandre l'amour, la paix et la guérison au monde entier.
Lors de la prière
  • Fermez les yeux et concentrez-vous sur l'amour, sur le sentiment de donner et de recevoir l'amour. Ressentez l'amour pour vous, avec votre famille, avec vos amis, avec Michael, avec la Terre, avec Dieu et l'Univers / Créateur (selon vos croyances) et ainsi de suite. Sentez-vous cet amour dans votre cœur.
  • Visualisez les milliers de personnes dans le monde qui font exactement la même chose en même temps que vous.
  • Laissez ce sentiment d'amour, d'espoir et joie grandir encore plus et vous relier à tous les autres participants (y compris éventuellement Michael, si vous pouvez le croire). Vous faites maintenant partie d'une vaste toile d'amour tout autour du monde.
  • Cet amour se propage désormais à travers toute la planète. Visualisez-le grandir encore et encore englobant doucement la Terre, en passant par toutes les formes de vie, en guérissant les animaux, les forêts, l'air, les océans, les gens, tout. Nous sommes en paix. Nous sommes guéris. Nous sommes l'amour. Nous sommes UN.
  • Restez avec ce sentiment pendant une minute ou deux, ou aussi longtemps que vous vous sentez confortable. Lorsque vous êtes prêt à ouvrir les yeux à nouveau, n'oubliez pas de remercier à tous pour cet effort de guérison. Dans votre esprit et de cœur dites "merci" aux autres fans et aux autres participants, à Dieu et à l'Univers / Créateur et à Michael pour l'amour et l'inspiration qui nous réunit aujourd'hui. Souhaitez l'amour à tous. Maintenant ouvrez vos yeux, inspirez profondément et sachez que vous êtes en sécurité et centrés en vous-même. Vous vous sentez forts, sains et aimés.
Je vous remercie et nous nous reverrons tous le 25 du mois prochain!

prayer michael jackson 25th[en anglais] . . . ♥ Merci bien, Suzana, for translating these instructions to French! ♥ . . . added Dec 24, 2009

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Гид Ежемесячной Молитвы [Русский]

Молитва/Медитация Великой Любви - www.majorloveprayer.org

КТО: Поклонники Майкла Джексона по всему миру, плюс все те, кто хочет исцелить мир вместе с нами! Добро пожаловать всем!

ЧТО: Вдохновленная желанием Майкла Джексона исцелить мир, Молитва Великой Любви – это всемирное ежемесячное событие, происходящее во всем мире в одно и то же время, в каждой стране Земли. Мы все вместе духовно воссоединяемся на несколько мгновений для того, чтобы всем распространить положительную энергию любви, мира и исцеления. Как Майкл Джексон поет в “Another Part of Me”, "We're sending out a major love!"

КОГДА: 25-ого числа каждого месяца, ровно в 14.00 по времени Лос-Анджелес. Пожалуйста, проверьте таймер обратного отсчета на www.majorloveprayer.org чтобы определить правильное время начала молитвы в Вашем регионе. (Лучше всего быть готовым хотя бы за 5 минут до фактического начала молитвы)

ГДЕ: Везде! Вы можете принять участие независимо от того, где Вы находитесь. Идеальное место то, где Вы можете расслабиться и в полном спокойствии провести хотя бы пятнадцать минут.

КАК: Эта молитва/медитация/утверждение обобщает участников со всего мира, поэтому предлагаемые ниже инструкции не относятся к какой-либо конкретной религии или духовной практике. Вы можете применить детали в соответствии со своими собственными убеждениями и желаниями.

Подготовление (5 или более минут перед молитвой, по возможности)
  • Примите удобное положение и расслабьте Ваш разум. Дышите медленно и глубоко. Разрешите любому стрессу покинуть Вас. Вы можете слушать расслабляющую или вдохновляющую музыку (как Heal the World, We Are the World и так далее), прочтите особую молитву или мантру, молитесь за Майкла, его семью или других, зажгите свечу и т.д. Начните думать о наших общих намерениях (распространять любовь, мир и исцеление на всей планете).
Молитва начинается
  • Закройте глаза и сосредоточьтесь на ЛЮБВИ; на чувстве отдачи и получения любви. Прочувствуйте любовь к самим себе, к своей семье, к своим друзьям, к Майклу, к Земле, к Богу/Вселенной/Создателю (в соответствии с вашими убеждениями) и так далее. Прочувствуйте эту любовь в своем сердце.
  • Представьте себе тысячи других людей во всем мире делающих то же самое в данный момент.
  • Пусть это чувство любви и радости расшириться, и объединит Вас со всеми, кто принимает участие (возможно, включая Майкла, если Вы можете в это поверить). Вы теперь являетесь частью огромной сети любви во всем мире.
  • Эта любовь сейчас распространяется по всей планете. Представьте себе, как она распространяется далее и нежно охватывает Землю, проходя через все формы жизни, исцеляя животных, леса, воздух, океаны, людей и все остальное. Мы в мире. Мы исцелены. Мы любимы. Мы едины.
  • Оставайтесь с этим чувством в течение минуты или двух, до тех пор, пока Вы чувствуете себя комфортно. Если хотите, Вы можете продлить это еще на несколько минут. Когда Вы будете готовы снова открыть глаза, не забудьте поблагодарить всех за это целебное усилие. В Ваших мыслях и сердцах скажите «Спасибо» другим поклонникам и участникам, Богу/Вселенной/Создателю и Майклу за любовь и вдохновение, которое объединило нас сегодня вместе. Пожелайте всем благополучия. Теперь откройте глаза, сделайте глубокий вдох и знайте, что Вы в безопасности и в полной гармонии. Вы сильны, здоровы и любимы.
Спасибо Вам и до встречи 25-ого числа следующего месяца!

prayer michael jackson 25th[на английском языке]     Download printable PDF version

. . . ♥ Thank you very much, Talienata, for translating the instructions to Russian for us! ♥ . . . added Dec 24, 2009

Guía para la Oración mensual [Español]

Oración del Gran Amor / Meditación - www.majorloveprayer.org

QUIEN: los fans de Michael Jackson en todo el mundo, además de cualquier persona que desee sanar el mundo con nosotros! Todos son bienvenidos!

QUE: Inspirada por el deseo de Michael Jackson para sanar el mundo, la oración del Gran Amor es un evento global mensual, que tendrá lugar en el mismo momento en todo el mundo, en todos los países de la Tierra. Todos nos unimos en espíritu por unos momentos para extender la energía positiva de amor, paz y sanación para todos. Como MJ canta en "Another Part of Me" ("Otra parte de mí"): "We´re sending out a major love!" "Estamos enviando un amor importante!"

CUÁNDO: Cada mes, el día 25 exactamente a las 2:00 pm (14:00) hora de Los Angeles. Por favor, compruebe www.majorloveprayer.org para ver la hora correcta en su localidad. (Lo mejor es estar preparado unos cinco minutos antes de que la oración comienze.)

DONDE: En todas partes! Puedes participar sin importar dónde te encuentres. La ubicación ideal es aquella en la que puedas relajarte y permanecer sin ser molestado durante unos quince minutos.

CÓMO: Esta oración / meditación / afirmación implica participantes de todo el mundo, por lo que las instrucciones que se sugieren a continuación no son específicas de ninguna religión o práctica espiritual. Siéntete libre para ajustar los detalles de acuerdo con tus propias creencias y deseos.

Preparación (5 o más minutos antes de la oración, si es posible)
  • Siéntate en una posición cómoda y relaja tu mente. Respira tranquila y profundamente. Deja que cualquier incomodidad se disuelva. Puedes optar por escuchar música relajante o estimulante (como Heal the World, We Are the World, etc), por una oración o mantra especial, rogar por Michael, su familia u otras personas, prender una vela, etc. Comienza a pensar en nuestra intención colectiva (difundir el amor, la paz y la curación a través del mundo).
La oración comienza
  • Cierra los ojos y concentrate en el amor, en el sentimiento de dar y recibir amor. Siente amor por ti mismo, por tu familia, por tus amigos, por Michael, por la Tierra, por Dios / Universo / Creador (de acuerdo a tus creencias) y así sucesivamente. Siente este amor en tu corazón.
  • Visualiza los miles de personas en todo el mundo que están haciendo exactamente lo mismo en este momento.
  • Que este sentimiento de amor con alegría se expanda y te conecte a todos los que participan (posiblemente incluyendo a Michael, si puedes creer en esto). Eres ahora parte de una vasta red de amor en todo el mundo.
  • Este amor ahora se extiende por todo el planeta. Visualízalo expandiendose más y suavemente abarcando la Tierra, pasando por todas las formas de vida, la curación de los animales, los bosques, el aire, los océanos, la gente, todo. Estamos en paz. Fuimos curados. Somos amor. Somos uno.
  • Quédate con este sentimiento durante un minuto o dos, mientras te sientas cómodo. Puedes continuar durante unos minutos más si lo deseas. Cuando estés listo para abrir los ojos de nuevo, asegúrate de dar las gracias a todos por este esfuerzo de sanación. En tu mente y corazón dí "gracias" a todos los participantes, a Dios / Universo / Creador y a Michael por el amor y la inspiración que hoy nos reúne. Todos desean el bien. Ahora abre los ojos, respira profundo y sabrás que estás a salvo y centrado en ti mismo. Tú eres fuerte, sano y amado.
Muchas gracias y nos veremos de nuevo el 25 del mes que viene!

prayer michael jackson 25th[en Inglés] . . . ♥ Muchas gracias to Paula in Argentina for this Spanish translation! ♥ . . . added Dec 22, 2009

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January 25th 2010 - Time Zone Chart

Please use the guide below to determine the correct time in your city or country. The goal is to pray together at the exact same time all over the planet. For prayer instructions see: Guide to Monthly Prayer

Prayer Time is 25.January at 2pm (14:00) Los Angeles time

January 25th, 2010
12:00 / noon - Honolulu
13:00 / 1pm - Anchorage
14:00 / 2pm - (PST) Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Tijuana
15:00 / 3pm - (MST) Denver, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Edmonton, Calgary
16:00 / 4pm - (CST) Mexico City, Winnipeg, Houston, Chicago, San Salvador, Managua
17:00 / 5pm - (EST) New York, Miami, Toronto, Lima, Bogota, Kingston, (Caracas 17:30)
18:00 / 6pm - Halifax, Santo Domingo, San Juan, (St John's 18:30)
19:00 / 7pm - Santiago, Buenos Aires, Asuncion
20:00 / 8pm - Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Montevideo
22:00 / 10pm - (GMT/UT) London, Reykjavik, Lisbon, Casabalanca, Dublin
23:00 / 11pm - (CET) Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Oslo, Warsaw, Lagos, Algiers, Zagreb

January 26th, 2010
00:00 / midnight - Cape Town, Athens, Tallinn, Helsinki, Istanbul, Minsk, Cairo, Jerusalem
01:00 / 1am - Nairobi, Khartoum, Moscow, Baghdad, Riyadh, Kuwait City, (Tehran 01:30)
02:00 / 2am - Dubai, (Kabul 02:30)
03:00 / 3am - Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, (Mumbai & New Dehli 03:30), (Nepal 03:45)
04:00 / 4am - Almaty, (Yangon 04:30)
05:00 / 5am - Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Dhaka
06:00 / 6am - Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Hong Kong, Perth, Taipei, Manila
07:00 / 7am - Seoul, Tokyo, (Darwin 07:30)
08:00 / 8am - Brisbane, Vladivostok,(Adelaide 08:30)
09:00 / 9am - Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra
10:00 / 10am - Kamchatka, Anadyr
11:00 / 11am - Auckland, Suva, (Chatham Islands 11:45)

For times in other locations see: World Clock Time Converter

P.S. Whenever your country changes time for the season (moving the clock forward or backward one hour in the Spring and Autumn), please remember to check back with us because the prayer time in your location may have changed as well.

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Christmas Message of L.O.V.E. from MJ

A message from Michael Jackson (December 1992):

"Today of all days we focus on loving one another and giving. Let's do that. Not just one day of the year, but for 365 days. .... Let's love one another. Let's forget hatred and turn to those that are suffering. Not just today, but every day. Join me in healing the world and making it a better place. Thank you."

Thanks for uploading this wonderful vid :)

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Leitfaden zum monatlichen Gebet [Deutsch]

Major Love Prayer/Meditation (Großes Liebesgebet) - www.majorloveprayer.org

WER: Michael Jackson Fans auf dem ganzen Erdball, plus jeder, der es wünscht, die Welt mit uns zu heilen! Jeder ist willkommen!

WAS: Inspiriert von Michael Jacksons Sehnsucht danach, die Welt zu heilen, ist Major Love Prayer ein monatliches Ereignis, welches zur selben Zeit auf der ganzen Welt in jedem Land der Erde stattfindet. Wir kommen für ein paar Augenblicke alle im Geiste zusammen, um die positive Energie der Liebe, des Friedens und der Heilung auszusenden an alle. Wie MJ in Another Part of Me bereits singt: "We're sending out a major love!"

WANN: Jeden Monat am 25. um genau 14:00 Uhr Los-Angeles-Zeit. Bitte beachte www.majorloveprayer.org , um die Gebets-Countdown-Anzeige zu sehen und um die genaue Uhrzeit für deinen Standort heraus zu finden. (Es ist am besten, ungefähr fünf Minuten vorher bereit zu sein, bevor das Gebet wirklich beginnt.)

WO: Überall! Du kannst von überall teilnehmen, egal wo du bist. Die ideale Ort ist der, wo du dich für etwa 15 Minuten entspannen und ungestört sein kannst.

WIE: Dieses Gebet/Diese Meditation/Diese Bekräftigung bezieht Teilnehmer auf der ganzen Welt mit ein, folglich ist die vorgeschlagene Anleitung unten nicht spezifisch auf eine Religion oder spirituelle Praxis ausgerichtet. Nimm dir die Freiheit, die Details in Übereinstimmung an deinen eigenen Glauben und deine Wünsche anzupassen.

Vorbereitung (5 oder mehr Minuten vor dem Gebet, wenn möglich)
  • Setze dich in eine bequeme Position hin und entspanne deinen Geist. Atme langsam und tief. Lass jeglichen Stress einfach verschwinden. Vielleicht magst du entspannende oder inspirierende Musik hören (wie zum Beispiel Heal The World, We Are The World etc.), sage ein spezielles Gebet oder Mantra auf, bete für Michael, seine Familie oder andere, zünde eine Kerze an, etc. Fange an, darüber nachzudenken, was unser gemeinsames Vorhaben ist (Liebe, Frieden und Heilung auf der Welt zu verbreiten).
Das Gebet beginnt
  • Schließe deine Augen und konzentriere dich auf LIEBE; auf das Gefühl des Gebens und des Empfangens von Liebe. Empfinde Liebe für dich selbst, Liebe zusammen mit deiner Familie, mit deinen Freunden, mit Michael, mit der Erde, mit Gott/dem Universum/dem Schöpfer (gemäß eurer Glaubensrichtungen) und so weiter. Empfinde diese Liebe in deinem Herzen.
  • Stelle dir die Tausenden von anderen auf dem ganzen Erdball vor, die genau dasselbe in diesem Augenblick tun.
  • Lass das Gefühl von Liebe sich freudig ausdehnen und dich verbinden mit jedem, der teilnimmt (möglicherweise einschliesslich Michael, wenn du das glauben kannst). Du bist jetzt ein Teil des gewaltigen Netzes der Liebe auf der ganzen Welt.
  • Diese Liebe breitet sich aus über den gesamten Planeten. Visualisiere es, wie es sich weiter ausdehnt und sanft die Erde umgibt, durch alle Lebensformen geht, die Tiere, die Wälder, die Luft, die Meere, die Menschen, alles heilt. Wir sind im Zustand des Friedens. Wir sind geheilt. Wir sind Liebe. Wir sind eins.
  • Bleibe in diesem Gefühl für eine oder zwei Minuten, so lange du dich wohlfühlst. Du kannst auch für ein paar Minuten länger weitermachen. Wenn du bereit bist, wieder deine Augen aufzumachen, erinnere dich daran, jedem für dieses Heilungs-Bemühen zu danken. Sage in deinem Geist und in deinem Herzen "danke" zu deinen Mitfans und Teilnehmern, zu Gott/dem Universum/dem Schöpfer und zu Michael für die Liebe und Inspiration, die uns heute alle zusammenbrachte. Wünsche jedem alles Gute. Öffne nun deine Augen, atme tief durch und bestätige für dich selbst, dass du sicher und in dir selber zentriert bist. Du bist stark, gesund und geliebt.
Danke, und wir werden uns im nächsten Monat am 25. wiedertreffen!

prayer michael jackson 25th[auf Englisch] . . . ♥ Danke schön H.B. in Deutschland for this translation to German! ♥ . . . added Dec 20, 2009

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Major love for MJ in the Congo

Hi everyone. Check out the video below. Great job, guys! And so amazing! Michael Jackson is loved so dearly throughout the world and continues to be such a blessing on so many levels. He's still with us in spirit, channeling the uniting force of light and love, and now it's up to us to continue that legacy. Michael has always helped remind us that we're all ONE. It doesn't matter if you're in Japan or Brazil or Russia or Congo, being a fan makes you realize this on such a deep level, as everyone in the world should. And MJ fans are like family. A huge family, connected all over the planet. Can't wait until Dec 25th and our next prayer event. It's going to be a major, major, major L.O.V.E. :) Keep spreading the word, guys!

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How to Join: Guide to the Monthly Prayer

[ENGLISH] - This guide is also available in:
[Español] [Français] [Deutsch] [Chinese/中文] [Русский] [Português] [Italiano] [Română] [Polski] [Arabic العربية] [Persian فارسی] [Srpski] [Hrvatski] [Nederlands] [Dansk] [Lietuviškai] [Svensk] [Norsk] [हिन्दी/Hindi][ਪੰਜਾਬੀ/Punjabi][বাংলা/Bengali] 

[日本語 /Japanese] ... の See: Time Zone Charts

Major Love Prayer/Meditation 

Michael Jackson fans around the globe, plus anyone who wishes to heal the world with us! Everyone is welcome!

WHAT: Inspired by Michael Jackson's desire to heal the world, Major Love Prayer is a monthly global event, taking place at the same time all over the world, in every country on Earth. We all join together in spirit for a few moments to spread the positive energy of love, peace and healing to all. As MJ sings in Another Part of Me, "We're sending out a major love!"

WHEN: Every month on the 25th at exactly 2:00pm (14:00) Los Angeles time. Please check www.majorloveprayer.org (time zone chart) to view the prayer countdown timer and to find the correct time in your location. (It is best to be ready about five minutes before the prayer actually begins.)

WHERE: Everywhere! You can participate no matter where you are. The ideal location is one in which you can relax and remain undisturbed for about fifteen minutes.

HOW: This prayer/meditation/affirmation involves participants all around the world, so the suggested instructions below are not specific to any religion or spiritual practice. Feel free to adjust the details in accordance with your own beliefs and wishes.

Preparation (5 or more minutes before prayer, if possible)

  • Sit down in a comfortable position and relax your mind. Breathe calmly and deeply. Let any stress just fade away. You may choose to listen to relaxing or inspiring music (such as Heal the World, We Are the World, etc), say a special prayer or mantra, pray for Michael, his family or others, light a candle, etc. Begin thinking about what our collective intention is (to spread love, peace and healing through the world).
Prayer begins
  • Close your eyes and focus on LOVE; on the feeling of giving and receiving love. Feel love for yourself, with your family, with your friends, with Michael, with the Earth, with God/Universe/Creator (according to your beliefs) and so on. Feel this love in your heart.
  • Visualize the thousands of others around the globe who are doing the exact same thing at this moment.
  • Let this feeling of love joyfully expand and connect you to everyone else who is taking part (possibly including Michael, if you can believe this). You are now part of a vast web of love all around the world.
  • This love now spreads out across the entire planet. Visualize it expanding further and gently encompassing Earth, going through all living forms, healing the animals, the forests, the air, the oceans, the people, everything. We are at peace. We are healed. We are love. We are one.
  • Stay with this feeling for a minute or two, as long as you feel comfortable. You may continue for a few more minutes if you like. When you are ready to open your eyes again, be sure to thank everyone for this healing effort. In your mind and heart say "thank you" to your fellow fans and participants, to God/Universe/Creator and to Michael for the love and inspiration that brought us together today. Wish everyone well. Now open your eyes, take a deep breath and know that you are safe and centered within yourself. You are strong, healthy and loved.
Thank you and we'll meet again next month on the 25th!

prayer michael jackson 25thDownload printable PDF version

Two more weeks until Dec 25 prayer

"We have to bring LOVE back into the world."
- Michael Jackson, 2009

We've now reached the halfway point between prayers, as it's only two more weeks until December 25. The next event will therefore fall on Christmas Day (if this is a holiday in your country), potentially making it a great opportunity for many of us to involve friends and family. If you are gathering in a group, why not suggest that the others join in the global prayer for love, peace and healing? It is so fitting to the theme of the day, after all. (They don't have to be MJ fans. Everyone is welcome.) In addition, we all know that our next prayer date may be particularly tough, since it will mark six months since we lost our dear Michael, but if we hold together with love we can make it through. We MJ fans really are a family. Let's unite everyone this month on the 25th and blanket the world with L.♥.V.E.! And please continue to spread the word. Thanks everyone :)

December Prayer Time (2pm L.A.) in Major World Cities

December 25th, 2010
12:00 / noon - Honolulu
13:00 / 1pm - Anchorage
14:00 / 2pm - (PST) Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver
15:00 / 3pm - (MST) Denver, Phoenix, Edmonton
16:00 / 4pm - (CST) Mexico City, Winnipeg, Houston, Chicago, Guatemala
17:00 / 5pm - (EST) New York, Miama, Bogota, Montreal, Lima
18:00 / 6pm - Halifax, Santo Domingo
19:00 / 7pm - Santiago, Buenos Aires
20:00 / 8pm - Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro
22:00 / 10pm - (GMT) London, Reykjavik, Lisbon, Casabalanca
23:00 / 11pm - (CET) Madrid, Paris, Oslo, Prague, Rome, Berlin, Algiers
December 26th,2010
00:00 / midnight - Capetown, Athens, Helsinki, Instanbul, Minsk
01:00 / 1am - Nairobi, Moscow, Kuwait City
02:00 / 2am - Dubai
03:00 / 3am - Karachi, Islamabad (Mumbai 03:30)
05:00 / 5am - Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
06:00 / 6am - Singapore, Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing, Taipei, Manila
07:00 / 7am - Seoul, Tokyo
08:00 / 8am - Brisbane
09:00 / 9am - Melbourne, Sydney
10:00 / 10am - Kamchatka, Anadyr
11:00 / 11am - Auckland

For more time conversions: World Clock Time Converter

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"Love each other before it's too late"

Here is another beautiful fan-made video, this one featuring a clip of Michael Jackson's speech in Exeter on June 14, 2002.

"I would like all of you now to take the hand of the person to the left and to the right.... Tell them that you care for them. Tell them that you love them. Tell them that you love them. This is what makes the difference."

P.S. Thanks much for sharing this on youtube :)

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Thanks to everyone for Nov 25th!

To everyone who joined us in our November 25th prayer, THANK YOU! And to everyone who missed it or couldn't make it, thank you as well, for your desire to have participated.

Remember, this will be a monthly event in honor and memory of Michael, so our next Major Love prayer/meditation/intention will happen on Christmas Day, December 25 at the same time - 22:00 GMT (see countdown). It will be a beautiful Christmas wish for love and peace on Earth!

Between now and then, please continue to spread the word so that each month the power of this prayer will grow. Please post on message boards, forums, blogs, Facebook, Twitter... wherever you find it appropriate. We don't want to be annoying, lol, but we'd like as many people as possible to participate, for maximum effect :)

Again, thanks to all the fans and everyone who joined with us this month to heal the world. And thank you sooooo much, Michael, for inspiring people around the globe and bringing us together. You truly taught us by sharing your life. You have our hearts and we will never forget you. L.O.V.E. does live forever.

"The time has come. This it it! People are always saying 'Oh, they think, they'll take care of it, the government will, don't worry...' They who?? It starts with us. It's us. Or else it'll never be done."
- Michael Jackson, 2009

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Next Prayer is November 25 (22:00 GMT)

This prayer begins in:
♥ Could you feel it? ♥

The following is from a message that was posted by 'fan2202' on michaeljackson.com and is re-posted here with her permission. We want this message to spread!

LET'S MAKE THE 25TH OF EACH MONTH THE WORLD HEALING PRAYER...by fan2202 (with additions by BeGodsGlow)

On October 25TH, we had again the great opportunity to continue Michael’s deepest desire to heal the world. I truly believe, with all my heart, that we can make a difference. There is nothing more powerful in this world than people coming together for a better purpose, even if just for a prayer. It is such an uplifting feeling to know that actually we can DO something for this world ..

It is time we get over the differences of color, race, upbringing, and we start looking for that which we all have in common, that capacity to love and care for the others. Giving is part of our healing process…SO LET’S START GIVING..

This is what we do:

- If possible, consider sitting back and relaxing a couple of minutes before the start time, just to calm your mind. Take some deep breaths and let any worries fade away. You may choose to listen to calming or inspiring music that reminds you of why we're joining together for this event.

- We will all "meet" with our hearts and minds at 2pm (14:00) Los Angeles time wherever in the world you are at the moment (If you have javascript enabled, you should see a countdown to prayer time above, at the beginning of this post. Otherwise, to find the time in your country, see: Time and Date World Clock Converter - Nov 25 2pm L.A. or see the post below).

- Light up a candle (if you would like)

- Close your eyes and tune into Michael's love for us..

- Focus on your heart and how this love feels inside..

- Imagine/visualize all the other people who will do this prayer at the same time.

- Imagine/visualize that the love we all feel spreads to the entire planet, going through all living forms, healing us all..


If you're uncomfortable with the word 'prayer', consider this a MEDITATION, an AFFIRMATION, a WISH, an INTENTION, for it is all of these things and more. The original idea is in a post on michaeljackson.com, but please feel free to post this idea on your MJ message board/forum! If you'd like to reword it or translate it, please do so, in keeping with the spirit of connecting us all in love and giving it to the planet and all who inhabit it. The more of us that participate, the more L.O.V.E. there is between us, Michael (up there in Heaven) and the world. We need to heal the world! +Follow us on Twitter

Feel free to share your prayer experience in the comments section below:

Prayer Times in Major Cities - Nov 25

22:00 GMT in Major Cities Around the World

November 25th, 2010
12:00 / noon - Honolulu
13:00 / 1pm - Anchorage
14:00 / 2pm - (PST) Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver
15:00 / 3pm - (MST) Denver, Phoenix, Edmonton
16:00 / 4pm - (CST) Mexico City, Winnipeg, Houston, Chicago, Guatemala
17:00 / 5pm - (EST) New York, Miama, Bogota, Montreal, Lima
18:00 / 6pm - Halifax, Santo Domingo
19:00 / 7pm - Santiago, Buenos Aires
20:00 / 8pm - Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro
22:00 / 10pm - (GMT) London, Reykjavik, Lisbon, Casabalanca
23:00 / 11pm - (CET) Madrid, Paris, Oslo, Prague, Rome, Berlin, Algiers
November 26th, 2010
00:00 / midnight - Capetown, Athens, Helsinki, Instanbul, Minsk
01:00 / 1am - Nairobi, Moscow, Kuwait City
02:00 / 2am - Dubai
03:00 / 3am - Karachi, Islamabad (Mumbai 03:30)
05:00 / 5am - Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
06:00 / 6am - Singapore, Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing, Taipei
07:00 / 7am - Seoul, Tokyo
08:00 / 8am - Brisbane
09:00 / 9am - Melbourne, Sydney
10:00 / 10am - Kamchatka, Anadyr
11:00 / 11am - Auckland

For more time conversions: World Clock Time Converter
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Wonderful 'Planet Earth' remix

A beautiful remix of MJ's poem 'Planet Earth' from the TII album, combined with music. I listen to this every night before I go to sleep. The video is incredible as well. Thank you to mjinvincible for all the work and for uploading :)

Sending out a major love...

Welcome to my first post about a monthly global prayer for love, peace and healing that we hope you'll join us for. Michael Jackson fans and all who believe in what he stood for are coming together to carry on Michael's legacy. He had a dream and he awakened it within us. Despite the pain of our great loss, we realize it is up to us to carry on that dream. There are millions of us, in every country of the world, and together we can make a change.

We feel in our hearts the need to continue spreading love across the Earth. I hope you do as well. No one else is going to do it for us. We need to heal the world by deed, in action as well, but I believe that with energy and spirit we can also have a positive effect. Prayer, meditation and intention have a scientifically measurable effect, as studies you can read about in Lynne McTaggart's Intention Experiment, for one, are learning. This is one 'small' way we can help bring about that change.

Hundreds of MJ fans (perhaps thousands?) took part in this prayer (which began in the forum on michaeljackson.com) on September and October 25th. Now we want this to spread to all MJ message boards/forums / friends/ supporters and to get as many participants as possible every month on a continuing and growing basis. Let's do it! Let's do it for Michael, for ourselves, for each other, for the world. So spread the word! Follow us on Twitter, tweet about it yourself, tell your friends and family. We have the power. It's up to us just how we use it.

P.S. This is completely not for profit. We're not selling anything, we're not promoting anything. Just love.


Michael, this is for you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I love you. Forever and ever.
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